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The Tesseract

Science Fiction and Fantasy

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This room is a collection of links, commentary, and various sf&f debris from my end of the universe. If you don't see one of your favorites, e-mail me to complain and I may not do anything about it ;-). Caution: television coverage is limited to non-spacefaring shows. I have only so many hours in a day to read books / watch shows / browse the web / drool, so please be patient. This page will take some time to complete.

Check out the new X-Files shrine!

Happy Holidays from The X-Files! | How to Be an Evil Overlord

Flashback: the Week in Review

March 1, 1998- It's been a long, long time, but this is worth it! Starting their June issue, Asimov's Science Fiction magazine (here's their online version) is expanding! Here are the details:
"After twenty years as a 'digest' magazine, we're changing our size, as of the upcoming June issue. The magazine will now be BIGGER, more than an inch taller in height, and a little over a quarter-inch larger in width. The page count will go from 160 to 144 for regular issues, and from 288 to 240 for double issues, BUT--and this is an important 'but'--because the pages are larger and we can fit more text on to them, the overall effect will be to increase the amount of material we can use by about 10% per issue. So you'll actually be getting more new material per issue, in spite of the drop in pages, than you used to get."
This is an excerpt from an article by SFWA News. It's an end of an era... only FSF (Fantasy & Science Fiction) will remain as a true science fiction digest.

December 5, 1997- The geeks at Ain't It Cool News have some hot stuff for you! There's tons of scuttlebutt to dig through, like Star Wars stuff, a nice one on Tomorrow Never Dies, some X-Files stuff, Red Dwarf, Fahrenheit 451 & other Ray Bradbury projects. But all this is nothing compared to the most shocking thing I've heard in a while: they might be making a Hobbit movie. And screwy things are happening to the script. *yech* For something more upbeat and truly just incredible- visit the Ackermansion, courtesy of Harry's camera. FYI: Forrest J. Ackerman is the greatest science fiction and fantasy collector on Earth. Like, this planet. You name the movie, he's got a prop from it. The likes of Spielberg worships at his mansion. As for the mansion, it's floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall, thick with the coolest movie and pulp (that's old SF books) stuff you'll ever find. (Are you drooling yet?) If you can't get enough of Uncle Forry, visit the Forrest J. Ackerman's Wide Webbed World. Get in touch with your science fiction and fantasy past, present, and future.
In SF book news, check out Publisher's Weekly's picks for best science fiction books.

November 25, 1997- If you missed the wedding of Worf and Dax on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, here's a page of the dialogue from the wedding itself. It explains a lot about Klingon culture and why they only worship Kahless (sp?) as opposed to some Klingon deity.

November 24, 1997-

If you haven't seen "Detour," don't read this.

Instead, skip to November 19.

Fright of the Week: Monsters under the bed. Well, mutants and aliens, we've got a lot of UST in this week's X-Files, that is, Unresolved Sexual Tension. Mulder and Scully in the woods with invisible guys. Sure, it sounds like a certain Arnold motion picture vehicle, and I could make a lot of terrible Hansel and Gretel parallels, but it's worth it. Scully singing campfire songs while snuggling with Mulder? Scully saving Mulder for a change? It's pretty good for a Sunday night. At least this time no one made the Bambi mistake... a tough, intelligent redhead bantering with Mulder? Yikes. Plus the cockroach that ate Cincinnati, stacking furniture, unspoken communication, and honey baked ham. Definite shades of "Darkness Falls" (in the woods alone with deadly predators) and "Quagmire" (alone in the dark, philosophisizing and fending off light flirtation) with sprinkles of familiar lines ("This is not happening" "I'm not alone"). On a side note, isn't Mulder's wound on the same side he was shot (by Scully, no less)? Anyway, I have here carefully reproduced the failed campfire scene. I hope it clarifies all the Mulder-mumbles.

November 19, 1997- Yo, Highlander fans! I have, rather regretfully, skipped two episodes (they are taped and ready...) but I got back just in time to see "Unusual Suspects." Yes, it aired the same week as The X-Files episode of the same name, and no, it's just a coincidence. Anyway, it was an all-flashback show in which Roger Daltrey reprises the role of the hilarious Fitzcairn. (Much like The X-Files episode of the same name, except without Roger Daltrey; it was Steven Williams that time.) Apparently, Fitz is murdered by one of four people, the group including his constantly shrieking ex-wife. Mac and Fitz must find the killer before Fitz is locked out of his fortune. Will they uncover the killer before all the mortals are killed? Can Macleod stand another second of "deceased" Fitz's simpering? Will that woman ever stop shrieking?
Go straight to the next entry.

If you haven't seen "Unusual Suspects," don't read this...

Now we come to lighter things... namely the Lone Gunmen. I braved the murky fan forums of the official website and the biggest news was Mulder's clunky quote "Zack Morris" endquote cell phone and the total lack of Scully (third episode so far, after "3," & "Zero Sum.") Everyone thought it was a nice touch to have Mulder call his old partner Reggie Purdue, who met his timely demise in the first season episode "Young at Heart." Everyone loved the "narc," the "doo-hickey," and the "first one here who'll be traded for cigarettes." Oh, I mean, John Fitzgerald Byers, Melvin Frohike, and "daddy needs a new sword of wounding" Langly. Many people loved the nude, shivering Mulder (EEWWW) but I personally enjoyed the moment when the alien-detector thing went off when Mulder touched it. Someone at the forum also mentioned that "Susanne Modeski" has the same initials and same number of letters as... Samantha Mulder?!


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Docking on the Web: Though I do mention popular sf shows like The X-Files and popular sf authors like Ray Bradbury, I hope you'll find a few gems here that aren't widely advertised on the Internet.

The Locus Index: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror The Ray Bradbury Page
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. Jayhawk: An Online Cyberpunk Novel
Official X-Files Website The Dominion: The Sci-Fi Channel

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