Kyle: "You bastard!"
I've spent most of my life studying divergent philosophies, religions, and sciences. However, most of what I learn comes from discussions with other people. In seeking self-examination, I've been fortunate enough to meet others with the goal of understanding themselves.
I am an alchemist, but I'm not a man of wisdom, or even a lesser prophet of some sort. I am a warrior on the path. All of us are, in that we all seek to find understanding of the universe and our place in it. I cannot provide "The Truth", but I can say what I've seen and what I believe.
Well, I'm not really, but I am. I am against the idea of an external savior. The only salvation we need is salvation from our own ignorance. When Jesus, or any other philosopher, allows themselves to be used as an example of personal salvation, they run the risk of followers giving up their autonomy. These followers then, invariably, shift responsibility to the objectified (sometimes deified) hero or martyr, depending on the archetype of the legend.
This tendency can be seen in Christianity (deference to Jesus), Judaism (deference to Moses), US patriotism (deference to Washington, etc.), Communism (deference to Marx), and too many other "isms". I strive to fight against this type of projection within myself, and I try to help others in their similar fight. This pits me against the traditional beliefs of the christian churches, thus I am an antichrist.
Christanity isn't the only threat to individual sanctity, but it is the most prevalent in my area. The teachings of Jesus describe only one path of about 6,000,000,000 currently available. Therefore, I don't believe christianity enough to be an antichrist as described in the bible.
Oh well, labels come and go, and in the end are meaningless, so I'll use any for "a time, times, and half a time."
I love and I hate. These two forces divide me, unite me, strengthen me, and destroy me. Simultaneously. The hate stems from betrayal (by many), repression (by society), and my own misconceptions and ignorance.
The expression of both are unacceptable in this society. We know hate is, but love? To test this (in a way expressed by a friend of mine), walk up to a stranger, put your hand on her or his shoulder and say, "I love you." What kind of reaction did you expect? What kind of reaction did you get?
I'm obssessed with freedom and individuality. What I would like to see is a world free from the bondages of government, religion, and self imposed restrictions. This is possibly a problematic mixture of compassion and arrogance (thinking everyone's idea of happiness is similar to my own). I would be satisfied if independent thought was praised instead of punished. We are naturally free to choose between obedience and freedom, but the cost of individuality is ostracism and, sometimes, death.
My personal philosophy is constantly in a state of flux. Everytime I speak, think, or hear something my world view changes. The only stability comes from a secure foundation that is a mixture of Jung's alchemy, Crowley's magick, and the Tao/Chaos as described by Lao-Tzu and modern science. It can be summed up in three main points:
There is nothing else. That which seems outside of this is only illusion, ignorance, arbitrary categorization, and generalization of energy. Maybe that's just my world. Your universe may be quite different.
Though I consider myself an alchemist, I have no lab. I will never have a lab. Alchemy is mental. Using it has improved my life more than any other method of understanding. I have turned "lead" into "gold" (symbolically) and many other similar transmutations. I began my alchemical wedding on July 30th, 1996 and it is progressing (slowly). I have also found the Philosopher's Stone. (I found it in my pocket which was cool 'cause I couldn't do all this neat stuff without it.) To those who want to learn how to turn lead into gold so that they can be rich, let me direct you to Crowley's Book of Lies, thought 88.
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Bad Pun Dep't:
Martin Luther: "I think I'll start a sect."
Pope Leo X: "Why?"
Martin Luther: "I like sects."