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Pagans Against Social Tyranny

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Greetings from our nations capitol! I'm the webmaster (among other things) for the P.A.S.T., and I know it's been almost a month between updates, but I've recently moved from the south to D.C. and it's been hectic. Here's the news:
We're moving, however slowly towards "launch". Launch is the term I'm liking to use for when we go completely active. We still rebuilding and I'm hoping to be able to redesign the site very soon. We are in desperate need of writers for the upcoming newsletter and are also in need of submissions for our resource. An example of a submission would be, "A Wiccan Guide to Samhain" or "The many uses of Teatree".
Links! we need links! we are compiling our own source of links, but we want yours. We want interconnectivity in the online pagan community. Let your cause, be our cause! If you find anything you'd like to add please do. And if there's anything we can help you with please ask. Our purpose is to help and we are more than happy to do just that. If there is a community problem or a social issue at hand, or something in the media that effects us we want to know, and aid. Untill we reach launch, and full interactive websites, please email the webmaster directly.
The webmaster

New! Updated 17 NOVEMBER 2000
Tristan Speaks out on STUPID QUESTIONS!


How many of you on the Internet have heard the questions "What is a pagan?" "What is a Witch?" "What is a Shaman, or a Druid?" And all the various little questions that go along. I'd be willing to bet most pagans on the Internet have. I find it personally distressing to know that if someone in public sees the pentagram I wear on my necklace, that they are automatically wondering if I'm a satanist. I want people to wonder if I'm a Pagan. That is where the P.A.S.T. comes in. We are ready to begin contacting and countering the media when they produce misinformation, we are ready to refer legal aid to any and every pagan who feels discrimination, we are ready to unite paganism under a common banner. Every day our goals become larger.

For every name there is a voice, and for every voice there is a chance to be heard. For every name there is a face, and for every face there is a chance to be seen.

Talk to Us! Got questions? Opinions?
Here is the place to send them.
Email P.A.S.T.

The P.A.S.T. is inspired and co-founded by Cheryl Burkhalter.

This site has been visited by gentle souls.

This page is owned by P.A.S.T. ©1998. Do not reproduce any part of this page or site without prior consent.

Site layout by SilvrSkys' Pagan Corners.And Tristan greene. Please direct any HTML problems to Webmaster.
