Subject and Object
Universal Prime Force
Giving and Receiving Action
Individual Truth Bodies
True Love
The Four Position Foundation
The Triple Object Purpose
The Family Unit
The Four Position Foundation in Creation
The universe is not a random grouping of disassociated entities moving aimlessly through time and space, but rather a finely balanced system of interrelated beings which interact in an orderly fashion, guided by a unifying purpose. If this were not so, there would be no basis for science, which presupposes the existence of common elements and universal laws in the cosmos and works to identify and understand them. However, science cannot provide a complete picture of reality without a complementary understanding of the internal dimensions of the creation. As shown in the previous chapter, the order and harmony of the universe result from the character and purpose with which God endowed the invisible, internal elements of creation. It is the external manifestations of these internal realities, which are known to science.Because science is limited to examination of external reality, it leaves a number of important questions unanswered, such as: What is the origin and basis for existence and life? How does an invisible creator maintain a relationship with its visible creation? What are the universal dynamics of relationships between dual characteristics? What are the fundamental structures of creation that enable it to exist and develop? These are some of the questions addressed in this chapter
The dual characteristics of any creation exist in dynamic relation-ship with each other. In order for there to be interaction between them, one must initiate the relationship and the other respond. The Principle calls the initiator a subject and the responding partner an object. God is the Prime Subject, the creation His object. Within the creation, humans are subject to all other beings, which, in turn, are ordered into hierarchies of subject-object relations. Through this chain of being, all creations are connected to the Creator; God, the source of existence and life, and the various individual creations are tied into a harmonious whole. As subject of the whole cosmos, God is the internal character to the creation's external form, the masculine initiator to creation's responsive, feminine nature.
The myriad subject-object interactions within each level of cre-ation maintain and develop each subdivision of nature. For example, protons, neutrons and electrons interact to form atoms; cations and anions combine to form molecules; most plants multi-ply through cross-pollination between stamens and pistils; and most animals multiply through mating between males and females. In addition to these same-level interactions, the various levels of creation are linked to each other in a hierarchy centered on human beings, as in food chains, for example. In this way, the diverse species, families and kingdoms of creation are connected to God and His purpose for creation through humans.
Furthermore, every created being exists through the mainte-nance of subject-object relations between its component parts. Thus, a human being maintains life through millions of subject object relationships: between cells, organs, limbs, nerve and circulatory systems, and so on. The beam and lungs interact to bring oxygen into the bloodstream, while the arteries and veins circulate the blood throughout the body. The central and peripheral nervous system coordinate the functions of the body. including the interaction of muscle and skeleton. In this example, nerves, directed by the brain, are subject and the muscles they control are their object. However, the muscles in turn are the subject of the bones. Every part of the human body fulfills its purpose through its subject object relations with other parts.
How does God relate to the countless subjects and objects He has created? In order for energy to act it must have a conduit for its action, and in order for God to interact with the creation there must be a base in creation to receive God's energy. The subject object pairs in the creation provide circuits through which God's love and power can flow. Subjects and objects are created in the image of God's being, which has its own subject and object attributes. By resembling God's nature they make possible the flow of energy between God and His creation. When God acts, His prime force, the energic aspect of purposeful interaction between His internal character and external form, gives rise to universal prime force. God endows His creation with the universal prime force, which is the directed energy that sustains the creation's existence, action and multiplication. Universal prime force links God to His creation and empowers its dynamism.
Through the action of the universal prime force, each subject is brought into a relationship with a given object to complete itself Subjects and objects separated from each other in the creation are partial reflections of the unity of God, whereas joined in harmony they reflect, at their proper level, the complete unity of subject and object within God.
Subject and object need a common base, which is mutuality of characteristics and purpose. in order to interact. When they do establish a common base, through the action of universal prime force in each of them they create a relationship of giving and receiving energy from each other. This giving and receiving action draws the subject and object together, creating a unity that resembles the subject-object unity of the attributes of their Creator, God. Each finds completion through its relationship with the other.
When subjects and objects are empowered by the universal prime force to create harmonious relationships, they engage in giving and receiving action and generate all manner of manifest
forces: electrical, mechanical, mental, emotional, etc. These are the substantial foundation for life itself: existence, action and multiplication. Prime force is the intangible source of life and universal prime force is the intangible foundation for life. The forces that result from giving and receiving action are the substantial foundation for life.Existence and life are possible only when there is a flow of energy between subject and object, with both of them giving and receiving. Breathing would not work if humans only inhaled: circulation would not work if humans only had arteries to take blood from the heart to the body but lacked veins to return it to the heart. Thus all creation is maintained and develops through the giving and receiving between subjects and objects.
Many of the subject-object pairs and the forces they generate have been identified by science. For example, nuclear power, electricity. heat and light are energies produced by interaction between atoms or sub-atomic particles: gravitational energy is produced by the interaction between heavenly bodies, and so on. The foundations for the natural world are created when protons, neutrons and electrons, empowered by universal prime force, give and receive energy to form atoms which, in turn, give and receive electrical forces in the creation of molecules.
The reproductive dimension of life is evident in the plant, animal and human kingdoms. In plants, stamens and pistils interact to produce the biological forces necessary for the creation of seeds. Male and female animals mate to produce offspring. Men and women are made by God as subjects and objects who are endowed with complementary characteristics, both internal and external, which enable them to form harmonious and productive couples. Man's spiritual, mental and physical masculinity is balanced perfectly by woman's spiritual, mental and physical femininity.
In human interaction, giving and receiving is the basis for the creation of harmonious relationships. For example, the ideal teacher-student relationship is created when a student responds fully to the education offered by a teacher. Their interaction is initiated by the teacher giving and completed by the student responding. On a wider scale, a leader in society gives direction and vision, win-ning the support of followers in the building of social structures and institutions. A national leader does the same for the whole nation. In every case, when an object, or objects, reciprocate the giving of a subject, interaction results and a unity of being is achieved. Whoever the partners, a relationship is initiated by giving.
It is a man's nature to seek completion through becoming one with a woman, while a woman's feminine nature seeks completion through union with a masculine subject. In perfect unity the two become as one, resembling the oneness of God. Since man and woman are the culmination of God's creation and the encapsulation of the physical and spiritual realms made by God. when they unite they become the completed image of God, the full embodiment of His attributes. The forces of giving and receiving action produced by their union are the foundation for their lives and for the creation of their family.
God's oneness is manifested in the perfect union between His subject and object attributes: divine internal character and external form, positivity and negativity. Each creation is endowed with dual characteristics that are a reflection of God's dual attributes. Human beings are the most complete embodiment of God's nature and thus considered the image of God. Their spiritual natures are the most complete reflection of God's internal attributes, and their bodies the most complete reflection of His external attributes. The rest of the creation was made in the image of humans and is a symbolic reflection of God's attributes.
God is truth: the true relationship between His dual attributes. This perfection of being is maintained through totally harmonious giving and receiving relationships between His attributes within His oneness. The word of God, as revealed to humankind, is an articulation of His existential truth. Every creation intrinsically is a unified being of harmonized dual characteristics. As such it reflects the unity of God and is an embodiment of truth, or an individual truth body. All creations, from atoms to human beings, were made by God to resemble His true nature and to find fulfillment through that resemblance.
Every created being completes itself as an individual truth body and then has a part to play in the creation as a whole by forming individual truth bodies of a higher dimension. For example, an atom is an individual truth body formed from the interaction of protons, neutrons and electrons. When it seeks out another atom to form a molecule, it is fulfilling its God-given purpose to become part of an individual truth body of higher dimension.
Human individual truth bodies are perfected when men and women grow to maturity by uniting mind and body and then forming harmonious families. A true man unites his mind and body into perfect oneness and then forms a union of love with a true woman to create a family, according to God's purpose for them. Together, they are the complete embodiment of the dual characteristics of God, internal and external, male and female. Unified, a true man and woman become true parents, qualified to give birth to true children. These true sons and true daughters grow up as true brothers and true sitters to become true husbands and true wives, finally becoming true parents themselves: each man perfect-ing his resemblance of God's masculinity, each woman perfecting her resemblance of God's femininity. Through true parents, true men and women are multiplied in God's creation.
The fundamental nature of God's heart is to give unconditionally. This impulse gives rise to love. As a manifestation of the true being of God, the love of God is true love. The universal prime force is imbued with purpose and direction by God's true love, God's absolute, unconditional giving of Himself for the creation. Since the true love of God is the source of life for human beings and the rest of creation, essentially God is love.
God created men and women to drink eternally at the inexhaustible fountain of His true love. A true man and true woman have the characteristics to be fully endowed with God's love so that they can become true parents, giving and receiving true love with each other; their family members and other true men and women. Their love becomes an extension of God's love.
When God, a true man and a true woman come together in a unity of true love, a foundation is created for the birth and education of true children. When these children are raised by true parents in homes of true love they will become true men and true women themselves. The true love that flows through a true family is the foundation for the creation of a true society. nation and world. In this way, the true love, true life and true lineage of God are inherited and multiplied by humankind.
True love flows wherever there are true subject-object relationships in the image of God's own internal harmony. Universally, when subjects and objects, impelled by the universal prime force, interact in accordance with God's will, they resemble God, who is the perfect union of subject and object attributes. Their interaction creates a new entity which embodies elements of both of them. This new creation adds a fourth position to the three occupied by God, the subject and the object. All four, interacting with one another, complete a four position foundation for the fulfillment of the purpose of existence.
Through giving and receiving with one another, the participants in the four position foundation become as one, and each fulfills its purpose through its relations with the other three. Through developing these qualitatively different relationships with three other members of the four position foundation, each member can realize its poten-tial. For example, the subject fulfills its purpose by perfecting its relationships with God, the object and the new entity created by its interaction with the object, while the object fulfills its purpose by perfecting its relationships with God, the subject and the new creation. In this way, each member takes the other three as its objects. Thus the four position foundation is completed through fulfillment of the triple object purpose. In the family, for example, God, the father, mother and children perceive one another as objects and complete themselves through perfecting the three distinct types of relationship in this four position foundation.
In human society there am many examples of four position foun-dations but the family unit is the most important. Only through the family can individuals be fulfilled completely.
Since men and women were made by God to be the objects of His true love, their most fundamental desire is for love. This desire can only be satisfied fully in the family, because it is in the family that people learn to give and receive true love in all its dimensions. The natural love relationships within families are all part of God's ideal; so too are extra familial love relationships that contribute to the creation of God centered families and a God centered world, such as love of neighbors and friends, of society and country. Alt extra familial love relationships are direct reflections of one of the various relationships that comprise familial love.
Any human relationship guided by self-centered rather than God centered purposes, such as sexual intercourse outside a com-mitment to marriage and family or possessive parental love at the cost of a child's well-being, is based on false love. True love is to sacrifice yourself for others, whereas false love is to sacrifice oth-ers for yourself. True love allows only one, eternal spouse, one man-woman union for the creation of a God centered four position foundation. Only in such a single spouse family can love be perfected and man's purpose be fulfilled. False love relationships violate the order of God's creation and thus destroy individuals, families, societies and nations.
Children are born needing the love of their parents. Although possessing the impulse to love, as infants their consciousness is oriented more to receiving than giving. As children grow, they learn to give and receive more love - with their parents, siblings and friends. Once a boy reaches maturity of heart and becomes a man, he is qualified to enter into a relationship of conjugal love with a similarly mature woman. On the foundation of this responsible husband-wife relationship, a couple is qualified to have children, to whom the father and mother give unconditional love.
God's love for His creation is unconditional, that is, it is given without requiring or demanding a reciprocation of love. Human love resembles this true love of God when people give unconditional love to others. The family is the only environment where everlasting true love can be perfected, because only true parents possess this standard of love. The only way to become a true parent is to establish a God centered family.
The practice of true love creates a heavenly atmosphere among all those who participate in it. In an environment of true love, all human problems and misery can be eliminated.
The Four Position Foundation in Creation
Examples of the formation of four position foundations in creation are protons (subjects) and electrons (objects) interacting to form atoms (new creations), stamens and pistils relating to produce seeds, male and female animals mating to produce offspring and husbands and wives uniting in love to have children.
Throughout the cosmos, all beings have the nature to establish four position foundations centered on God. Since the creation is ordered hierarchically and only humans are endowed with an internal character capable of knowing God directly within the world of creation God's purpose in the four position foundation is represented by the purpose of human beings. For those creations not di-rectly connected to people, the position of human beings as God's representatives is assumed by the hierarchy of nature centered on humans. Through this hierarchy, God's purpose is imparted to all four position foundations in creation.
Since the natural world was created as an environment to sus-tain human beings, the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms exist for humankind. Each level of creation fulfills its purpose through completing four position foundations that contribute to fulfilling the purpose of the next higher level. Thus sub-atomic particles interact centered on the purpose of atoms, cations and anions on the purpose of molecules and molecules on the purpose of the created beings they form. The plants and animals in God's creation are ordered so that lower life forms support higher ones. For example. in a food chain the lower serves the higher: grass nourished by mineral rich soil is eaten by insects, which in turn are eaten by snakes and frogs, that are then eaten by birds and small carnivores. Humans live from plants and animals that are themselves sustained by lower plant or animal species. Plants and animals all fulfill their purposes by contributing to the existence of human beings. In turn, they are also sustained by mineral nutrients and the sun. Ultimately, this allows lower beings to participate in the intimate en-counter with God, which is unique to man.
The purpose of interaction between subjects and objects is the creation of mature relationships within the structure of four position foundations. Every creation becomes complete through establishing harmonious relations with other beings in the formation of such foundations.
The energy that enables subjects and objects to give and receive in the creation of relationships is God's universal prime force. The internal character of this force and the life it sustains is the true love of God. The creation was made for love, and it is only through the practice of true love that men and women can fulfill their potential as true human beings. The family unit is the four position foundation in which this human potential can be completely realized.