
An Online Writing Journal and family history page of the Cambridge Family and Natani's
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Yah-tah-hey, Yah sho, Welcome to a Native American Family History Site- Natani 1850 to present


Hello, We are the CAMBRIDGE FAMILY. There is Norman & Merelynn Cambridge, and six children and 2 grandchildren. We are Native American, Navajo and Ute. In Navajo we call ourselves, Dine', we call Utes-Notahi'. Utes call themselves, Nuche, they call Navajos-Pahweechu'. Before the Pioneers were here our fathers walked these lands, one of them is Natani. NATANI and MATANA.

The following picture was taken around 1935 Natani was born around 1850 and passed away in 1952. He is my great grandfather, NATANI from Toadlena, he was married to RED MUSTACHES DAUGHTER, MATANA. They in turn had children,

One of them was ADA BEDAY BEGAY NATANI, MY GRANDMOTHER her picture taken in 1908, at Shiprock, New Mexico married LEWIS CAMBRIDGE who had 12 children.

ADA BEDAY BEGAY NATANI married LEWIS CAMBRIDGE, this is 60 years later a picture of them IN 1970 and they had 12 children.

One of LEWIS & ADA CAMBRIDGE's children was FRANCIS CAMBRIDGE, my father , who married

HELEN HARPER,, and Francis and Helen had children.

One of whom is me, I am very ordinary looking, sorry to disappoint you, NORMAN CAMBRIDGE, ALSO KNOWN AS "JOHNNY RUSTYWIRE", and I married MERELYNN GROVES, daughter of Harold & Juanita Groves from Myton, Utah and we have six children, Norman II (Sonny), Harley, Kelly, Karen, Micah and Luke.

Our first born son, Sonny (Norm II) standing tall.

Sonny, NORMAN II got married in July of last year to ANNE, his wife. She was ANNE COLTON, they finished school at Utah State are teaching on the Navajo Reservation in Pinon, Arizona

Our second son is Harley, working this summer with a Wetlands project, counting birds, nests and doing fish studies and going to school at Utah State in Logan, Utah HARLEY,

Our third born is KELLY, he is married to JENNIFER, she was JENNIFER PERKINS and they have three childrenKELLY & JENNIFER CAMBRIDGE.

We just have one daughter, I tell her she is the best and worst daughter I have, she is home and going to school at the Utah State Extension for the summer and taking it easy more or lessKAREN ,

Micah is the consummate athlete, he is agile and quick, born with the ability to play anything. He is working in Logan Utah and planning on going to attend Utah State this Fall. MICAH,

Luke is our last born, he just graduated from high school this Spring and is not sure what he wants to do. He is presently working in Logan, Utah and will hopefully be involved with something constructive this Fall. LUKE

We have several grandchildren AND THEY MAKE SIX GENERATIONS REPRESENTED HERE., they are the first of a new generation

NATANI We are his descendants.

THIS IS HIS STORYNATANI, Rez Memories If you want to send me a thought or some of your experiences please e-mail me your thoughts.


Johnny Rustywire, all rights reserved.

[Utes-Uintah Valley 1861] [1872 Diary from Los Pinos Agency-Utes]