Sites of Interest

As I roam around the Net during whatever leisure time I get, I come across pages that I have been searching for,and also, pages that have been searching for me :) I hope you will enjoy the selection of sites here, and do check back for updates.

" Track : The Search Is Over "

With all the hype of mp3s and all, I found myself engulfed in this torrent of new technology.. perhaps not that new anymore. My pursuit for hard-to-find music led me to linger on these few websites. Downloadable players and songs prevail here!

LeMmE Mp3 SeArCh NoW!

Also, Mp3.CoM PaGe

Searches by genres, musicians, singers, groups, albums, singles et al seems non-exhaustive at this site, and one gets to listen to samples from desired albums and to review them. It also lists albums of similar genre that people have bought so that one discovers more musicians of the same genre. Pretty good for those who can't get enough of their fav type of music!

LeMmE MuSiC SeArCh NoW!

Searching for lyrics can get pretty wearisome when you only know a line or two. Try this lyrics web which I feel, has the most comprehensive collection of lyrics from the 50s to 90s among all lyrics search pages I tried. It allows searches via singer, title or even keywords. Pretty helpful when you "just can't remember the title of that song, but that darn line keeps playing in my head!!"

LeMmE LyRiCs SeArCh NoW!

Also check out here: AsTrAwEb LyRiCs

" Chapter : He rode off into the dusk. I never saw him again. "

Talking about books on the net is like insisting on walking when you're offered a ride -you could get to your destination much faster!- but somehow, nothing beats the smell of the pages of a crisp new book mingling with the aroma of a fresh cup of coffee, especially when it's a book you've been wanting to read. At this books search, books are listed according to genres or authors. Search for hard-to-find stuff, read reviews from critics or post one yourself. Pretty good alternative to spending time physically combing the bookstores!?

LeMmE BooKs SeArCh NoW!

" Animation : So let me come to you .. close as I want to be.. "

I was nonchalantly browsing hifis one day when a lilting melody led me to some impressive scenes from the animated movie of the Playstation game, FiNaL FaNtAsY VIII. Those into gaming would probably know more about these stuff -I'm just a layman here- but what made it unforgettable was the features and gestures of the characters have been created with so much semblance to real life humans that one almost forget that they are virtual(!) And of course, the sceneries are so enchanting and everything is so ethereal that it is visually mesmerising!

SqUaReSoFt FFVIII Related sites - FFVIII GuRuS FFVIII OnLiNe

Came across some really cool animation by animator Eric Mauro which features shape morphing; it attracts but yet is clean and simple. Using Flash, Mauro's animation looks like what you'd find in earlier times' animation strips. Of course, copyrights reserved. ViEw AnImAtIoN!

ErIc MaUrO's PaGe

Enjoyed the innovative use of alphabets and numbers by Carbon. Goes to show that not all successful animation require object rendering and design. ViEw AnImAtIoN!

CaRbOn's PaGe

Scott Bateman does everything in his animation himself, which I feel is quite impressive. Love the Bart-Simpson colour scheme. Juvenile... ViEw AnImAtIoN!

ScOtT BaTeMaN's PaGe

For more animation stuff, get down to HoTwIrEd : AnImAtIoN ExPrEsS

" Now Showing : I was named after a saint who died for his sweet faith. "

Some films tingle my nerves and intrigue me, so here I have listed those with sites, official or otherwise, in this section.

City Of Angels

Don Juan DeMarco

Great Expectations

Legends Of The Fall

Somewhere in Time

The Saint

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This page was last updated on Tuesday, 27 March 2001