>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L A N D S C A P E
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The ARCHIVE-GROTTO has been open to the public since 1999
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A G E N C Y
>>There are multiple departure points
>>>>>>>>> N E W >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>There is no master index (nor master narrative)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Y O R K
>>>>>>>>>>The ARCHIVE-GROTTO is also a labyrinth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A R C H I V E
>>>>>Passages are opened, closed, re-opened, re-routed, closed, and/or discarded >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> G R T T O >>>>>>> Web 1.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Should you get lost, congratulations!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 0 0 9
Amnesty International