this page is mainly for those of you who already know who i am in some way or another
and for myself as a storage space to keep all of the bits i'll need on the go
things take time you know, i need to figure it out
[that's where you come in, why else would i put all of this out here?]
so, because of my own truancy [which you all know] i have very little to offer as of yet but here's the beginning of the list.
and you can look at some [gibberish] goes from one to the next and will, rather soon, get a bit large... but the bottom always leeds to the next top: keep it up and you'll get your fix.
Various images of him areover here to be viewed... and this won't grow much faster unless it's all black and white and those lovely shades of grey, demand will lead to supply and it's kinda dry right now.
if you bother me it will drive me; if you're pushing me i won't have to supply all of the desire
and,despite that shite there are the stories that i wanted to fill this page with. these pages with. these files with; i wanted to write all the stories out i had in my head... all the stories i told to other people... these aren't secret and they aren't "True" but they are stories that are useful for various points.... it's the begining of a catalogue that you are all in [if you mean anything to me, you'll turn up in them somewhere: i tell stories about all of you.. and requests to be left out will be turned down].
plus all of this.. i'm going to build in a link soon that will open up a mail window for you that will contain the addresses of everyone that i've concerned with this page... in case you want to send out a group shout or a list-type-thing.
any other suggestions?
email .d? Yes, you can.
Virtual .d- [active]
This is where you'll need to click if you want to interact with this page. all suggestions for links, comments about what you've seen here, or some stimulas to illicit a response.
or you can just leave notes to each other ridiculing me or telling jokes or talking about the weather, government or your favourite sports team. if you're looking to be entertianed i wish you luck because [i think] you have to work at this one.
the choice is really up to you.
or you could just observe what others have been doing [passive]