The K23 Rituals Deep inside our mind are the memories of all the consciousness that has preceded us - define consciousness how you will. Only realise that people come in vastly more shapes than the two legged variety. Most of the people on this planet are not consulted on what takes place here. In fact most of the two legged variety are not even consulted on what is to take place - that is the job for the chosen elite. The K23 Rituals comprise a concise set of actions to be taken unto consideration if you wish to establish your foothold within the matrix. There are in fact 24 Rituals the first and final being the penultimate in your teachings and by teachings we mean explicitly the teachings that you give us. Or in other words how effective you believe those rituals to be. No system can remain effective unless the experimenters contribute to the perfection of the system. They have been tried and tested many many times but this does not indicate that they are by any means perfected. They are merely an ongoing experiment into the up to date evaluation of the Ego and the Soul. You may have arrived here at conception or conversely you may have arrived here at establishment or you may have arrived here at evaluation. What you place upon these rituals will ultimately affect those who read them next. Do not let this lessen your fervour for further personal understanding. The people that have conducted these experiments before you did so under the realisation that their concerted effort was both for themselves and for you. Just as your concentration and evaluation will ultimately be for both your benefit and the benefit of others. You by conducting these rituals are helping other people, and thereby helping evolution move along its exponential path unencumbered by short-sighted individuals who believe that the status quo should remain extant as the epitome of human understanding. If you wish to try these rituals you must be prepared to record your experiences, and to record the experiences in your life from here on in. This will become the most important document you will ever read because it will be a guide book created by you and for you.