Courses INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS The most popular course offered by SeniorNet DHRH is "SeniorWorks--Introduction to Computers." Classes are designed to be friendly, "hands-on" and fun! The focus is on your desire to learn...there are no tests and no grades.
You are introduced to Windows XP and the mouse and the basic features of word processing, graphics, spreadsheets and databases. Open lab time is included in the class fee, before or after class time, for practicing the techniques you'll be learning. Our instructors and coaches, all volunteers, give individualized attention and help during both class and open lab sessions.
OTHER AVAILABLE COURSES Upon completion of the Introduction course, students are encouraged to continue their computer journey with any or all of the following courses--offered when enough people sign up to make them available:
Most of these classes meet once or twice a week for a total of 8 sessions. The cost is $20.00 per person, for those who have already paid the $40.00 registration fee. A Special Note: