The Kallisto Effect
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Circuit three


This third brain was formed when hominid types began to differentiate from other primate stock (circa 4-5 million B.C.) and is activated for the linear
left-lobe functions of the brain, determine our normal modes of artifact-manufacture and conceptual thought, i.e., third circuit "mind."


Associated consequences to be taken into account include:

  1. A Neurogenetic epistomology, a theory defining the subjective True-False and the consunsual Fact-Error of the Laryngeal-manual (L.M.) symbol systems.

  2. The Symbolic-artificial Stage - mediating the reception, integration and transmission of the oral-manual signals, language, artifacts, symbols, tools. Tribal.

  3. Technological Cerebrotonic Freedom to manufacture, possess and use artifacts and to transmit symbols. The Constraint of using force to take the artifacts of others or to censor their symbol systems.

  4. Revolution-revelation Technological revolution (mechanical power)

  5. Social grouping Technical-professional-occupational groupings.

  6. Level of Truth L.M. Symbolic Cerebrotonic truth: the neural signals mediated by the laryngeal-manual Third circuit which discriminate and connect my artifacts and my symbols.

  7. Reality Class The Third Reality, mediated by the laft cortex, is the imprinted-conditioned world of the child learning to manipulate L.M. symbols and perpetuated in the linguistic technology of adults.

  8. Individual/species evolution An epistemological theory defing truth-falsity and right-wrong.


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