Updates History

25 August 2004
Added Trump to Chaos Campaign Amber page.
6 August 2004
Added poem to Poetry page, and latest three Trumps to Chaos Campaign Amber page.
27 April 2004
Added poems to Poetry page, and second Trump to Chaos Campaign Amber page.
14 April 2004 Added to poetry page; also added section for new Amber campaign (Courts of Chaos) in the Amber pages, and added in the first Trump pic.

16 August 2003
Transferred weblinks to separate page to move some of the clutter from the main page.

7 June 2003
I've added some links to the Links page (where else!) - Kath's and Michael's in the Friends section, and Awenlist, the BDO and OBOD in the pagan list. I've also added in several new Trumps for the current Amber campaign (Nosliben os nat Theofrayeden).

13 May 2003
Hmmm ... it's been quite a while since I updated this Update page ... figures! Since the last time, I've added in stuff on the new Amber campaign - campaign logs that Sean has done, Trumps of mine and so on. Tonight I've added in the next few Trumps that I've done for our Amber campaign - brings the total there up to 11 I think. I'd like to re-do some of them now that I feel more back in the swing of doing them.

6 August 2002
Converted my remaining Amber stories, and linked them in. This, I think, pretty well completes the Amber section of this site {yay!}. Time to consider next part to work on :-)

5 August 2002
Finished converting my Amber Diaries to html & linked them in. Started converting the stories, and worked on a page for them.

19 July 2002
Fiddled with the front page, making it a bit more streamlined and less unwieldy (I hope).
Added in this updates page and linked it in.

18 July 2002
Finally back into updating the site - long overdue. Major overhaul had been done over preceding six months or so, but this should see the last work before going live and replacing the old version of the site.
Added in poems written since last update, and tweaked that page a bit.

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This site copyright © Atarian 1998 - 2004.
This page last updated : Saturday 27 March 2004