Mercury Aspects to Neptune

Mercury Conjunct Neptune Mercury Trine Neptune Mercury Square Neptune
Mercury Sextile Neptune Mercury Inconjunct Neptune Mercury Opposite Neptune

Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Mercury in the Signs Mercury in the Houses
Mercury Aspects to Venus Mercury Aspects to Mars Mercury Aspects to Jupiter
Mercury Aspects to Saturn Mercury Aspects to Uranus Mercury Aspects to the Pluto
Mercury Aspects to Ascendant Mercury Aspects to Midheaven Mercury Aspects to North Node

Mercury Conjunct Neptune: You're kind, gentle, extremely impressionable, romantic and dreamy and, if afflicted, you can be elusive, deceptive and even outright dishonest. You have a powerful, creative imagination and you're often unable to separate logic from illusion because your mental energy is so diffused. You must learn to focus and concentrate your mind. You have a sensitive nervous system that's easily shaken. You can be telepathic or clairvoyant but must be careful when opening your psychic senses because you're vulnerable to possession. You must be absolutely honest in all affairs and learn to control your impulsiveness. You'll do what you want without arguing with others and without heeding their advice.
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Mercury Trine Neptune: You have an easily developed and powerful imagination. You have an inspirational, poetic and creative mind and an aptitude for acting, music (especially composition), journalism and speaking. If you're creatively oriented, this aspect enhances you intellectual sensitivity. You have extremely delicate and acute senses so you avoid harsh conditions of all types. You have an aptitude for psychic and mystical fields and are able to contact the higher planes during sleep or meditation and bring back instruction to the conscious mind. You're able to understand and translate the psychic premonitions of dreams and visions. You can be easily hurt by others but don't become resentful. You're thoughtful and subtle, often achieving success by subtly infiltrating your opponents' minds rather than directly confronting them. You're a practical idealist yet receptive to new ideas and methods. Your intuitive mind is able to read others' thoughts and know their next move so you'd make a good financial, political or military strategist. You're a fantastic salesman who can manipulate the public mind on the subconscious level through mass media. You have a strong love of the sea and often live near it.
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Mercury Square Neptune: You may use your fertile imagination to escape reality and often view life through rose-colored glasses. You have an unrealistic approach to love, romance and marriage. You have keen perception and insight into the actions and motives of others and often use it to determine others' weaknesses. You often worry too much and lack self-confidence. You're an impractical idealist and lack concentration and clear thinking. You can be naive and gullible, scheming and deceptive-- you need to be absolutely honest in all affairs or face some sort of confinement. You may have talent in the occult or mystical fields but may face psychic or emotional difficulties. You're creative, sensitive and insightful, but are also secretive, absent-minded and easily distracted. Your repressed emotions cause you to make errors or be forgetful and unable to keep details straight. You have trouble communicating with others because you're too subjective or your ideas are too abstract. You fear competition.
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Mercury Sextile Neptune: There is harmony and good communication between your conscious and your unconscious mind. You have intuitive insight and are able to contact the higher planes during meditation or sleep and bring back instruction to the conscious mind. You have keen perception, possibly even clairvoyance, and can benefit from dreams and visions. You have an easily developed and powerful imagination and an inspirational, poetic and creative mind. If you're creatively oriented, this aspect enhances your intellectual sensitivity. You're exquisitely sensitive to the subtler aspects of life. Your senses are delicate so you avoid harsh conditions of any type. Even though you're easily hurt, you're rarely resentful. You're a practical idealist but open to new ideas and methods. You'd make a good military, financial or political strategist since you're able to anticipate your opponents' next move. You're thoughtful, subtle and have a strong love of the sea. You're a super salesman but may plan and work in secret to bypass all interference and opposition.
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Mercury Inconjunct Neptune: You have keen perception and a fertile, inspired imagination but you're never satisfied with the way you express your artistic talent. You can be scheming and deceptive and too trusting, unrealistic and gullible. You worry too much and have lots of nervous energy. You lack self-confidence made worse by your many grandiose and impractical plans. You dislike routine but need to determine your responsibilities and live up to them.
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Mercury Opposite Neptune: You're creative, sensitive and insightful, but can also be naive, scheming, deceptive, absentminded and easily distracted. Your fertile imagination is sometimes too vivid, not always dependable and difficult to control, especially regarding other people. You have keen perception and are highly sensitive to thoughts and motivations of others, often using it to your own advantage. You must be careful not to divulge secret information. Your approach to love, romance and marriage is often unrealistic and life is often seen through rose-colored glasses. If you're naive, you can have false illusions about others. You often defeat yourself by being so scheming, causing others to mistrust you. You're apt to fall prey to the deception of others through written or spoken words. If the eighth or second house is involved, use caution in trusting others' financial advice and avoid all get-rich-quick schemes. You worry too much, fear competition sue to lack of self-confidence and too gullible. You're often distracted from your responsibilities because it's hard to shut off outside influences. Trouble can come through your relatives or wrong associations. Emotional upsets may affect your nervous system or you may have breathing/respiratory problems.
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