Certificate Programs in Greater Boston

American English Programs

17 South Street, Unit 116
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 582-1812 or
"The approach to teacher training is highly experiential, with very little lecture format, and a lot of emphasis on communication skills. You will learn about the different preferred learning styles that students (and teachers) have, so that you can adapt your teaching to accommodate ALL styles of learning."

Worldwide Teachers Development Institute

266 Beacon Street
Boston, MA
(617) 262-5722

Worldwide teachers offers a three-week intensive Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (CTEFL) program that runs continously throughout the year. They also offer a Certificate in Teaching Business English (Cert.TBE).

RSA/UCLES Certificate Programs (The closest RSA/UCLES center is in New York City)

International House
Centre For English Studies

330 Seventh Ave
at 29th Street
New York N Y 10001
(212) 629-7300
They pride themselves "on being one of the few centers in North America approved by the University of Cambridge to provide programs preparing for the prestigious RSA Cambridge CELTA qualification for teachers of English as a foreign language (TEFL). The four-week, 120-hour CELTA course is full-time and very intensive. Participants should be prepared to spend ten to twelve hours daily in teaching practice, input sessions, tutorials and lesson planning during the four weeks. Employment during the course and long commutes to the course center are strongly discouraged."

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