Update - May 9, 1999

Chance Encounters Part F

Krys felt things were going pretty well so far. She was scared beyond belief, but still, things were going well. She’d already gone far beyond any point she’d ever traversed before. In turn, it made things at least a little exciting. It was getting dark quickly and a cloud front had fallen in over the city, obscuring the comings and goings of interplanetary spacecraft. Where they still functioned or remained, walkway lighting had since come to life creating relatively dismal lighting along her path.

The spaceport. I have to get to the spaceport. If she tried to stay in the city she knew she didn’t have much chance for survival or eluding her father. The spaceport would be her refuge and the gateway to her future.

While the lights did illuminate the world somewhat, what was not lit was shadowed. Dark forms of various shapes and sizes were about her, some moving. She held onto her cool indifference tightly and moved on. She had to be just like everyone here, tough and ready for action. If she started looking like mark she’d just end up one.

Standing tall and walking casually, she advanced on going between the various sections that made up Tamro City. By her estimation she’d be in the spacer’s section in an hour. She tried to keep her mind on that and what she’d do then.

First she’d find a trader and she if she could get a berth and maybe a position. There was always a need for young enthusiastic people who’ll work for the value of experience and training. She’d be doing them the favor.

Now this is a genuine and valid plan, right. She didn’t want to have doubts about this, but the entire venture seemed a bit dubious. Maybe she should head back. No. This was what she wanted. It wasn’t exactly going as planned, but this was what she wanted. She kept reminding herself of that, didn’t she? Well, it was her time now.

Trodding on, she tried to find some comfort in that. This was the world she wanted to live in. She wondered if that should have been a question. It was dirty and dank. But it was also real and alive and not governed by one rule or one truth. It was full of possibilities, unlike home.

Feeling her confidence surging again, she quickened her steps. Heading down two more streets she was stopped in her tracks by the sound intense and unmistakable sound of an explosion. Looking about she tried to spot somewhere the explosion could have come from. The towering buildings about her made this impossible. Before fear and deep concern could grip her, more explosions followed. Echoing around her it was hard to tell where they were coming from or if they were coming from one single spot. Could the city be under attack? It hadn’t happen since its earliest days, but these days, who knew? Maybe a cartel war had broken out. Maybe she was in the middle of it as she stood there on the walkway, frozen. By the Force, what had she gotten herself into? She was dead. She knew it. She left home, and in less then a day, she was dead.

The explosions continued to Thunder and as best as she could tell, it wasn’t getting louder, and therefore closer. She wouldn’t be dead for a few minutes at least. She also took notice now that she was close to hyperventilating. Slowing down and trying to take a slow and long deep breath, she tried to think. What am I going to do? I’m going to die out here. I’m so stupid. Beating herself up inside wasn’t going to help. She had to take action, now.

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