Faerie Tradition Exercises

The Three Souls

A Brief Introduction

An integral part of the Faery Tradition, the Three Souls help us understand how we function and help us move energy for magical work.

The Three Souls have a variety of names, each of which helps describe them better. They are known in many cultures, and different Faery teachers may accent one set of names more than another. Basically, they may be called the intuitive Younger Self, the conscious Talking Self, and the divine God Self.

We are usually most aware of our Talking Self who basically functions on a day to day level. But we need to learn more about our other two "selves" in order to function more fully as sacred priests and priestesses, and in order to work effective magic, because our Talking Self is not in direct communication with our God Self. It is the Younger Self, also called the Fetch, who can communicate with both our Talking Self and our God Self.

Aligning the Three Selves actually takes a lot of necessary healthy work, to keep good clear communication open from Talking Self to the Fetch to the God Self and back again. The Fetch is the key to this. It not just an intermediary.

The Ha Prayer

This is a basic and essential piece of Faery Work. Its purpose is to keep the Three Souls properly aligned and the channel of communication clean and pure. Eventually this work becomes so integrated with you that you don't have to think about doing it, but just do it naturally and unconsciously. You can do this once or twice a day. We also do this before spiritual work and before magical work. Again, it becomes so natural and unconscious that we don't even realize that we are doing it.

But first we do have to learn how to do it and work at it consciously. To begin, do it daily when you wake up. Yes, you can do it while you're still in bed.

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