This page is dedicated to my personal thoughts about specific nouns. Intrude if you will.

Remember, it wouldn't be too private if I was putting it on here, anyway.

Stuff: Have you ever noticed that the word stuff can mean almost anything? It's always a noun, as far as I know, anyway, and is usually very vague. Some people, when in a sticky or awkward situation use the word to end their sentence for them, and stuff. And the great thing is that it's perfectly acceptable! I admire our English language for producing such a versatile word. Take a moment of silence, now, for reflection on this one little five-letter word that can mean so much, and yet so little. Thank you.

I think I have finally discovered one of life's big secrets. Unfortunately, though, I don't know how to put it into words. I undrestand it almost perfectly, but since no one can read my mind, I can't communicate it. This is really aggrivating.

Intelligent and amiable people should click here.

I read an aritcle in the newspaper today about how the president might make a formal apology to the African Americans who's ancestors were slaves. Apologies are wonderful, and can do a lot to smooth bad situations over. But it should have been made a long time ago. I think that if people would just stop dragging out old events from the past, and making everyone involved feel guilty and hostile, the world would be a much happier place. What would happen if we deleted the words racism, skin color, and prejudice from our language? Maybe people would stop trying to make up for things that happened more than a hundred years ago. When will it be time to "forgive and forget?" After all, didn't all of our ancestors suffer in wars or famines or general unfairness sometime in history? Haven't we all, today, suffered because of other people? What would happen if everyone demanded apologies for the awful treatment all of their ancestors received hundreds of years ago? I agree that slavery was a cruel, inhumane, incredibly awful practice, and that racsism against ALL races still exists today. But I can't help wishing that everyone would just learn their lesson and drop the subject. You can't live if you live in the past. Hopefully, my views being now stated, you will hear no more of me on the subject. I ask you to respect my ideas, that's as much as I can ask, and just think about them for awhile. I also thank you for reading this, controversial as it is. Remember, this is my page, my views, and I'm a person too.

Does anyone out there besides me know about the awful stuff that's going to happen to computers in the year 2000 besides me? Does anyone care except the government? Will there be nuclear war, or total anarchism, or will the U.N. take over? Or will they get it solved, or will everybody be prepared enough for it that it won't do too much damage? This is going to be interesting.

It's really annoying when people call your house, want you to take their phone number, and then rattle it off and hang up before you can find half a crayon and a napkin to write it on.
It's the arrogance of people. They just assume that your duty is to sit by the phone with the proper writing intruments to take down the phone number that you've supposedly been waiting for. Actually, I'm probably being a little extreme. But this is my web page, right? You don't have to read it.

Tomorrow I am finally going to fulfill a dream. Two dreams, in fact. I am going to spend a week in Alaska learning how to sail a boat. Does it get any better than that? Admit it, you're jealous. I know I would be.

The air in Alaska is a lot nicer than anywhere else south of it. I think all the air begins up north and, as it travels down the continent it gets polluted and used and generally not as fresh and breathable.

Would you trade any of your bad experiences for money? Or good experiences instead? I hope not.

This is an awful world in which one is often separated from those they love, never to see them the same, or practically the same, again. And no one can do anything about it, expect hope, and pray, and waste away. I suppose if you never bring yourself to love some one, this kind of thing wouldn't happen. Is it worth it? To give up all the good times you have with a person just so that it won't hurt when they go away and you can't communicate anymore? I didn't think so either.

We traverse the earth, searching for a masterpiece; until we realize that we are walking on one, and that we destroyed it.

"Here, take my handkerchief. Never at any crisis of your life have I known you to have a handkerchief." This quote was from Rhett Butler to Scarlett in Gone With the Wind. It just struck me as an interesting concept. Not only does it insinuate that a handkerchief will help take the edge off of our grief, but it also seemed nice that Rhett had seen Scarlett through some bad times, and that he cared enough to remember that she never had a handkerchief when she needed one most. The ironic thing is that Rhett says this just when he's about to leave Scarlett.

In "Gilligan's Island" why do all of the Castaways have clothes and other necessities if they were only planning to be gone for a "Three hour tour?"

Nowadays kids are growing up too fast. They have to learn to deal with problems that barely existed 100 years ago, and they don't know how to deal with them. Sticky situations occur at younger ages than ever before. Why can't kids be kids? Why can't teenagers, also, be kids? Why do they have to deal with drugs, smoking, suicide, alcohol, and other bad stuff before they should? Actually, I suppose no one should have to deal with those kind of problems. What a screwy world it's turned out to be. Protect your kids.

Smile. What's wrong with smiling? It's relatively easy, and very enjoyable. People relate to you better when you smile. You can get quite far in life. But, on the other hand, what if you just don't feel like smiling? What if your world has just collapsed? Then should you smile? Well, why not? Does everybody have to know that you're going through a crisis? No, of course not. Most people wouldn't care all that much. Besides, maybe if you pretend hard enough, the problem will disappear, or seem more manageable. It's worth a try, isn't it?

Next time you see a lampshade, ask yourself why one would want to reduce, or shade, what one was trying to produce.

You know things are going at least adequately when you think of each season as your favorite. Think about it. Everybody loves Spring. Though a bit muddy, your heart is light, the sky is blue, and bright colors replace the dirty white of old snow. Sad-looking half-melted snowmen are now little more than Winter's ant hills. With each rain more grass is seen, and more grass is green. A new life starts, and everything starts nearly perfectly. Then Summer comes. Everybody loves Summer. The laziness, the fullness, the late-night thunderstorms and sunsets. Darkness doesn't come until late, and it's easy to loose track of time on carefree outings. Summer is followed by the rich tones and mellowness of Autumn. Everybody loves Autumn. Leaf piles and hot pumpkin pie are the essence of The season. You are comfortable in cozy sweaters, not considered "too warm" yet, and it's a wonderful time for pondering and wandering, while smelling the familiar old smell of burning brush. The crunching of leaves and the freshness of air are sure signs of life, though caused by and the cause of death. Finally Winter arrives. Everybody loves Winter. The first snowfall is followed by afternoons full of cocoa and marshmallows, a few good movies and friends, and the old favorite comforter. The outdoors are truly invigorating and are packed with surprise snowball ambushes, snow angels in open fields, sledding parties, and good ol' snowmen. Everything is fresh and white, so pure and beautiful.
Do you get my drift? How can you pick a favorite season when they are all so different? There's no grounds for comparison and one can easily love them all, and be happy no matter what time of year it is.

My notes on friendship.
Friendship is a give and take relationship. Accept your friends for who they are, not who you think they are or want them to be. Allow room in a friendship for adjustments and changes. If a friend is worth having you will either change with them or accept their changes. True friendship occurs only a few times in a person's life. If you don't take time out from a friendship to rediscover yourself, you will be too easily swayed and will not remain who you really are.

In the theater production of life, backstage is often "where it's at!" You don't have to be the star performer, and oftentimes the people who don't have big roles are the most caring.

Always be open toward everybody. You never know where you'll meet them again in life, or how long you'll have to deal with them. You'll never know until it happens that the seemingly sullen person who sat two chairs down from you in elementary orchestra and who looked "untouchable" would turn out to be a caring person who would comfort and encourage you later in life. Or maybe the person who you helped through a trial would turn around and use their experience to later help you through another one. Or the person you had to sit by on a bus would end up giving you numerous smiles on a bad day. You just never know. Love everybody.

Russia has to be one of the nicest countries in the world! I loved it there so much! The people there were absolutely wonderful, definitely the best part about the country. I stayed with an incredibly nice family that consisted of a mom, dad, brother (21) and sister (16). They were all very nice to me and always gave me more than enough to eat. I was very well cared for! I got really close to them, and we'd have nice, long, interesting conversations. I also met some of their really cool friends, who did a lot to show me a good time. Then I toured Moscow, after traveling on the train for a day and a half, and had a lot of fun there on the Arbat. It was a great trip, and I want to thank everyone who had a part in it! I'd love to go back, so if you have a donation of maybe a thousand dollars or so, E-mail me, and I'll see that you get a good souvenier!

Nobody can make your life miserable except yourself. It doesn't matter what your childhood was/is or what conditions are like now. They are no excuse to have a bad outlook on life. So if you want to have a good life, quit blaming other people for your problems and just be happy.

Hmmm...You don't know this, but it's been quite a while since I've written anything here. So, what would I say to the world right now if I could say something that everybody would hear? "Ain't dees nahse?" "Enjoy it while yer got it." "There are a thousand serpents in my bowels and each one squeals with pleasure." "Nice weather for eels." "I wanted it to be a surprise! (stomp)" "Real Good." "Blasny blasny."

It's been a while, so I figured I'd write. Life is fun. I'm in college! One thing that's kinda depressing is that I'm just about at the peak of my life. I'll probably never feel or look any better than this. After these next few years things will start to go downhill until I find myself, well, old. Heaven forbid! I daresay the last thing I feel right now is age. College has a way of reverting people back to their childhoods. Give me some legos and I'd be content to play for the whole next two weeks! Coincidentally, the next two weeks are Dead Week and Finals Week. Anyway, I should quit stalling and go get some reading done.

Hmmm... The best thing in life, I think, is to be comfortable. In all its different dimensions. Or to be with someone who's always comfortable. That's pretty good too.

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