St. Christopher's Emblem
About St. Christopher's

As one of the Church Schools in the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, St. Christopher's School, for nearly a century, has provided a strong liberal arts education for boys in a framework of basic Judeo-Christian values. Striving for excellence in all of its programs, the School prepares boys for college, for life, and for constructive citizenship in a challenging but caring environment that fosters individual growth, develops personal integrity, and encourages social responsibility. St. Christopher's strives to develop fully each boy's individual strengths and to build self-esteem by challenging his mind and body and nurturing his spirit.

Chamberlayne Hall (Upper School)
Chamberlayne Hall (Upper School)

St. Christopher's Leadership:
Headmaster: Charles Stillwell
Head of the Upper School: Tony Szymendera
Head of the Middle School: Andrew Smith
Head of the Lower School: Norwood Woodard
Head of Extended Day: Carol Logue

St. Christopher's Contact Information:

St. Christopher's School
711 St. Christopher's Road
Richmond, Virginia 23226
(804) 282-3185

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page last updated 10/14/98
Webmasters: Austin Harris, Nathan Hays, Jeb Britton, John Crews
Karen Harris