Crystals: a Healing Art
A Basic
Crystal Healing Kit |
Crystal Magick |
Crystal Purification Incense |
Quartz Crystal: Master Healer |
Stones for Protection and Energy |
to the Top About Crystals Crystals and gemstones, like every other living object of the
earth, carry a unique vibration. Much has been written about the healing properties of
crystals and gemstones - there are numerous books and here you'll find a brief but well annotated bibliography of books I
recommend you check out. Perhaps as a witch I look at crystals a little differently than
some other people and there are not many books written from my point of view. I see them
as the concrete embodiment of the gifts of the Goddess - given to us to use as tools in
magick and healing. From the earth they come and one day, when we need them no longer, to
the earth they shall return.