Massage therapy has been practiced for centuries, however while it seems that massage has always been viewed as a luxury, it is only just beginning to surface again as a form of therapy. So, what exactly is massage therapy, and what exactly are the benefits it offers to people? Massage therapy is an organised method of intentional touch that stimulates the body in various methods to promote a state of health and wellbeing. While there are specific types of massage such as Hawaiian, Sports Injury and Oriental, Swedish massage is primarily for relaxation. |
How does massage therapy do all this? Massage stimulates the release of hormones such as Oxytocin and Endorphins. This often brings suppressed issues to the surface, causing the client to burst into tears or start talking about an issue they had been suppressing for years. Oxytocin is a hormone that helps normalise body functions and aids in the feeling of connectedness. Endorphins are released in the body to ease pain; slowing the heart beat, rate of respiration and brain frequency to bring on a state of relaxation. Therapy has also been shown to synchronise left and right brain activity, allowing the client to achieve the state of relaxation similar to that of meditation. |
It is extremely important that the massage therapist gains the client's informed consent before working on them, and again before trying anything new with the client. Keeping a tab on client feedback allows the therapist to tailor the massage to best suit the individual. If you are the client and feel pain at any time during the massage, then TELL THE THERAPIST. The phrase "no pain, no gain" does not apply to massage! |
Skeletal Problems |
Torn Muscle |
Due to these contraindications, it is important that ALL Informed Consent forms are filled out correctly. For the sake of record keeping, the therapist should fill out the details of EVERY massage session, regardless of the client's purpose of receiving the treatment. ALWAYS ask the client before doing anything (this also acts as a warning mechanism). These procedures are not merely common courtesy - it is also for the future - if the therapist were to be taken to court for abusing these procedures or therapy session, then the necessary paperwork would already be complete. On a less serious issue, it may also be useful for the client's health practitioner to see what kind of treatment the client is receiving and benefitting from. |
The informed consent procedure consists of informing the client of the benefits (as well as possible undesirable effects) of massage therapy. The therapist should also introduce themselves to the client, explain what type of massage they wish to give and for what reasons. They should also check for any contraindications of the area they will be working on (as mentioned previously) and ask the client "Is that all right?". If at any time during the massage a client feels uncomfortable or wishes for the therapist to stop their work, then they should feel free to say so and the massage therapist should then cease work and drape the client correctly. |
After performing deep tissue massage, the therapist should then relax the tissues once more and ease off on the pressure. Another thing to remember while massaging is that all work should be done up the inside of the body and down the outside. This is to follow the direction of the energy flow. All lymphatic fluid and blood should be pushed towards the heart. Massage manipulations done in the opposite direction may cause harm to the area. |