St. Christopher's School
Boys Choir

The St. Christopher's Boys Choir is composed of boys in grades six through eight (Middle School). The group meets for four academic periods each week, with occasional evening rehearsals as needed. Further questions about the Glee Club or any of St. Christopher's vocal ensembles may be directed to

Upcoming Concerts
none currently scheduled



1998-99 Officers
President: Alex Skidmore
Vice President: Jonathan Carter
Librarians: Evan Nasteff, Bill Stokes
Webmaster: John Crews


Cantoris Decani Schola
Clay Bowles Ben Butterworth John Crews
Larrabee Carter James Hoffman Reid Lankford
Taylor Christian Gabriel Mayer Mark Meyer
Clark Farley Will Milby Michael Meyer
J.D. Jump Sam Morris Evan Nasteff
Hunter Macdonald Will Parrish Jeb Pinkerton
Patrick McMenamin Jack Reichner Daniel Russo
Samuel Redd Mike Rozycki Alex Skidmore
Bill Stokes Bryce Stallings Whit Perrin
  Gibby Wright Peter Hicks

Boys Choir Archives

Performances during the Academic Year 1997-98
All Saints Service [9710.31]
  • A Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester (by L.J. White)
Middle School Thanksgiving Service
  • Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God (by Healy Willan, directed by Student Conductor Ty Wellford)
Lower School Chapel [9712.02]
  • Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (arranged by John Rutter, soloist: Mark Meyer)
St. Giles Presbyterian Church [9712.11]
  • Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (arranged by John Rutter, soloist: Mark Meyer)
Lessons and Carols [9712.16 - .17]
  • Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (arranged by John Rutter, soloist: Mark Meyer)
St. Christopher's Day [9702.20]
  • The King of Love (by Williamson, directed by Student Conductor Ian Macdonald)
John Bertalot Master Class [9803.06]
  • Locus Iste (by Bruckner)
  • Ave Verum Corpus (by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Middle School Easter Service [9804.22]
  • Psalm 150 by John Harper
Spring Concert [9804.22]
  • A Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester (by L.J. White)
  • Psalm 150 by John Harper
  • Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (arranged by John Rutter, soloist: Mark Meyer)
  • Ching a Ring Chaw (by Aaron Copland)

Boy Choir Goals & Expectations
Boy Choir Member Bios
Choir (Boy Choir and Glee Club)

Home | Glee Club | Boy Choir | Saints Singers | 1999 Japan Tour | Fun Stuff

page last updated 10/14/98
Webmasters: Austin Harris, Nathan Hays, Jeb Britton, John Crews
Karen Harris