From the Home Office on Mt. Sinai,

Top Ten Ways to Mess Up Your Life!

10. Pay more attention to the neat things that you DON'T have than the wonderful things you DO have.

9. Lie and make false claims about people.

8. Steal stuff.

7. Have sex with someone other than your spouse.

6. Kill somebody.

5. Treat your parents like dirt; so they never want to help or support you. If you don't die young, you'll die a nothing.

4. Work constantly, forget weekends and holidays. Never take a break to rest or relax. Keep all your family and employees working constantly too. Never let anyone around you waste any time. Certainly don't waste time at church or other useless places.

3. Say things like "Jesus!" "God Almighty!" and "God Damn" often. Generally misuse the various names for God, this makes you look real guilty until you are guilty of something.

2. Hate the Creator of All that is seen and unseen. This will mess up the lives of your kids, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren!

1. Hold something more sacred than the Creator. Make a fancy statue of something, anything, then bow down and worship it.

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