Hey!, Wanna See Some Sin?
"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and . . . their sins." Isa. 58:1
22. Lies
22.5c. Different types of liars.
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Liars can be classified in many different ways: according to the nature of lie, the size or seriousness of the lie, the subject of the lie, the victim of the lie, the occasion of the lie, the frequency of lying, the results of the lie, the apparent external cause of the lie, the internal cause of the lie, the occupation, setting or occasion for the lie, or any other factor associated with the lie.
1. Pathological liars:
"Many of us have dealt with people who frequently, if not perpetually, lie to us. People who lie constantly, and often for no apparent reason, are known as pathological liars. They have an intense need for people to like them, but their lying keeps people at arms' length. In this sense they are self-destructive because others decide the liar is more trouble than he is worth.
Some pathological liars are not content with merely telling a lie. They go a step further and actually live a lie (2 Thess. 2:11), sometimes even adopting a completely different identity and living it out as if it were truth. They may pose as physicians, lawyers, rock stars, heroes, etc. The major payoff to these individuals is a boost to their self esteem. According to a survey of 72 cases, one-third of pathological liars adopt fake identities, as recorded in the medical literature over the course of a century.
Research done by Gordon Deckert, an Oklahoma psychiatrist, reveals that pathological liars are about equally divided between males and females (Ekman, 1986). They are usually of average intelligence and have far higher than average verbal skills. They often work with believable facts, seasoning and embellishing them here and there. One in four has simulated illnesses, and one in five has been arrested for theft, swindling, forgery, etc.
According to Robert Baker, a University of Kentucky psychologist, pathological liars are some of the most charming people you would ever want to meet (Ekman, 1986). They are experts on deceit, and unlike most people, do not show emotion or get upset when they are lying (Prov. 26:28)."
"Lying" by Dr. Sidney Langston
2. Various types of liars:
"Occasional liars. "Occasional liars, which most of us are, really dont like to lie, but theyll do so every now and then to avoid an unpleasant situation or because they dont want to admit doing something wrong or embarrassing," Mazzarella explains. Because they feel uncomfortable lying, theyll usually reveal their lies through their appearance, body language and voice.
Frequent liars. Frequent liars know lying is wrong, but it doesnt make them as uncomfortable as the occasional liar. For this reason, they are more likely to lie regularly and are less likely to reveal lies through their appearance. However, because they are more comfortable lying, they do not pay as much attention to the consistency and logic of their statements.
Habitual liars. Habitual liars are fairly uncommon. These are people who have difficulty separating fact from fiction and who say whatever comes to their minds no matter how exaggerated, ridiculous, illogical or untruthful it may be. A good example is the 25-year-old who brags about his many worldly adventures, even though in reality he would have to be 80 to have accomplished all that he talks about. Habitual liars lie so frequently that they never show physical discomfort, but they are so sloppy with content that they are easy to catch.
Professional liars. "These are the hardest to identify," Mazzarella says. "They dont lie indiscriminately, like the habitual liar. They lie for a purpose." These are people like the mechanic who routinely cons motorists about their faulty transmissions, or the realtor who explains that ceiling stains are the result of "old damage from a water leak in the attic," as opposed to a leaky roof. Professional liars have thought their lies through and know exactly what theyre going to say and when. Because the lie has been practiced so often, it will not be revealed by the liars voice, body language or appearance. The only way to catch professional liars is by checking their statements against an independent source."
"The Whole Truth About Workplace Lies" By Shari Caudron
Originally printed in the June 1999 issue of Business Finance
3. Various types of liars:
"1. PROFESSIONAL LIARSWe include those under this paragraph heading who earn their living principally by lying. Probably you never realized that there are some men and women who make "lying'' their principal means of livelihood. All fortune tellers, wizards, magicians, spiritualist mediums, witches, etc., make their living by lying; therefore, such people should be classed as professional liars. Some lawyers, doctors, preachers, shop foremen for garages and title men could also be included with this class of liars, while there are some men of these professions who are not liars. Please understand that we have not attempted to list all professional liars.
The writer knows of a certain title man -- one who works on securing affidavits, signatures, new deeds, etc., to clear up titles to land and various properties, who drew as much as thirty dollars a day for his time and thousands of dollars worth of royalties, minerals and overriding royalties as extra pay for his lying to obtain these things. I heard of him lying to an old man and woman to get them to sign a correction deed, for about seventy-five dollars, which swindled them out of thousands of dollars worth of property. He likely obtained several thousand dollars in tips, or bribery money for this deal besides his daily or monthly salary. People who could not gather enough courage to lie in such matters would gladly give him bribery money or pay him in handsome wages and bonuses to lie for them, not knowing that they would be a partaker in the punishment Cod would mete out for such lying some day. Paul warns us not to be a partaker of other men's sins (1 Tim. 5:22). Lying is a poor way of making a livelihood if one will stop and compare the final cost and punishment with what is obtained thereby. Thank God, one can still earn an honest living by telling the truth if he will only do it.
Noted liars are those people who are known for their lying -- have a reputation for their lying. Every child and person in the community or immediate section of the city where they reside know that they are liars. One dare not repeat what they say or he will become a laughing stock of the entire community. The Cretans of Paul's day were noted liars: "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, 'The Cretians are ALWAYS liars''' (Tit. 1:12). People who have attained or gained a reputation for lying do not have anything to boast of and would be blessed if they should lose or destroy it. A church member who would come under this classification of lying would certainly not exert much influence for any church and the Christian faith.
It seems that it is natural for some people to lie, and it is often a lifelong habit with them. David says, "The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be horn, speaking lies'' (Psa. 58:3). Jeremiah seems to picture the saved from among the Gentile nations by referring to their parents as natural liars, and quotes them as saying: "Surely our fathers have INHERITED lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.'' You will notice that these liars lie with ease. They do not seem to be bothered with thinking up lies; lies flow from their lips with such freedom, ease, and speed until one is made to wonder. Liars of this class are becoming so common that many of them feel elated over the fact and often boast of how they can lie. One should avoid lying or rid himself of such practices before he forms a habit of lying, if he is at all accustomed to lying, or he will eventually become an "Habitual Liar.'' What an awful habit to form, and it is one of the hardest habits to conquer.
The most popular liars that the writer knows of are some of our politicians. They make their lying campaign speeches telling all kinds of lies on their opponents and making all kinds of untrue promises as to what they will do if elected to office -- and they receive the popular vote of the town, city, county, state or nation. Tell me they are not popular liars. They obtain some of the most honored and popular positions to be held in our cities, counties, states and nation. David says, "Men of HIGH DEGREE are a lie'' -- are guilty of lying. Surely such men would be classed as popular liars. These popular liars are going to face God some of these days for their lying the same as all others who do not tell the truth. If we only knew it, there might be some liars of this class in some of our churches and holding some high official positions in our denominations and organizations. Those who gain positions in the church or elsewhere and maintain them by lying most assuredly are popular liars, but they are going to lose their popularity one of these days just as Hitler, Mussolini and others have done. It is amazing to see how some liars have risen to such highly honored positions in our towns, states, nations and the world and have exercised so much influence and power among the inhabitants of these places.
An unpopular liar is one for whom no one has much respect. Among this class you will find those who gossip, tattle, backbite, criticize everyone, busybodies (those who meddle in everybody's business), back-seat drivers, etc. . . .
Fortune tellers and tattlers are all "lie peddlers.'' These fortune tellers go around selling lies that have been printed for years, and tattlers quite often inform their listeners that they could not vouch for the truth of what they are telling. In other words they generally put the "Lie Label'' on what they are peddling by saying, "I am not sure this is true.'' Anytime one goes around delivering hearsay news and any of it happens not to be true, they then become "Lie Peddlers.'' . . .
Some people are quite gifted and talented in the art of lying and forging lies. They are experts in manufacturing lies, not only to tell them themselves, but for others as well. The Psalmist said, "The proud have forged a lie against me.'' He meant by this that they had made one up and told it. Job accused his supposed-to-be friends of being liars of this class. "You are all FORGERS of lies,'' he said (Job. 13:4). Some lie inventors produce such marvelous lies that we are amazed about them, just as we were concerning the invention of the radio, airplane, automobile, etc.
Liars of this kind tell things for the truth that could not have possibly happened. They go beyond all boundaries of reason in their lying and almost everyone, even children, know that they are not telling the truth. There are more liars in this class than one would think, due to the fact that a continual practice or habit of lying finally affects one's mind and causes him to become weak-minded. He becomes such a fool until he believes that everyone accepts his unreasonable lying as the truth. He may even get to the place he thinks he is telling the truth when he is lying. A person can tell a lie over and over until it WILL BECOME a truth in HIS MIND. Jeremiah says, "A sword is upon the liars, and they shall DOTE'' -- become weak-minded, silly, simple, etc. If you do not want to finish your days upon this earth as a lunatic or spend a vacation in some asylum, you had better not give yourself to lying. There is no question about it, lying has landed many a poor soul in some asylum . . . Solomon says, "A false witness (who is always a liar) shall not be unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall not escape.'' He is going to be punished here and hereafter (Gal. 6:7,8). . . .
It is rather shocking to think of one loving lies. However, this is certainly the case with many people today, and of past ages, too. There is a bad sense in which one can love the person who tells lies, if he loves him for his lying regardless of the fact that a Christian should love the souls of all men and pray and hope for them to be saved (1 Tim. 2:1-4).
The message to the Apostle John from Jesus, as found in Rev. 22:15, states: "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever LOVES and makes a lie.'' . . . .
Jesus is seeking a people who love truth and nothing but the truth. They are the only people whom He wants to be associated with for the ceaseless ages of eternity, for He is nothing but truth Himself (John 16:6; 1:17). So it is a case of Truth searching FOR TRUTH and truth loving people. How will Jesus be able to classify you and me on that "great day?'' Will we be lovers of lies or lovers of truth and "the Truth'' -- Jesus? . . .
This class of liars are those who teach others how to lie or instruct them to lie. Many lawyers, foremen, parents and some preachers are to be classed as lie instructors. Abraham was bordering on this when he instructed his wife, Sarah, to tell the Egyptians that she was his sister (Gen. 20:12). Abraham came near losing his wife twice over having her to feign the truth. This might have led to Sarah's personally lying to the Lord, as He stood or sat under a tree near their tent. She laughed when the Lord told Abraham He was going to bless them with a son in their old age, and then denied it when the Lord asked her husband why she had laughed. See Gen.18:1-4, 10-15.
A certain preacher called at the home of one of his members, and a child came to the door and informed him: "Mother said tell you she was not at home.'' He thereby discovered that he had a lie instructor in his church. . . . Habakkuk speaks of "teachers of lies'' and inquires of the profit of such actions.
The preacher who employs psychology in order to get his people to respond in their giving, to cast their vote for him, to attend church regularly, to "oust'' some member, etc. is a liar of this class. When preachers falsely claim to be led of the Lord to do certain things or to preach certain messages, they then become liars. Then, when they preach to suit their congregations, contrary to sound doctrine as taught and given in the Word of God, in order to keep receiving their contributions, they lie. Paul referred to preachers of this class in 1Tim. 4:1-3 and 2Tim. 4:1-4. The Lord had this to say concerning such ministers: "You shalt not live; for you speak lies in the name of the Lord'' (Zech. 13:3). "Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests (ministers) have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law'' -- by their lying.
Don't be too discouraged over the fact that there are "pulpit liars'' in the church today. They had them in or among the church folk soon after it was ushered in at Pentecost. The message to the church at Ephesus admitted: "Thou have tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them (to be) LIARS.'' See Rev. 2:1,2. . . . . Remember that all ministers who lie belong to the devil and do not represent God's church. They are false prophets among God's sheep."
This material was transcribed from a booklet published in 1946 by Elder B. E. Echols.
ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT 1946, 1963 By Elder B.E. Echols
Now released to public domain by the family of the Late Elder B.E. Echols.