By that I mean it's simple, really nothing, if you give it some thought.
It's more powerful than G-d. It's more evil than the Devil. The poor have it. The rich need it. If you eat it you will die. |
Believe it or not, 70% of elementary school children quizzed solved the riddle.
And only 17% of college age people figured it out. Good luck.STOP HERE
Don't move to the bottom unless you give up and want the answer.
The answer is NOTHING. NOTHING is more powerful than G-d. NOTHING is more evil than the Devil. The poor have NOTHING. The rich need NOTHING. And if you eat NOTHING you will die.
Mensa is an organization whose entire membership of 100,000 has IQ's in the top two percent of the population. Although you can't qualify for membership online, you can take the Mensa Workout. Absolutely guaranteed to be most stimulating or headache-inducing, and depending on your mood, you'll have 30 minutes to solve 30 problems like What is the number that is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 400?. Then after automatically tabulating your score, the Workout will tell you if you're likely to be Mensa material. If not, then you probably don't want to know that Mensa's youngest member is only four years old.
In only thirty minutes you'll know if you're Mensa material.
Give it a try ... Mensa Workout... it's also fun.
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