... Recommend this series to a friend.
Here's how to make an email button that will look like this:
The basic html format is as follows:
And we center it with "center" tags and skip a space for the next line with "P" tags thusly:
You can see that FORM tags and attributes are used to make the button. INPUT TYPE tells the browser what will be in the form; in this case it's a button. VALUE is the text that will appear on the button, you can have it say whatever you want.
Now this next bit of code is actually some javascript. Javascript likes to have everything on one line so make sure that all the stuff in the INPUT TYPE tag is on one line (couldn't do it in my example). Notice that the "C" in onClick is a capital. Also take a close look at the quotation marks, notice that there are two sets of quotes: double quotes ( " ) and single quotes ( ' ). The double quotes start at parent.location ( take note there is a dot between parent and location) and they end after the email address and right after the single quote. The single quotes start at the mailto: and end between the email address and the double quote.
Substitute your email address with your email address (if that makes sense to you) and your button is ready to start sending you email. By now you must realize that there are tons of email buttons to be downloaded on the many graphic sites online; I just thought the above was a cool way of making your own.
I have some space left on this page, while trying to keep them relatively short, so we'll talk about what I call a "Recommend" tag. I'll post it below in its entirety (it consists of many small tags) knowing that after you understand it, you can do your own fine-tuning (making any small changes) to get the exact form you want. The particular form I use is the one you see on top of this page. It's made as follows:
<P ALIGN="RIGHT"> <B> <FONT COLOR="#006699" SIZE="2" FACE="Verdana"> ... <A HREF="mailto:?SUBJECT=Checkout this series&BODY=Lot's of HTML help here (if you need it) ... http://geocities.datacellar.net/buddychai/Html00.html"> Recommend </A> </FONT> <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="1"> this series to a friend. </FONT> </B> <P>
Here's the basic "recommend" without the dots, subject, comment, and addy:
It's just a regular email link with (?subject=whatever) (sans parentheses) added to your email address. Note that there are no spaces on either side of the question mark (that's after the question mark and before the word, subject). Notice also where the quotes go, the second quote doesn't come until after the text in the subject box.
The &BODY= is the text that introduces the url you are recommending, and that is followed by the actual url
Note that yu can also do this with the email button (see above), just add the subject to your email address the same way it's done here.
Here's the full "recommend" with the dots, subject, comment, and place for addy:
NOTE ... I made spaces to make it easier for you to see the different components. You can change the text to suit your needs. I'd suggest you play around with this until you get it the way you want it varying the location, font style, font size, etc.
How about a Recommend button that looks like this ...
Here we remove all the text and substitute the graphic (button) where the word, "recommend" was. First you have to have a graphic (button) in your File Manager wherever you keep your graphics. You can right-click mine and save, or find one suiting your color arrangement, or make your own. The codes will look like this:
<A HREF="mailto:?SUBJECT=Checkout this section&BODY=Try this if you want to learn how to make a website ... URL OF PAGE YOU ARE RECOMMENDING"> <IMG SRC="FULL URL WHERE GRAPHIC IS WITH FULL NAME OF GRAPHIC INCLUDING EXTENSION"> </A> <P>
Note that <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> is only necessary to place the Recommend text or button at the right side of the page (at any line you want it) ... to center the button, <P ALIGN="CENTER"> will do it; we've discussed this earlier in this tutorial.
Return to ... Navigator ... that's it.
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="EMAIL" onClick="parent.location='mailto:YourEmailAddress'">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="EMAIL" onClick="parent.location='mailto:YourEmailAddress'">
<FONT COLOR="#006699" SIZE="2" FACE="Verdana"> (font of "recommend")
<A HREF="mailto:?SUBJECT=subject in email window&BODY=content in body of email window ... enter complete url of particular page"> Recommend </A> </FONT>
<FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="1"> this page to a friend.</FONT> (font of "this page to a friend.")
</B> </P>
<FONT COLOR="#006699" SIZE="2" FACE="Verdana"> ... < A HREF="mailto:?SUBJECT=Checkout this page&BODY=Something told me you might appreciate this site ... enter complete url of particular page"> Recommend </A> </FONT>
<FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="1"> this page to a friend.</FONT>
</B> </P>