9 People
Did you find them all?
Check your answers against ours:
- The Old Man In the Arch.
- The Old Man with the Cane.
- The Woman and her Baby {we counted the Baby as One}
- The Face at the top of the wall on the right. {Where the arch meets the top of the wall}
- The Face on the top of the wall on the left. The Balaustrade does the old cup 2 faces trick}
- The face on the opposite side of the Balaustrade.
- The face between the Balaustrade and the edge of the picture. {The left eye is part of the face mentioned above}
- The face made by the Raven. {It faces his chest}
- And last, but not least. In the wall, to the left of the arch when looking at the picture. There is a ( shaped mark. It forms the eye of the face which is slightly upturned and facing to the right.}
Did you get the same ones as us?