Dance Workshops/Rituals

No prior dance experience is required for participants.

There are a variety of workshops and rituals both corresponding to the liturgical seasons, as well as focusing on themes such as Dance and Spirituality, Dance as Living Scripture, Dance of the Woman's Spirit, and PeaceRites, in formats ranging from a few hours, to a full week. Though all of the workshops and rituals are participatory, and as previously stated, no prior dance experience is necessary, there are some that have a performance component. For example Wisdom's Way (below), is performed by members of Omega West Dance Company, but in the final moments of the dance, the audience members are seamlessly transformed from viewer to doer, as everyone dances a Greek folk dance of triumph.

"Wisdom's Way: A Passion Dance for the Earth"

The Minotaur Unmasked. PHOTO CREDIT: Susan Self

"Wisdom's Way" is a life affirming ritual dance performance. It evolves around the biblical figure of Wisdom, seen weeping for the suffering of the earth. She reveals to her children the "...tempers of wild animals, the powers of the spirits and the thoughts of human beings..." by re-imagining the myth of the Cretan labyrinth. At the conclusion, the audience joins the dancers in pilgrimage and celebration through a projected Rainbow Labyrinth.

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