IF IT DOES NOT SAY "", THEN CLICK HERE to go to the updated version of this page
Hi! I'm Zorikh. I started this site on 9/21/1998. Latest update on 11/6/03: I have a gig scheduled at Iggy's Keltic Lounge on Ludlow St. in Manhattan on Tuesday, Nov. 11 from 9-11 PM.
Faux-Real Theater Co's "William Shakespeare's Haunted House" was a great success again this year.
I am writing a history of Captain Marvel (all of them) for I have already posted an Outline of the History of Captain Marvel. I will be giving a talk on this subject at the Big Apple National Convention on Thanksgiving weekend
I have information on the Pennsic War documentary video. In my journal, I report on My adventures singing on the New York City subway! I am constantly updating my Medieval movies list. I have started a new website for
Hey! I got an award! Cool, huh?
Sign my guestbook! Let me know who you are and what you think, about this site, history, politics, movies, music, anything. You can also read what other people have written
Great news, comic fans! There have been updates to my Creating Comics Tutorial!
I've been writing some movie, music, and book reviews for and Why not check them out here and here?
If you've come here to see my comics, click here and wait no longer!
If you're here to see my paintings, they're right here!
If its my headshots and resume you seek, I got 'em right here!
If you want to see my sports pages, including
You may notice that the links to other sites on the web and the webrings are no longer on this page. This is all part of the continuing effort to make this site more user-friendly. This page should load faster now. I encourage you to go to my new Links and Webrings page to see some intersting places on the web and other sites of similar interest.
There was a
Links to other sites on the Web
Yes, the fields of interest here are rather eclectic, which is why I chose "Athens" as my "neighborhood". Feel free to return and browse often. Things will change a lot, and you may find yourself fascinated by a subject you never thought much about!
Look! New counter started 12/28/2000! 3000 hits reached 9/2/03!
Order the new Pennsic War video and other Watch This Space merchandise!
For details, go to my press release!
My journal...and the latest update announcement
Last updated 11/12/03!
My headshots and resume
Last updated 11/12/03.
Photos of me in various acting roles
Zorikh Lequidre - musical entertainer!
My view of the World Trade Center attacks
(photos out my window). Last updated 9/8/03.
Entertainment products and services, including the 10th anniversary special edition of the Duckball Home Video Pennsic XX video documentary.
Pictures of my father and me in armor
The evolution of my SCA persona and armor
Zorikh Lequidre and the Amazing Grendel Conspiracy
by Allain Atienza. Last updated 5/18/02
My Creating Comics Tuorial!
Right now 15 pages are up. This will be a work in progress for a little while. Last updated 7/2/03.
Outline of the History of Captain Marvel
Comic Book Movies!
My movie, music, and book reviews on
. Latest review: "The All-New Marvel Try-out Book" 7/23/03.
Zorikh's movie reviews on
. Latest review: Eye of the Serpentreview
for the theatrical double feature of "Two Fisted Camp" in which I played "Mose Humphries, da greatest fireman dat ever lived," but it's gone now.
A mock ad I created in photoshop for a sugarloaf helm
The First Page of the Pennsic Essay with Pictures!
A Passage-at-Arms at Pennsic XXV
Films of SCAdian Interest
(includes Medieval, Renaissance, Fantasy, Ancient, Shakespeare, Biblical, Pirates, Asian, Arabian, SCi-Fi, Time Travel, and more!)
Faux Real's "William Shakespeare's Haunted House"
2003, and links for pictures and reviews of it!
Gorilla Rep's "The Death of King Arthur"
Biggs Rosati's "Les Trois Mousketaires" 2000 tour schedule
My French Army in World War IIwebsite
Save Charas/El Bohio page
An ongoing story of the Giulliani era.
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
In summer 2000 my hard drive met the eventual fate of all hard drives and I have lost all the e-mail addresses I had stored in my Juno account. If you ever want me to e-mail you (you know who you are, and I do too), please send me a new e-mail today at, so I can re-build my list.
SmartLinks from LookSmart (sm)