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Did you ever click on a link in a website and a new browser window opened up like this? Go on, give it a click.
It is actually quite easy to make a link that opens in another browser. Just add the (target="resource window") attribute in the beginning <A> tag (that's not the end tag) like what you see below. And again I'm putting a space next to any bracket so they stand out; they are not really necessary. *Except* in a few tags, for example, the BODY tag where all the text/link attributes are listed.
Where it says "click" you would put whatever text (or graphic) you want. And if you want it centered:
What follows would be a <P> tag or a <BR> tag, that's optional. You would replace "filename.html" with the file name of the page or the URL to where the link will go and that's it. A new window will open up when the link is clicked.
Return to ... Navigator ... that's it.