Crystal Links

Here are some links to other people's crystal pages - not in any particular order of preference - just a few that I have found and which I will be adding to over time, so check back every so often.

On Line Gemstone Book from Lightstreams

Another book which you can download for free

Crystal Links from someone else - surf away!

Crystal Creations of Australia is another Australian site

Crystal Creations by Tom Struble a very wonderful jeweller

Sorcie's Crystal Page beautiful to look at and good to read

Crystal Magick 1 some information on the properties of crystals

Crystal Magick 2 and yet another one..

Naisha Ahsian's Page Creator of the Crystal Ally Cards

Stir the Cauldron by my sister/friend Arwen Nightstar has some crystal stuff on it

If you want to suggest a crystal link - please

me and I'll go check it out.

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This page is Copyright Lilitu Babalon, 1999
I'll give you permission to reproduce anything on my page if you ask, provided it is mine.
However, if I find you plagiarising, well.....