Hey!, Wanna See Some Sin?

"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and . . . their sins." Isa. 58:1

22. Lies

22.8a. Page 1: The most common lies.

We have listed many of the most common lies in Chapter 5, Parts 1 and 2. Below are some more.


1. Top ten:

#10 "Your table will be ready in a minute."

#9 "One size fits all."

#8 "This will hurt me more than it hurts you."

#7 "I'm sorry I'm late. I got stuck in traffic."

#6 "The check is in the mail."

#5 "This offer is limited to the first 50 people who call in."

#4 "It's not the money. It's the principle of the thing."

#3 "I just need five minutes of your time."

#2 "I'll start my diet tomorrow."

#1 "I'm from the IRS and I'm here to help you."


2. Lies are "acceptable".

"I suspect that we are so used to being lied to that it is accepted. It may be an integral part of our culture, along with violence and drugs. There are lots of cultures in the world where lying is the norm. In our culture, lying is acceptable, except in court and in testifying before congress. Members of congress are free to lie as much as they like.

In lying to one's parents, truth is often secondary to the eleventh commandment: thou shalt not get caught.

Lying well is a highly respected and admired trait in this country and it is cultivated by many young people. If they are really good at it, they can go into advertising and be very well paid.

I am not going to talk about religion. Politics is bad enough. However, since many religions claim to be the only true one, ...well, you figure it out. I may be outspoken, but I'm not suicidal.

No, I don't believe that there are more lies now than there used to be; it's just that they reach more people via the tube. They are also better lies because they are crafted by professional liars, not amateurs."

"Lies": The reason we hate a liar is not his immorality, but his gall in thinking we'd believed him.
Charles P. Curtis, December 7, 1989

3. Another top ten:

10. We'll stay only five minutes.

9. This will be a short meeting.

8. I'll respect you in the morning.

7. The check is in the mail.

6. I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.

5. This hurts me more than it hurts you.

4. Your money will be cheerfully refunded.

3. I'll be there Sunday, I promise!

2. We pause for a few brief announcements.

1. "Finally, in conclusion, my last point is . . . "

"The Christian goes beyond the minimal requirements of honesty to speak the truth in love.
Without truth, love becomes cheap "sloppy agape." It disintegrates into mere sentimental feeling. Without love, truth becomes brittle, cold facts that freeze the soul.
Speak the whole truth in love."


4. "The Five Most Common Lies in Business

There are as many lies in business as there are people in business.

by Alice Van Housen, from FC issue 10, page 52

Paul LaFontaine left Bertelsmann Music Group in March 1997 to advise other business people about radical honesty. He has lots of work to do. "There are as many lies in business as there are people in business," he says. Here are his nominees for the five most common lies:

Lie: "People are our most important asset."

Truth: "People are our most worrisome and unpredictable asset. Our most important assets are really our financial assets."

B.S. Detector: This may be the leading lie of our times. "When management starts talking about how important people are," LaFontaine says, "you can bet there is going to be an unpopular human resources decision coming soon."

Lie: "This was a rational decision."

Truth: "I wanted to do this."

B.S. Detector: People "want what they want just because they want it," says LaFontaine.

Lie: "We judge people by their performance."

Truth: "I judge your performance based on how much I like you."

B.S. Detector: "Why do most people who keep their jobs keep them?" LaFontaine asks. "Because the people they work for like them. And you get fired when the people you work for don't like you anymore.

Lie: "This is business, it isn't personal."

Truth: "Everything's personal."

B.S. Detector: "As people, we get mad at each other," says LaFontaine. "Attempts to avoid it are cowardly. So get mad. Then get over it and move on." LaFontaine believes that any disagreement can be handled with an honest conversation.

Lie: "The customer comes first."

Truth: "I come first."

B.S. Detector: "More often than not, 'the customer' is an abstraction," LaFontaine warns. "People take care of customers when it benefits them and ignore customers when they can get away with it. Nobody says 'I come first,' which is what's usually going on."

More Business lies:

I have to check with my partner/boss/supervisor/etc.

You won't see this anywhere else.

This sort of thing never goes out of fashion.

Bring it back if you don't like it.

This is a never-to-be repeated offer!

Unbelievably low prices.

It's the last one in stock.

You'll have no trouble with it.

The check is in the mail.

I gave at the office.

It's supposed to make that noise.

"They're multipurpose. Not only do they put the clips on, but they take them off." -Pratt & Whitney spokesperson explaining why the company charged the Air Force nearly $1000 for an ordinary pair of pliers.

5. Religious lies regarding women:

"For centuries cultural bias, male pride and misinterpretations of Scripture have paralyzed women who are called to do the work of Christ and prevented them from fulfilling their divine destiny. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine, is out to change all that. In his new book, 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he boldly proclaims the truth of the gospel--that men and women alike are not only appointed by God but also empowered by Him to carry out the Great Commission."

"Lie #1: God created women as inferior beings, destined [only] to serve their husbands.

Lie #2: Women are not equipped to assume leadership roles in the church.

Lie #3: Women must not teach or preach to men in a church setting.

Lie #4: A woman should view her husband as the "priest of the home."

Lie #5: A man needs to "cover" a woman in her ministry activities.

Lie #6: Women who exhibit strong leadership qualities pose a serious danger to the church.

Lie #7: Women are more easily deceived than men.

Lie #8: Women can't be fulfilled or spiritually effective without a husband and children.

Lie #9: Women shouldn't work outside the home.

Lie #10: Women must obediently submit to their husbands in all situations."


6. Political and government lies:

I'm from your government, and I am here to help you.

"No new taxes."

"If elected, I will use my office to serve the people."

He's an honest candidate.

I fought to keep that bill from passing.

I promise I'll do it right.

Elect me and the country will become better.


7. Lies about Love:

Everyone does this, it's perfectly normal.

It's dangerous to your health to get excited and then stop.

I'll stop as soon as you say. [She's heard this one before, huh?]

I'll tell her(him) tonight.

Well, the clinic said I was clear!

Nobody can hear us. [Yea, that's what you think!]

I'll never put myself through this again.

Sex isn't everything.

This has nothing to do with my mother.

It's not your fault.

It's too late.

I read an article today.

I'm allergic to rubber.

We'll try again when we wake up.

It has a mind of it's own.

This has never happened before.

My wife doesn't understand me.

Trust me, I'll take care of everything.

Of course I love you.

I am getting a divorce.

But we can still be good friends.

She means nothing to me.

It's only a cold sore.

I'll respect you in the morning.

Don't worry, it's OK -- I'm sterile.

8. Social lies:

I'm not gonna drink too much tonight.

You get this one, I'll pay next time.

They'll all be wearing jeans.

There are no bones in this fish.

The neighbors are very tolerant.

Just half a glass, thanks.

He doesn't normally act like this when he's been drinking.

It's no trouble if you stay the night.

I love your new hat/haircut/dress/suit...!

". . . then take a left. You can't miss it."

I'll call you later.

It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing.

I never watch television except for PBS.

Don't worry, he's never bitten anyone.

Yes, I did.

Now, I'm going to tell you the truth

9. Lying to traffic officers:

I was just going the speed limit.

I only had one.

Drinking? Why, no, Officer.

What stop sign?

The light was green when I started through the intersection.

He came from nowhere when I changed lanes.

Officer, I can walk without any assistance.


10. Computer Lies:

If you have any problems, just call us.

What you see on the screen, you get on paper.

Someone must have erased my program.

They don't make those chips anymore.

If kids use them, so can adults.

Oh yeah, it's compatible with everything.

You won't need any special training.

There's no harm in trying - nothing can go wrong.

The manual explains everything.

We'll release the upgrade by the end of the year.


11. Deception by government:

Government duplicity
Deliberate lying by government officials
Misrepresentation of facts by national leaders
Deliberate distortion of official news and information
Official over-reporting and under-reporting
Diplomatic lying
Perjury by government agents
Susceptibility of electorate to government repetition of untruths
Intellectual dishonesty in government
Government insincerity
Contradictions in official statements

See articles for each of the above titles at:

12. Unethical practices in politics which involve lying:

Political malpractice
Dirty politics
Corrupt politicians
Political scandal
Political bribery
Political blackmail
Crime in politics
Illegal activity of political parties
Political misconduct
Abusive politics
Political corruption
Corruption of political parties
Impeached politicians
Ethical misconduct of politicians
Moral imperfections of elected leadership
Fraudulent misuse of funds by political parties
Corruption in politics
Political graft

See articles for each of the above titles at:

13. The Top 10 Signs of an E-mail Hoax

10. The author feels compelled to point out that it "is a completely true story."
9. The story did not actually happen to the author, but to "the neighbor of a guy I know."
8. It tells of something terrible or incredible that happened at a well-known place of business or involved a well-known person or company. (But not so terrible that you would have heard about it on the mainstream news?)
7. It cites some well-known "experts" or individuals who work for a well-known organization or company who can be connected in some way to the subject matter.
6. It offers some type of reward for simply forwarding a message to people, or warns of dire consequences if you don't forward it to everyone you know.
5. It warns of some bizarre way to contract cancer, AIDS, or any other terrible (and high-profile) disease, or some other bizarre way to die or become seriously injured.
4. It contains references to "yesterday" or "last week," but includes no date in the body of the message for reference.
3. It warns that "your hard drive will be completely erased," or "it will destroy your data."
2. After reading it, you are either angry, scared, worried, or distrustful and want to do something about it.
1. It begs you to forward it on to everyone you know.


14. People who are overweight:

1. ”I’m fine just the way I am.”

2. ”It’s in my genes, I can’t help it.”

3. ”He/she just can’t look past surfaces.”

4. ”Oh, you’re just big/hefty/pleasingly plump/full-figured.”

5. ”Just because you’re 40 and still single doesn’t mean anything.”

6. ”I don’t need a man/woman to make my life whole.”

7. ”You don’t need a man/woman to make your life whole.”


15. Lies we tell ourselves:

Don't worry, I can go another 20 miles when the gauge is on "empty."

16. Lies women tell themselves:

I'm too fat.

I'm worthless.

It's my fault.