Rodriquez Wrenchezo's Homepage The Home of Rodriquez Wrenchezo

This page under reconstruction, please ignore any temporary junk in it,thanx June 28, 1997

>In the process of moving to a new site, so any mistakes are my fault.all my links are non working right now, i still have to add them into this account as I edit them..And my Archives will be up soon also.

Well to begin with, I am known as Rodriquez Wrenchezo, among many other names, though none are my real name, that shall remain anonymous right now. I am shall we say one of those crazy college people who needs all the help they can get.

you want all those little facts msyself well here are some of them:

and here is some of what I am here:

In all things I am not what is seen and I just what you see. I am well from this tiny little town in Ga, call Fort Oglethorpe, just born there,but I have spent a most of my life in and around the metro area, and I am currently in Stone Mountain Ga.

well here I am and here is I, said someone who was lost,and well here I am, and here is I, and yes I am lost,h--l I live in this world how many people here aren't lost?Well this is still not finished, and still very very rough,but since my html isnt that good anyway I shall fix it when I can.but if you want to leave a msg at to leave a msg, click here

a list of links I have: Chel's page :))

A listing of links from some of the works, poems, I have wrote over the yrs

note: these are my personal works, I would prefer that you only view them,but please attribute them to Rodriquez Wrenchezo and email me to let me know if you would like to use them in anything else. Thank you.

To leave comments click here to email me.

See you around :)

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