The Kallisto Effect
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create (kriat), vt. to cause to exist; to produce, to bring into existence; to be the occasion of; to originate; to invest with a new character, office or dignity; coll. to make a fuss; to cause a disturbance. †a. brought into existence; composed. creative, a. having the ability to create; imaginative; original.
creatively, adv. creativeness, n. creativity (kre-), n. [L creatus, p.p. of creare]

Create. from the Latin Creo, i.  v.a. to create, to make, to produce; to choose; to elect; to cause; to establish; to ordain.

A basic DNA tool aquired and probably perfected by Humo sapiens sapiens. An akt of creation, any akt of creation displays our ability to take control and adapt. To use imagination and intelligence as tools of freedom, to alliviate suffering, to change worlds.

Create each other

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