Mercury Aspects to Ascendant

Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Mercury Trine Ascendant Mercury Square Ascendant
Mercury Sextile Ascendant Mercury Inconjunct Ascendant Mercury Opposite Ascendant

Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Mercury in the Signs Mercury in the Houses
Mercury Aspects to Venus Mercury Aspects to Mars Mercury Aspects to Jupiter
Mercury Aspects to Saturn Mercury Aspects to Uranus Mercury Aspects to the Neptune
Mercury Aspects to Pluto Mercury Aspects to Midheaven Mercury Aspects to North Node

Mercury Conjunct Ascendant: You have exceptional intelligence and, if you're educated to make the most of it, will gain prominence. Your basic consciousness is closely linked with your logical and reasoning ability. You think before you act, enabling you to express yourself in clear, logical terms. Your primary interests are education, speaking and writing, but you can be verbose in the latter two. There's a duality to your nature that you and others must accept yet you should work on being consistent. In the first house, you can have so much mental energy that you become restless. In the twelfth house, you have a natural secrecy that must be cautiously developed as a child, like planning surprise parties. You have a somewhat nervous appearance and a frail, but agile, body.
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Mercury Trine Ascendant: You have a quick, intelligent mind and keen mental and sensory perception. You have an excellent blend of persona and intellect. You get enjoyment from intellectual pursuits and have good mental interaction in marriage and partnerships. You're able to express yourself fluently and to convince others your ideas are good. You get along well with children. If Mercury is in the ninth house, you have a possible flair for languages.
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Mercury Square Ascendant: You have difficulties expressing yourself and communicating with partners or the public. You project thoughts awkwardly in speech and writing, often resulting in misunderstanding. Any of these problems can lead to nervous disorders, especially those that affect your ability to communicate.
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Mercury Sextile Ascendant: You have an ease of mental self-expression enabling others to understand you and your way of perceiving things. This leads to minimal misunderstanding and conflicts. You have an excellent blend of intellect and persona. You get enjoyment from intellectual pursuits. You get along well with children and get intelligent cooperation from siblings, friends and partners.
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Mercury Inconjunct Ascendant: There's a possibility of nervous disorders, especially those affecting your ability to communicate.
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Mercury Opposite Ascendant: If Mercury is in the sixth house, worry can lead to health problems, especially nervous disorders. You're often hypochondriacal or suffer psychosomatic illness from over-concern. If Mercury is in the seventh house, you have a critical, but lively, attitude towards partners. You have skill in communicating with the public as well as good social wit and conversational ability. You're able to understand others' points of view. Your spouse, partners and close friends are intellectual.
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