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  • The Academy of the Hebrew Language (Ha'akademia L'lashon Ha'ivrit) has words listed which the academia has recently decided upon, some of which are fairly amusing. You need to be able to view Hebrew characters on your browser to view this page.
  • There are many Aliya sites on the web, but if you're a student, check out Tehilla Tzeira or Kedma, organizations geared towards English speaking observant students thinking about making Aliya. I participated in Kedma's internship program in Jerusalem a couple summers ago.
  • If you're looking for an apartment to rent, a room to sublet, or want to rent out or sublet an apartment or room in Jerusalem, look at the Flathunting website. It's an excellent resource, which helped make my time in Israel last summer really great, but just to play it safe try to find someone you know in common before you agree to rent a room.
  • Both Matan and Nishmat are women's Yeshivot in Jerusalem where I have learned in the past.
  • The Internet Domains in Israel and the Israeli Internet Guide have links to Israeli webpages.
  • JSOURCE and The Frum Side of the Web have many Jewish links.
  • For an amusing frummie (sp?) kind of web page look at the Chumra Archives.
  • Edah is an organization commited to keeping Modern Orthodox Judaism both modern and Orthodox in a world where Orthodox Judaism is moving towards the right. Look at their web page to see what they're about, because I can't do justice to them in just one or two sentences.
  • Jewish Geography is something people always play, but here's an on-line version.
  • IdeaNet has job listing for employment related to working with Jewish youth.
  • The Jewish Food Recipe Archive has many recipes (for those of us who only own three cookbooks).
  • For some Boston Jewish web pages, look at the Jewish Advocate page, the Boston Eruv page, Ma'ayan, a Jewish women's learning institution, or the webpage of Kadimah, a shul in the Boston area. Maimonides School, the school I attended also has a page, but it's about as bland as a web page can possibly be.
  • Some Washington DC Jewish pages are the Jewish Graduates and Professionals of Washington DC web page, which has a message board, the Kesher Israel web page, which has candle lighting and davening times for DC, and the Jewish Information & Referral Service web page.