relatives of Friedrich Fröbel

Julius, Karl and Theodor were the three sons of Friedrich's brother Johann Michael Christoph Fröbel.

Karl Ferdinand Julius Fröbel 1805 - 1893

Julius married Countess Caroline von Armansperg, a daughter of the Count von Armansperg (Bavaria) who acted as the Bavarian King of Greece's regent.

Countess Caroline von Armansperg was born 1821 and died 1888. She was the daughter of the Bavarian Minister, Joseph Ludwig Graf von Armansperg and was born in Munich. Graf von Armansperg was under King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Interior and Finance Minister (1826-28), Foreign and Finance Minister (1828-1831). He was a liberal monarchist, an economic conservative, and promoted the unification of German with his attempts at tariff union. King Ludwig I took the Greek Throne for his son, Otto in 1832. He made von Armansperg the president of the privy council and became the 1st representative of the new government. The Kings first residence was in Nauplia, near the Gulf of Argos--the city was built with Venetian and Turkish Fortresses. Otto was only 7 years old. Upon the suggestion of his father, Ludwig the First, Otto made von Armansperg "Erzkanzler" or Arch Chancelor. and he acted as a vice-king. In 1837 he was dismissed from his post and he returned to the von Armansperg residence-Schloss Egg bei Deggendorf in Niederbayern.

Caroline's sisters married in to the Cantacuzeno (Cantacuzene) family, one of which was Prince Dimitri of the Principality of Moldau. Prince Dimitri actually was in Mannheim in 1848 as a proponent of democratic reforms. She first married Florian Moerdes who was in contact with liberal politicians, including Julius Froebel. Florian wanted to go to America, then a "wild" place to immigrate, so Count von Armansperg would not bless the union, nor give her her portion of her inheritance. On the 9 October 1849 she sailed from Le Havre to New York, 10 days after another refugee, Julius Froebel. On 13 November 1849 the "Noughton" arrived in New York from Liverpool. On board was Julius Froebel, 43, Professor oF Mineralogy from Germany. They went to Texas where Moerdes died of Cholera. She thought Texas was horrific (graesslich). She stayed in New Orleans and with her son booked passage to New York on a cotton freighter. She could not go back to Mannheim as she was being sought by the authorities for her political activities. The mast of the ship was hit by lightning and she fell unconcious on board. In New York finally she received her inheritance as her father had died in 1853. In Hoboken New Jersey, she met Julius Froebel, who had also fled political turmoil in Germany. Although he had university studies, he became the director of a soap factory, traveled extensively in the southern states and Central America. His linguistic study of indigenous languages in Nicaragus is still used by anthropologists today. Their child, Karl Froebel-Armansperg, remained to study chemistry in the USA, became a professor of same in New York, while his parents returned with William Moerdes, to Europe. Froebel became German consul in Smyrna, after which he went to Algiers. Caroline died there on 26 May 1888. Froebel, at age 83, finally went back to Zuerich, Switzerland, where he published a two volume work about his life. The Central Library of Zuerich possesses his archives and writings.

Julius was a Professor in Zurich, Switzerland and travelled for seven years in central America. His studies of Mayan architecture and linguistics are still used extensively. Julius wrote a book, "Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico and the Far West of the United States" which was published in 1859 in London by Richard Bentley. (587pp; 8 illustrations; decorative carrot red leather, ribbed spine, guilded edges, marbled pastedowns)

Julius made the acqaintance of Wagner while working as a journalist in Dresden in the late 1840s. Returning from exile in the 1860s (he had been sympathetic to the democratic cause) he was engaged in an advisory capacity by the Austrian government. In 1867 he became, at Wagner's suggestion, the first editor of the Sueddeutsche Presse. from: THE WAGNER COMPENDIUM: A guide to Wagner's Life and Music edited by Barry Millington (London: Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1992) supplied by Johannes Froebel-Parker.

Karl Friedrich Fröbel 1807 - 1894

Karl taught in Zurich and Edinburgh

Leopold Karl Theodor Fröbel 1810 - 1907

Theodor established the botanical gardens in Zurich and designed many parks there. His descendants migrated to Canada where they continue the family name.

Günther Herman Fröbel migrated to Texas in 1851 and his descendants continue the family name in the United States of America. He was one of the sons of Johann Friedrich Traugott, a brother of Friedrich.

There are an estimated 2,000 Froebels living around the world

Friedrich Fröbel stamp

I have a stamp issued in honor of my ancestor, Friedrich Fröbel, from Germany circa 1948. Orange tones: says "Deutsche Post" (German Mail) and say also "Helft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege die Not zu Lindern", then it is 20 (Pfennigs) + 10 (pfennigs). Would you like to buy a T shirt with this image? J. (Johannes) Froebel-Parker The Froebel Gallery

Come, let us live with and for our children
Friedrich Fröbel 1782 -1852

Kindergarten - Fröbel blocks - Fröbel gifts
influence on Alfred Adler - Frank Lloyd Wright
Friedrich Fröbel quotes - ancestors - relatives
Baroness von Marenholtz Bülow reminiscences - her life

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