
Hi, my name is SpiritDov and I welcome you to a small part of my spiritual realm.

Please be patient while the wav loads. It is a beautiful piece called "Gathering Of Souls" by R. Carlos Nakai from Peter Kater's "Honorable Sky" album (which by the way, was recorded here in CO) and it is definitly worth the wait.
While you are waiting for the wav on this page to load let me tell you a little about myself.


My name of Spirit Dov was given to me one day while meditating. I was told that I am "Spirit Dove," that I am "a messenger for Spirit."
I am a spiritual medium or what some refer to as a channeler. I am a voice for those on the other side that wish to speak to those on the earth plane. I channel loved one's that have passed over and peoples angels and guides. This is something that I truly love to do! I love the energy that fills me from those that speak thru me. It is an energy that is so very loving and peaceful that it is hard to put into words

Besides being gifted as a channeler, I've also been gifted with clairvoyance and clairaudience, which means that I have the ability to "see" and "hear" beyond the earth plane. These are what I call my gifts from Spirit and I do not take them lightly. They are used to help people on their spiritual path or to help comfort them by communicating with the ones they have lost. I do not use my gifts in negative ways or abuse them. They are only used for the good and are used within the white light.

I'm considered to be a Spiritualist. I have read and learned of many different beliefs and religions (no, I am not in anyway close to being a scholar in this subject). I have taken what I have considered to be the very best from each and put it into my beliefs and practices. There is however, one that has had an especially big impact on my spiritual growth and that is the Native American beliefs. I was fortunate enough, and very honored, to have had a very good mentor and friend who is an Ojibiwa Medicine Man. I feel deep within that if it had not been for him, I would not be where I am today on my spiritual path. Thank you Makwa!

I am a believer in the power and energies of crystals and stones. I have seen how they work and I do feel their energies. I work with them frequently to help with meditation, journeying, healing and readings. We'll be journeying to the crystal realm later on.

I do not push my beliefs or practices on to other people. If I am asked, I will gladly share. That is what I am doing, or hope to be doing, with my webpages. I am hoping to share with others of like mind, hoping to make this a place where anyone can come and relax, enjoy the beautiful music and pictures that will be on my pages and learn and share with others.

"Some" of the Spiritual topics that I will have on here will be about totems, meditation and crystals. I am also planning on some great info and links on Colorado since this is where I live and I LOVE to share with others about it, especially the beauty of the mountains.

I'm still learning how to do all this web building stuff. One of my great friends, Nan, is helping me with this and thank gods, she has a LOT of patience!


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Please come back soon and visit me and watch how I learn and grow.

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