
 To make this easy I will use a friend of mines name and date. Beverly Sandlin, born April 12, 1955.

Soul Number: Take your day of birth and reduce it to a single digit by adding them together.

1+2= 3


 Fate Number: add all the digits of your birth day together (day, month, year) and reduce to a single digit.

1+2+4+1+9+5+5= 27

2+7= 9

(your fate)

 Personal Number: calculate your first name, personal or birth, using the chart. Then add all the numbers together until you get a single digit.

 B  E  V  E  R  L  Y
 2  5  4  5  9  3  7

2+5+4+5+9+3+7= 35

3+5= 8

(how you relate to others)




































Name Number: Add your last name numbers together until you get a single digit. 

 S  A  N  D  L  I  N
 1  1  5  4  3  9  5

1+1+5+4+3+9+5= 28

2+8= 10

1+0= 1

Then add your first name and last name together:

1+8= 9

 Your goal number you get by adding your name number to your fate number until you get a single digit.

9+9= 18

1+8 = 9

To look deeper into the personalities of the numbers. Watch how often each whole number appears, this will show you areas of concern and strength.


Unity, the divine presence; thesis, opportunity, new beginnings; will and focused consciousness, ability to use personal resources; the Sun, the Magician, Sunday, red.

CHARACTER: The individualist; independent, resourceful, self-reliant; clear self-identity and values; resolute, capable, ingenious; desires action, seeks new paths, takes on responsibility; also: intolerant, inconsiderate, stubborn, self-satisfied.


Duality, polarity; antithesis; dilemmas, choice, ambivalence: good/bad, either/or, light/dark, joy/sorrow, love/hate, rich/poor; ability to feel and use emotions; balance, harmony, concord; balanced judgment through, intuitive awareness; the Moon, the High Priestess, Monday, orange

CHARACTER: The Silent Knower; calm, just, giving, considerate, intuitively aware; gives things form; peacemaker; harmonious, social; also: irresolute, indifferent, weak, avoids responsibilities.


Creative action; synthesis; triad: heaven-human-earth, past-present-future, through-word-action; ability to use personal creativity, demonstrate ;love through creative imagination; comprehensive, dynamic, fulfilling; Mars; the Empress; Tuesday, yellow.

CHARACTER: The Maker; free, strong, frank, forceful; capable organizer, inspires action, moves other; cheerful, flexible, creative, enthusiastic, brilliant; also: indifferent, impatient, lacks stamina and concentration; spectacular rise and fall; mania, mood swings.


The world; completion; root of all concrete things; practice, repetition, realization of power; stable, square; ability to use practical thinking; basic form of order: four elements, directions, seasons; consolidate, complete, prepare for renewal; practical intellect, instinctual knowledge; Mercury, the Emperor, Wednesday, green.

CHARACTER: The Stabilizer; solid, loyal, tenacious; honest, steady, capable; can undertake difficulty or unpleasant tasks; deep, faithful friend; capacity for focused will and self-sacrifice; aware and accepting; creates order; also: clumsy, dull, unadaptable, conventional.


Body, sensuality; conflict; the five senses, fingers and toes; to learn and teach from direct experience; health, expansion, prosperity, fecundity; grounded in the world; challenges faced in learning from experience; Jupiter, the Hierophant, Thursday, blue.

CHARACTER: The Adventurer; courageous, vivacious; passionate, responsive, quick to grasp and learn; optimistic, encouraging, sympathetic, inspiring; great traveler or explorer; also: rash, fickle, thoughtless, endlessly distracted.


Connects above and below; reconciliation; intellectual; creativity; discrimination, imagination, union, love, perfection; ability to use imagination and intellect; relatedness, taking responsibility for choices; beauty, harmony; Venus and Uranus, the Lovers, Friday, indigo.

CHARACTER: The Idealist; seeker, strives for harmony and beauty; honest, careful, tolerant, unselfish, loving; cheerful, energetic; free of compulsive attachments to money and success; also: disconnected, unaware, hypocritical moral superiority; weak, impractical, flabby.


Limits; manifestation in time and space; stability, endurance; ability to set limits and endure in time; complete in itself; the world's governor, good fortune; wisdom; evolution, balance, completion; Saturn, the Chariot, Saturday, violet.

CHARACTER: The Thinker; wise, discerning; philosopher, writer, ascetic; rigorous, long-sighted; ahead of the time, thus often in conflict with the present; able to bear hardships; deep seeing, deep thinking; love of knowledge; also : morbid, misanthropic, resentful, self-righteous, unwilling or unable to share ideas.


Resolves dualities; expansion, dissolution, dimension of the timeless; good and bad, right and wrong, day and night; ability to see and relate to eternal dimension; balance between forces, connects spirit and matter; developing confidence to follow a vision; breaks down barriers to transformation; reality, courage, strength, self-esteem; North Node of Moon (individual fate), strength, silver.

CHARACTER: The Boss; practical drive to succeed; organizer, decision-maker; intensely active, seizes opportunity, takes control; wants security, success; also: unimaginative, tactless, domineering, greedy, sneering.


Ability to see; integration; the three worlds: physical, intellectual, spiritual; last symbol, before return to unity; ability to understand inborn talents and compulsions; introspection and personal integrity; unity, truth, perfection, concord; dissolves ego attachments; challenges faced in looking for your own wisdom; South Node of Moon (karma, residue of past lives), the Hermit, gold.

CHARACTER: The Artist or Seer; intelligence, understanding, brilliance, artistry, intellect; good advisor, high moral sense; also: disconnected, dreamy, lethargic, unable to concentrate.

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