a r t - m u s i c - i d e a s - b i o - t r a v e l

a French sculptor who died the same year he married,
a German printmaker who lost a son in WW1,
and an American magic realist -- to find out
more about some of my favourite artists, plus a special
gallery of Asian art, visit the Art page

from pop to Piazzolla, Blossom Dearie, plus a special tribute to Glenn Gould,
check out the Music page.

Why did Susan call Charlie out for a bowl of wonton?
Who is Stuart Sutcliffe? How do you pronounce Van Gogh?
Why were people so mad at Mapplethorpe and Rushdie?
To find out, check out some of my writing at the Create page

tiananmen Square 1989, 100 yrs of Solitude,
Charles Sanders Peirce and a 15th century Zen monk --
Everything from literature to philosophy, theory to history can be
found here, in the Ideas page.

for more information about me, plus
photos and links to friends and family, click HERE

a selection of photos from some of my
favourite places, including a year spent in Copenhagen.
Click take a look.

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