Project Directions

Global Climate Change Internet Activity

Career Links

NOAA Internet site

PA Career Zone

Answer Sheet to download:

Global Climate Change Internet Activity

Mapping Your Future

O*NET ONLINE (does not work at JTL)

US Dept of Labor -

click to the right or on the A-Z Index

US Dept of Labor - K-12

Various Projects 


1st quarter - Map from JTL to Home

2nd Quarter Project- YOU CHOOSE!

3rd quarter :

Postcard of the United States 

4th quarter -Asian Power Point




Just in general.....2nd Q:

Travel Brochure of a Country











Travel Brochure of any Country


Job Performance














Objective: As an assistant to the Secretary General of the Department of Travel and Tourism in your country your mission is to create a power point presentation that will encourage tourism to your country.













Due: Since your country is on the brink of bankruptcy you must act quickly. The brochure must be completed and ready to present to the Head of State and his advisors by May 25.













Requirements: Tourists must feel comfortable when they come here. They will need to know...

-- what clothing to bring (climate & activities or things to do like hiking or a lot of walking, swimming, etc.)

--what type of money to have

-- a few words "to get by"

-- landmarks or other places to see - both physical and cultural tourist sites

--fun things to do

--traditional culture - unique foods, clothing, dance/arts/etc.

--a map so they can get around

--how they get here and where they stay

--the name of your country and a "catchy" slogan will attract their attention












You can put the information in any order you choose. The title should be on the first page

Look at the examples for some ideas.

Usually it is best to bullet information - be to the point - no paragraphs

Have a few pictures 1-3/page and have a caption to explain each picture.













Job Performance: Your future depend on one of the following scenerios...

A. If you have all the above elements, the brochure is neat and easy to read, and your presentation is easy to understand and convinces the Head of State to go with your brochure, you will be promoted to a Secretary General of the Department of Travel and Tourism - a cabinet level position.

B. If you are missing one or two of the above elements, the brochure is somewhat neat and easy to read, and your presentation is somewhat easy to understand and the Head of State decides it might be worth it to try using your brochure, you will keep your present job.

C. If you are missing two to four of the above elements, and/or if it's one day late, the brochure is messy but readable, and your presentation is barely understandable enough that the Head of State reluctently decides to use your brochure, you will be demoted and encouraged to try again.

D. If you are missing two to four of the above elements, or if it's several days late, the brochure is messy, and your presentation was barely understandable, you will be temporarly fired from your position and sent to a school of design and encouraged to try again.

E. Needless to say if you do not complete this assignment, you will be fired. If you want your job back, you're going to have to produce a product.














US State Project

Postcard Requirements


- to generate a postcard in the shape of your state, representing your state

- as a class create a wall map of the US - each person is making a piece of the puzzle


MATERIALS: - computer lab - Internet access to research information & Word software for typing

- poster board and state templates




ASSESSMENT:1. postcard will be graded as per the guidelines listed.

a. all requirements must be included

b. creativity - were you creative in yourpostcard

c. neatness & appeal- How neat and easy to read is your postcard?

d. postcard turned in ON TIME!!!





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