No-Fault Religion
The Age of Un-Accountability
We live in an age of double standards regarding accountability. You can be sober, drunk or high on drugs, steal a car, kill the owner, lead police in a high-speed chase causing accidents and killing or injuring others, wreck the vehicle, assault the police officers and then successfully sue the officers and the city, county or state for brutality. It's been done. We hold officials to a higher standard than the individual. Sometimes.
The highest elected official can commit lewd and immoral acts, lie about it, argue over semantics and definitions, even finally admit it, and still stay in office. The lowest, non-elected officials, if they committed the same acts, would be fired.
When an Olympic athletic tests positive for a banned substance contained in cough syrup, she is stripped of her gold medal. Some are banned from ever competing again. We hold top athletes to a higher standard than others. Sometimes.
Professional athletes are not banned from using steriods or any performance enhancing substances. Drug users are welcomed back repeatedly, if they get "clean". Athletes who are convicted of rape, assault or worse, are welcomed back as soon as they are released. If you are a more prominent athlete, you can gamble illegally on sports and the public will be more concerned about your place in the hall of fame than your illegal activities. People in sports, other than the athletes, can commit lewd and perverted sex acts and still keep their jobs. They can be extremely violent and attack their own players and fans, and sometimes still keep their jobs.
Olympic athletes are required to compete according to strict rules. Yet the officials sometimes appear to award or deny points in spite of the performance, apparently based on politics. If the husband of an Olympic athlete is even rumored to have failed a substance test in a non-Olympic competition, the news media makes it a top story as long as possible. But when Olympic officials were caught taking bribes, it was not a top story and quickly died.
Accountability or the lack of it seems to be directly related to one's wealth, fame or power.
Being un-accountable has even been demonstrated to be a legal right. You can order hot coffee, clumsily or purposely spill it on yourself and then successfully sue the restaurant for the resulting pain and suffering. It's been done.
You can break into a construction jobsite in order to steal tools or materials, clumsily injure yourself and then successfully sue the construction company. It's been done.
We could go on and on, but it only gets worse.
It almost seems as though, if you are suing someone, you are unaccountable for any action or behavior, regardless of how illegal, immoral, insane, or just plain stupid it may be. But if you are the one being sued, then you are completely accountable, even for the law-less, God-less, senseless and stupid acts of others.
Unless you have money, fame or power. And then the rules are different, somehow.
Unless you are a minority, and then, all your problems seem to be a direct result of discrimination.
If you are a criminal and your crimes are extremely violent, then it's because of society's effect upon you. If you are a violently criminal child, then it's your parent's fault. And if you're just an ordinary non-criminal, then all your problems are your mother's fault.
If you see a psychiatrist, he will ask you how you feel about your parents. He will encourage you to talk about whatever is bothering you and about your parents until you blame everything wrong in your life on your parents. Then you're cured, but follow-ups are recommended. Apparently so you won't stop blaming your parents for any new problems in your life.
Where does it all stop? How far can it go? Well, even Hitler's top people said they were "just following orders." It wasn't their fault.
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
Where did all this begin? Actually very close to The Beginning. Adam blamed "the woman you (God) gave me,". So he blamed his wife directly and God indirectly. Then Eve blamed the "serpent" and his ability to "beguile". So she directly blamed the only one remaining and blamed God indirectly. After all, God created the serpent with the ability to beguile, and allowed him into the garden.Where are we today? Not that far from The Beginning. Mankind still blames all the evil in the world on Satan, whom God created. So it's God's fault, at least indirectly, or so some claim. "Satan made me do it." is the excuse.
At the same time, the majority of Christianity's 33,800 contradictory denominations tell us that "Christ did it all for me so that I don't have to do anything."
And, the Couching Priest$ of the Hidden Psychobabble tell us that the only "evil" is to feel guilty.
Put it all together and you don't have to do anything, but if you do and someone complains, it's God's fault and you shouldn't feel guilty.Today Adam would sue God for faulty workmanship in creating Eve and failure to secure an attractive nuisance from the public's risk. Eve would sue God for negligence, failure to restrain the serpent and failure to provide adequate warning labels on the forbidden fruit. The serpent would sue God for discrimination. The legal suits would seek that eternal life in Paradise be awarded immediately, that the entire universe be deeded to mankind as punitive damages and a restraining order would forbid God from coming any closer to man than 500 yards for eternity.
God's Response
". . . they are without excuse, . . . their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves wise, they became fools." Rom. 1:20-22.
Apparently, God doesn't believe in the "no-fault" principle.
"Repent" Mat. 3:2; Rev. 3:15-19."Become perfect." Gen. 17:1; Rev. 3:2; Heb. 6:1; Mat. 5:48; 2Cor. 13:11; Eph. 4:13; Col. 4:12; 2Tim. 3:17; Heb. 13:20-21.
"There are no valid excuses." . . .God
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