Psychic Therapy

Below are practical methods of using your mind to improve your health and happiness;


1. Introduction

2. Generating a Health Report

3. Correcting Belief Systems: Introduction

4. Reinforcing Beliefs

5. Anger and Physical Abuse

6. Sexual Abuse

7. Blocked Memories

8. Dealing with your Anger/Anxiety/Phobias

9. Statement and Immediate Response Lists

10. Correcting Belief Systems: Helping Others

1. Introduction

There are different reasons we are perform poorly in the company of others. It is usually a mixture of various subconscious drives, and those of the people we are socializing with. Well, you can't do much to change the mental state of the other people you are with, but you can change your mental state. So lets consider you. Are you bossy, withdrawn, dominating, intense, frightened, dishonest, deceitful etc. in the company of others? Are you comfortable expressing your feelings to other people? It may be for good reason, but it's usually sourced from subconscious fears.

These subconscious fears stem from the interaction between;

  1. our genetically inherited instincts (e.g. our fight or flight response when under threat (triggering rage/anger or fear/anxiety).
  2. what we've learnt (associations and beliefs).
Now your instincts help you in primal settings; e.g. if you're being attacked. But these instincts can also dominate your thoughts when there is no external threat, but a threat from within our mind; e.g. a blocked memory that will make you panic if it surfaces to our consciousness. So you can feel anxious when you watch a movie, as it triggers deep seated fears based on things you have misinterpreted or things you have blocked in fear of what you might rightly or wrongly conclude (e.g. no-one ever loved you).

Fear plays a big role in our instinctive responses. Like monkeys we are very vulnerable to attack from predators; we have no scales or fangs to defend ourselves. So we needed to make quick decisions whether to fight or to run - and more often than not running in fear was our best solution (imagine trying to fight a lion/tiger or wild crocodile). Now our instincts also control how our bodies function.

When we sense danger (become anxious), Adrenaline is released to activate the involuntary nervous system, so you can act quickly;

So if it fears of memories/feelings, rather than a predator, we can be anxious most if not all of the time. Or maybe only in certain situation or around certain people. As you can see from the list of symptoms, that by living in fear we are likely to suffer the following aliments; I feel that almost all of our unfounded insecurities are based on incorrect beliefs and unhealthy associations. These trigger our fight/flight response, so we react inappropriately with others - either by trying to dominate, by submitting, or a mixture of both, as various scenarios are played out in our subconscious. So a person displaying dominating characteristics and a person displaying submissive/shy characteristics both suffer from insecurities within their subconscious’s. These insecurities are a result of subconscious fears which stem from minterpretion of past events. So by investigating these subconscious beliefs and their origin, it is possible to locate the flawed logic and give a correct way of interpreting the past events. This removes the need to repress and aligns you more closely with your true-self.

You may also need to balance different aspects of your personality correctly; balancing out foolishness with anger etc..

There are numerous ways to investigate your subconscious;

During our life we collect a range of incorrect beliefs (e.g. a gambling bug) which grows in our mind and encourages us to act in certain ways on certain occasions. The more we act on the advice of our incorrect belief and the more we confirm them as being correct, the bigger they grow and the more power they have over us, making us more negative thinking, unhappy and unhealthy. They will tickle our ego, making us feel good when we act on their advice. This encourages us to hold onto them.

As our incorrect belief grow in power they gain more control of over us, our true personality is more and more suppressed and we gain a false self. We become more detached from reality (a dreamer, fanatic, workaholic etc.) and less sociable; easily embarrassed, shy, reserved, false, snobby, spiteful, sarcastic, slanderous, arrogant, untrustworthy etc. The incorrect belief also encourages us to take on other incorrect beliefs if the one that keeps them there may otherwise be exposed as being incorrect. For example;

By clearing out all our incorrect beliefs, we can become the loving person which all humans essentially are, ready for our next learning challenge. It just like scrapping off the crust off a loaf of bread (our false self) to reveal the soft center (our true self). The crust may be very ugly, but the center is beautiful.

Our true self, free from negativity is;

Most incorrect beliefs are picked up during our childhood. Since they are long held they generally have a lot of power. Correcting this group of incorrect beliefs is often referred to as "healing the child within".

Below are some techniques I have found useful in finding and/or removing incorrect beliefs;

  1. Direct Investigation (see Discovering your True-Self)
  2. Emotional Triggers
  3. Dreams
  4. Tunes that play in your head.
  5. Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy
  6. Statement, and Immediate Response Lists

See Correcting Belief Systems: Introduction for more information.
References: An excellent book on dealing with anxiety is “Don’t Panic”, Dr. Andrew Page, Gore & Osment Publications, Rushcutters Bay, NSW, Australia, 1993.

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2. Generating a Health Report

Health problems can be caused due to various reasons, for example a person's sinus problems can be traced down to;

  1. Their genes (hereditary).
  2. The atmosphere's unusual state (e.g. you sniff a flower).
  3. A contagious disease etc.
  4. An incorrect belief.

When a person has an incorrect belief, it’s influence can be hampered by vitamins, and other medical discoveries. However this treats only a physical symptom, not the cause. The person's happiness will still be affected, and other incorrect beliefs may follow, as one incorrect belief leads to another.

You can investigate a person's healing needs by getting them to have a conversation with your subconscious (seeHaving a Conversation with God). If they don't believe in goodness use the Correcting Belief Systems techniques below, to correct the problem. Alternatively you can use a good imaginary doctor (see Be your own Psychic).

Be sensitive to your friend's needs; tell them that when a truth is revealed, that they feel is private, not to reveal it. Here's a case study;

The patient asked "why do I have kidney stones?", God replied "it is caused through stress", "If I learnt how to control stress would the problem subside", "no, because of milk", "if I stopped drinking milk would it go away", "no, but it would be less severe", "Is it the lactose in milk", "no", "is it the fat in milk", "yes", "If I reduced my stress and had a low fat diet, would it go", "yes".

"Is there any other health problems that I should know about", "your liver", "what is wrong with my liver", "it has a disease", "will I die due to this disease?", "yes", "how old will I be","50", "can it be cured", "no", "can it be controlled", "yes", "how", "through a girl", "how will she help", "she will change your way of thinking",...the girl is identified, "if I follow her advice, when will I die", "when you are 82". The problems now are known, and the patient's life can now be extended. As you can see by seeking goodness our life can be altered to our advantage.

The kidney stone problem related to a genetic pre-disposition, which was intensified by an incorrect belief (stress being an emotional symptom of holding the incorrect belief).

The liver problem was the result of a disease, which was intensified by an incorrect belief being strongly held (low self esteem being the emotional symptom of holding the incorrect belief).

If an illness’ only cause relates to an incorrect belief, it can be healed completely, and possibly quickly (see below).

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3. Correcting Belief Systems: Introduction

Incorrect beliefs in our minds generate anti-social behavior. At present I would estimate that 99.99% of people have at least a few incorrect beliefs. Their power (intensity of voice, impact on health, ability to influence their actions etc.) is given to them by;

Typical problems which incorrect beliefs can be responsible for;

For example, we are about to go on stage, we have an incorrect belief that the audience will reject us as an individual. It triggers a emotional state; anxiety, and a physical condition; "butterflies in our stomach". After we perform, we are applauded, signaling our acceptance by the audience, our incorrect belief is resolved and our emotional and physical states return to normal. Unfortunately, many incorrect beliefs are not as easily resolved.

Illness caused by other means (genetic predisposition, contagious disease etc.), can also have their symptoms intensified holding on to incorrect beliefs. It may even be possible to successfully fight the HIV (A.I.D.S.) virus by removing every incorrect belief a person has and thus maximize their immune system's power.

A person's incorrect beliefs can affect other people within a radius of up to 18 feet (6 metres), the distance depending on the type of incorrect belief they have. By becoming more negative their mind has increased power to negatively affect not only themselves, but to a lesser degree anyone within their radius of influence. You can sense this effect when you move near someone who has a big belief system problems (e.g.. a strongly held incorrect belief which encourages them to be violent).

The easiest way to cleanse your mind is for someone else to help you, they need to guide your visualization with questions focusing on the incorrect belief. Unhealthy behavior is a symptom of an incorrect belief. By only correcting a behavior without treating the cause, is of no use, another will fill it's place, which may be harder to remove; e.g.. you force yourself to stop smoking, but in doing so you over-eat. Incorrect beliefs can affect your health if they are strongly held and dwelled upon. This is useful, because it can motivate us to correct the belief system flaw. If we ignore their effect on our health, the health condition will worsen, and may lead to our body's death.

The Top 5 Incorrect Beliefs

  1. Through gaining money/material possessions and leisure I will become happy.
  2. A person's looks are all important; their personality is irrelevant.
  3. My self worth is determined by what other people think of me (a broken spirit).
  4. I am not worthy of being loved.
  5. Some people are inherently evil.

These incorrect beliefs are often encouraged through advertising.

Before a incorrect belief leaves it may appear in a dream as a friend, sad that he/she has to go. You may also hear them during the day, trying to persuade you to keep your affection towards them. But remember, it's either them or your health and happiness, you need them to leave.

Strong flaws in your belief system can occasionally trigger temporary paralysis, from a few seconds during sleep, to days, depending on the power of the flaw. This can weaken your will power through fear and give your incorrect beliefs more power. By working on your incorrect beliefs you weaken these flaws and their ability to cause this paralysis.

Some incorrect beliefs can represent a number of smaller ones, relating to different it’s different aspects (e.g.. I am essentially different from other people). Each aspect must therefore be corrected individually to remove the representative incorrect belief.

In traumatic situations we can quickly hold onto incorrect beliefs as a way of dealing with the event. A lot of will power is directed to holding the incorrect beliefs, and their impact on our mental and physical health can quickly grow large, giving rise to heart artery blockages, diabetes, cancer, schizophrenia etc. (depending on the beliefs).

Below is a list of methods which can be used to find and/or remove incorrect beliefs;

  1. Direct Investigation. See Discovering your True-Self.
  2. Emotional Triggers
    If whilst watching TV or viewing a situation you become emotional; cry, become tense, angry etc., consider why, and on what other occasions. Using some thinking and detective work you can find the incorrect belief that is triggering it. For example, you may find yourself crying whilst viewing the children singing in the movie "Sound of Music". On pondering you realize you also cry when you see children that look like you did when you were a child. You then realize you miss your childhood memories, and have Blocked Memories).

  3. Dreams
    Use your dreams (see Individualism Book2: Interpreting Dreams). If you don't dream, before going to sleep make a wish that you want to remember dreams that will help you resolve your incorrect beliefs, and provided you get enough sleep, it will happen.

  4. Tunes that play in your head
    Tunes that appear out of no where playing in our head, are sourced from your mind. They often have useful information. For example, you may hear a song about a lover being rejected, as your belief system is rejecting an incorrect belief.

  5. Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
    Visit a qualified therapist. However what they think are the correct beliefs may not be, so be wary (especially when visiting a hypnotherapist).

  6. Statement, and Immediate Response Lists

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4. Reinforcing Beliefs

Our belief system is affected by;

Thinking can move us in a positive, negative, or unchanged state of mind, depending on the issue.

Example 1
A person's baby is continually crying. The person gets an idea that they should throw the baby out the window. The person could contemplate it and decide;

Example 2
A woman is shy and suffers from low self esteem. She avoids any conflict, even if it is at her expense. She is orders a pair of white shoes from a shoe store. They arrive and she purchases them. On arriving home she opens the box and realizes that they are cream color, not white. She gets an idea that she should return them to the shop, but fears that the salesman will be angry, since they were especially ordered in. She could contemplate it and decide;

As you can see, to minimize your incorrect beliefs' impact on your life you need to fight their negative influences by acting on positive ideas, and rejecting negative ideas. To totally remove the incorrect belief, you need to find out why they are incorrect (see
Discovering your True-Self).

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5. Anger and Physical Abuse

Numerous factors affect what thoughts and subsequent actions or lack of action we take.

When someone feels they have been wronged, they can avoid dealing with the anger through a compulsive behavior, or redirect it to areas of least resistance (depending on how their incorrect belief influences their thought processes). Relief is increased as the target more closely resembles the perceived offender. People can direct their anger to;

  1. the person/group that is perceived to have acted on a negative influence, this 'offender' may be a person, company, religion, race etc..
  2. a representative of the offender (even a photo or drawing).
  3. someone who has the same characteristics as the offender; e.g.. of the same race
  4. Being a spectator in a competitive sport.
  5. playing a non-contact sport (contact sports tend to increase anger). It is interesting to note that when sports players are 'psyched up' by their coach, they are actually reinforcing an incorrect belief regarding the importance of the game, and thus each player's aggressive side gains greater influence over them and they play harder. Unfortunately the incorrect belief’s influence may continue after the game, increasing the player's negativity and generating unhappiness in themselves and those around them.
  6. someone that is weaker than themselves (or one with less rights); e.g.. wife, child. As a child they could become the school bully.
  7. another living creature; e.g.. a man kicking his dog, a boy torturing flies.
  8. a object that symbolizes the offender e.g.. a punching bag.
  9. an unrelated object e.g.. smashing glass, plates etc.
  10. expressing their power e.g. dangerous driving. Common among young men who feel their lives are controlled by others.

The expression of dominance through physical force can sexually arouse males, and may lead to a desire to have sexual contact with the victim (e.g.. sexually abuse the child/wife).
The person with pent-up anger wants to get rid of it so they can be happy. Therefore if a particular method of redirecting anger is perceived to have high retribution costs as a result (imprisonment, fines, rejection by the society etc.), they are less likely to use it.

For example, an adult is more likely to belt up a child, if he/she knows that the child won't tell anyone (because they are fearful, disabled, mentally retarded, drugged etc.).

If the victim of abuse is conditioned to respect the offender because of their position (parent, religious leader, youth group leader, politician), they will be more inclined to redirect their resulting anger in other directions. Unfortunately, by not revealing the offender, the offender will feel more comfortable re-offending, since his perceived costs of retribution are lowered.

For example, a child's stepfather might have an incorrect belief associated with how the child's real father treated his wife. The stepfather physically abuses the child as a way of expressing his pent up anger towards the child's real father. In this case the child is an attractive way to express his stepfather's anger because;

If the stepfather feels no regret, and is successful in keeping the abuse a secret, the abuse will continue, as new amounts of anger need to be expressed. This can be prevented by correcting the stepfather's belief system.

The child's memory of their severe physical abuse may be blocked soon after, if he/she is unable to conclude the correct belief regarding the event(s).

Maximum satisfaction will be obtained by finding the source of the negative action, the incorrect beliefs in the offender’s belief system. However, since people generally don't distinguish incorrect beliefs from the person who has them, it is socially acceptable to direct the anger to the host. This is also how legal systems work, an incorrect belief is only distinguished from it's host when the person is considered to be insane (which may be due to a collection of overpowering incorrect beliefs).

On understanding the concept of incorrect beliefs and their affects, one can come to realize that people are only vehicles for negativity, and not inherently evil. The blame for a negative action is one or more incorrect beliefs.

Just as a crocodile will kill a human without regret, incorrect beliefs drive us to perform negative actions without regret. In correcting people's belief systems on mass, we can minimize negativity and it's affects on our collective happiness.

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6. Sexual Abuse

Like physical abuse, sexual abuse is a result of a stored up frustration but is related to sexual desire, and may not necessarily include pent-up anger.

The Offender

The offender is often male and typically has the following incorrect beliefs;

Their natural sex drive is frustrated in these flawed beliefs. They can't have a loving sexual relationship with anyone (which is what all adults have a deep need for). But their sex drive is powerful force, and demands satisfaction. Masturbation will relieve some tension, but doesn't fully satisfy their needs. The offender's incorrect beliefs have now grown powerful through their host's misplaced will power, giving the offender a very false personality.

If the offender feels no regret and is successful in keeping the rape a secret, the abuse will continue, encouraged by their incorrect beliefs each time. However, he/she won't succeed in gaining the happiness they truly desire (which only comes through a loving relationship).

Males are often the main abusers because their have instincts related to power/dominance/blood lust, useful in hunting and fighting in our primeval past. These tendencies may be seen in pubescent boys burning ants, torturing flies; they are sexually aroused by the pain they inflict. When males no longer believe in love (due to incorrect beliefs), the combination of power/dominance/blood lust and a strong sex drive results in sadistic tendencies. This is displayed when we see adult males bashing their wives, or raping adults or children.

Females also have anti-social instincts, but their maternal instincts usually override them.

Their anti-social ambitions would disappear if their belief system was corrected.

The Victim

The victim may be seeking to find love due to the lack of love in their family environment; humans are opportunists, this openness attracts the abuser. The victim may believe that in sexually satisfying the abuser they will then gain that elusive love they seek, since the abuser gives them more attention than anyone else. Unfortunately the abuser is working on a lust principle (treating a person as sex object with no regard to their feelings), and has no intention of loving the victim.

Due to the unsavory nature of sexual abuse and people's inability to deal with it, many people just don't want to know about it. Unfortunately, this often leads to the victim being rejected by friends and family and subsequently fears rejection, becoming shy as a result.

Have you been Sexually assaulted?
Here are some common symptoms of sexually abused people;

Trauma Repair Cycle
(Compiled by Alice Miller);
  1. Trauma
  2. Numbness (can get stuck here)
  3. Disbelief
  4. Search
  5. Idealization of abuser (can get stuck here)
  6. Weeping and wailing
  7. Rage and anger (can get stuck here)
  8. Realization of reality (depression etc.)
  9. Remembering reminiscing
  10. Synthesis
  11. Moving on
What you need to do to support a Roles Victim

Example 1: Rape of a Girl

A girl is raped by her uncle whom she loved when she was 8 years old. The event was painful, she concludes that men are inherently evil (an incorrect belief), and has an intense hatred for her uncle and men in general. The incorrect belief grows strong quickly, feeding on her hatred. If she can't deal with the trauma of the event her mind may repress the memory of the event. Although genetically she is heterosexual, during her adult life she seeks same sex relationships, but without fulfillment. She reads books and associates with women that have the same incorrect belief, which reinforces hers and they grow even stronger. When she comes across men that she can't find fault in, she becomes very uncomfortable without knowing why. At 25 years old she is diagnosed with cancer (a result of her incorrect belief's overwhelming power).

If she has low self esteem, her low self esteem may have added to her false self a display that covers her true beliefs about men when in their presence.

Even if the girl was genetically homosexual, her 'man hating' beliefs can still lead to cancer.

Example 2: Rape of a Boy

A boy is raped by a man because;

Following the event(s) the child is prone to gain a collection of incorrect beliefs. These can be reinforced by the people the child is in contact with not knowing how to deal with rape and homo-sexuality, and would prefer not to know. These resulting incorrect beliefs can block the boy's imagination and memory, and is considered to have a "repressed memory", which may stay, if unchecked, for the rest of his life (but it is useful as a coping mechanism when confronted with psychological issues which are beyond comprehension at the time) . He may deal with these incorrect beliefs by taking on a compulsive behavior (e.g. over-working, over-eating, alcohol addiction, smoking, prostitution).

It is important to note that the boy may be genetically homosexual. Unfortunately, if left unresolved the boy may subsequently hate homo-sexuality, since he subconsciously associates it with the trauma of the rape scene (even though he has no conscious memory of it). He may keep fighting his natural pre-disposition, seeking unfulfilling hetero-sexual relationships. This stressor may affect his health, including accumulating plaque deposits in his heart arteries, and result in a premature heart attack (e.g. in his 30's), which could be fatal.

Other incorrect beliefs may eventually lead to diabetes, bowel cancer etc., depending on what the incorrect beliefs are and how strongly he believes they are true. By resolving flaws in his belief system these belief related illnesses can be avoided (see Incorrect Belief Examples).

Note that when a male inserts his penis in an anus that is either unrelaxed or small (i.e. a boy's), it is a very painful experience. Even if the male who inserted his penis removes it straight away, not realizing that it would hurt the other party (due to inexperience and lack of knowledge), the psychological affects on the other person can be dramatic, especially if it is their first experience of anal intercourse. They can conclude that they liked being sexually aroused, but when they let their guard completely down and trusted the other party, the other party inflicted severe pain on them. Generalizing that homosexuals are by nature sadistic (an incorrect belief).

Correct Belief for Both Examples

The correct belief regarding the rape would be;
When people can't get what they want, they become frustrated. We all have a in built need to seek what we feel will make us happy (as babies we cry to gain affection, and food) (see Getting What You Want Part 1)
People with strongly held incorrect beliefs, will do what ever it takes to get what their deceitful beliefs tell them they need to do to gain happiness (in these cases raping children).

Incorrect Beliefs that may be Concluded from Sexual Abuse

Recovering from Rape Trauma
Were you sexually abused as a child? For more information see;

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7. Blocked Memories

It only takes one traumatic event (e.g. rape) lasting 5 minutes, to spoil a childhood filled with love and happiness. Although the affected person can be helped, and the childhood memories put in perspective, this is usually only possible if they can recall the event. If they didn't know how to deal with it at the time they may have decided to repress the memory, consciously forcing forgetfulness. But the influence of the blocked memory may still be a negative driving force in their life.

For example, a recurring nightmare from an adult who has blocked the memory of being raped as a teenager; "It's dark, something won't let go of me, I try to scream for help but I can't."

As mentioned earlier, through incorrect beliefs we can partially numb our;

Subconscious sight numbing makes us;

The less we believe we can deal with a traumatic event, the more will power our conscious mind uses to block our memory and imagination. We will have in effect, blocked the memory of the traumatic event. Our short term memory may improve the further we are from the time of the incident.

The hidden incorrect beliefs can grow in strength if our they are reinforced with conclusions reached with the subsequent events of lesser impact (e.g. failed attempts to secure a girl friend). Gaining a collection of slightly different incorrect beliefs.

We can also gain a variety of unrelated incorrect beliefs concluded from the event (see Sexual Abuse examples) which will affect our behavior without us knowing why (since the memory is blocked and can't be re-evaluated by our consciousness). As we look for situations that reassure us that our incorrect beliefs are not incorrect, they get even stronger. Their increased power can have dramatic affects on our health, and depending on the incorrect belief, can give rise to long term constipation, diabetes, cancer, suicide or heart artery blockages in later life.

To correct the problem, you need to get information about the traumatic event(s), and the incorrect beliefs that contribute to your visualization blockage. This information can be gathered by;

It is useful to occasionally verify interpretations with other trustworthy people, as your friend's incorrect belief’s can interfere with the process in an attempt to gain power over you.

Our memories are grouped together and stored in numerous 'birth boxes'. As we recall something in one of these boxes and ponder, other memories we had associated with it will return. Older birth boxes (over 25 years ago) are harder to recall, since the chances of us remembering one of it's components is less likely. However, by making a wish, your will-power will come to your aid and give you an item from a box (in a dreams etc.), thus allowing you to open the box by pondering on the item.

For example; In a dream you notice a toy is some-how familiar, unlike any other thing in the dream. Upon waking, you concentrate on the toy, and a chain of memories return; your aunt, her poodle, her lounge cushions, her perfume, Christmas at your aunt's when you were 5 years old.

However, the flow of information can be blocked by;

Because blocked memories are a result of trauma, there are deep seated issues that if misinterpreted by the victim (generating strongly held incorrect beliefs), can lead to severe depression etc. upon recall;

Hilary Cashman writes in her book entitled "Christianity and Child Sexual Abuse"1;

Referring on [to a specialist rape counselor] does not mean abandoning the survivor [of the rape] to an expert. She [the victim] will need people to walk with her during her journey. It is useful for helpers and friends to understand something of the process of remembering and dealing with sexual abuse in childhood. If the memory has been blocked, remembering often brings a sense of relief which feels like resolution-but not for long. Hansen discovered:

"Buried with my memory were all the violent feelings associated with it, which I had never allowed myself to feel. There were anger, terror, hatred, grief, shame, bitterness, rage and searing emotional pain. These sprang up into the present with all the freshness and spontaneity of a child’s feelings. They totally overwhelmed me and made it impossible for me to sleep, eat or work. I was submerged in what I would later realize was delayed rape trauma."

Dorothy dealt with the trauma of her niece’s rape by her father, still without remembering that she herself had been abused by him as a girl. Her body remembered before her mind-physical and psychosomatic illness were the precursor to memory, and was a long process.

To overcome the possibility of this delayed rape trauma, it is important to resolve all of the incorrect beliefs that you acquired or were intensified by the traumatic event, even though you may not yet believe they really happened to you. Then you will comfortably let go of your memory blocking mechanism. When your memory returns you will have dealt with the events and they will simply become distant memories. You may prefer to start with unrelated incorrect beliefs that have less of a hold on you, and bring you into a more positive frame of mind by the time you get to the difficult ones related to your blocked memory.

Some correct beliefs which need to be believed in;

You will have to gain an understanding about why people do what they do (see Incorrect Belief Examples). After its all over you might even decide to take up psychology as a career.

Although the process of resolving the associated incorrect beliefs takes time, forcing the recall prematurely (e.g. through hypnosis) can result in psychological trauma which may take up to 12 months to resolve.

References: 1 page 71, "Christianity and Child Sexual Abuse" by Hilary Cashman published by Mackays of Chatham plc, Chantham Kent, England, 1993.

For more information see;

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8. Dealing with your Anger/Anxiety/Phobias


During our childhood many of us learnt that it was good not to get angry at people. The British saying 'keep a stiff upper lip' and the Christian concept that if someone hits you, you should 'turning the other cheek' and offer it to your oppressor and similar sayings deeply embedded in cultures, create a climate where expressing anger is 'uncivilized' and it's best to supress such feelings. However by never expressing anger, our subconscious becomes angry with ourselves, not giving it any room for expression. This may lead to a cycle of negative thinking, which builds up.

The oppposite of an angry/fearful/anxious state of mind is a peaceful, relaxed one.

Overcoming poorly founded Anger Anger is sourced from the primal part of our mind; if we can't use our intellect to resolve our unhappy state, we get angry - if expressing anger still doesn't change our state of mind, we'll get violent. consider these things that may make you angry;

Note how you may not react with anger at all of these, but others would. Anger is often a product of our beliefs, reinforced by actual events. These beliefs may be sound or based on misundertsandings (see
incorrect belief examples).

Often it only takes a change in belief to resolve the source of anger e.g. knowing people really care about you. Or just relaxing; take slow breaths and say 'relax' while in the stressful enviroment.

We get angry because subconsiously they feel we've been wronged in some way, or suffered losses. Love and compassion can heal these wounds. By withdrawing from society the wounds will grow and you'll be more fearful and angry (you'll then suffer from anxiety and an escalating range of phobias). So try and find a way of mixing with nice people and before too long your poorly founded fear and anger will dissapear.

Anxiety and Phobias

Our minds can let fear feed on other fears, leading us to fear more and more things.

For example; You start by having a stomache ache, you read about stomache cancer. You start to fear you've got stomache cancer. You dwell on your fear of ill-health. You see your doctor and find it's only constipation. But your fear of ill-health has already grown. You get a headache, you fear you might have a brain tumour. Your fear of ill health grows greater....and the cycle continues;
You then start thinking that people don't like you, so you try to avoid crowded public places. Then you think that your friends deep down hate you too. So you withdraw further; you've now got a fear of crowds.
Then start to fear burgulars, then fearing that there may be one waiting outside, so you never leave the house! You can reduce your fears through practical actions;

For example; the fear of crowds can be removed by challenging the part of the mind that fears (our primal instincts) with your intellect; what I mean is, to overcome the fear you'd need to spend time relaxing while in a crowded enviroment - a little at a time, until you're no longer fearful of crowds. Well, this was a problem I had when moving to Sydney - especially on the peak-hour trains, but after a week all my fears subsided - I gained practical experience in the feared enviroment, and my fears were found to be unfounded. This lead to a more relaxed disposition.

Likewise your fear of burgulars can be overcome by having a friend do some gardening outside. Then by doing it regularly.

A relaxed state of mind is the result when you've dealing with poorly founded fears (consider the state of mind of a Buddhist).

Fear/anxiety may also be a cause of your stomache problems, as unexpressed emotions seem to be held there. So maybe by working on your fears (fear of crowds etc) you'll start to get into a relaxed state of mind, rather than a fearful one, and be free constipation, nashing your teeth in your sleep and other physical responses to being fearful.

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8. Statement and Immediate Response Lists

Using this technique you can get information, although a response can come from any part of your mind. It therefore may give you some facts and/or what your incorrect beliefs would want you to concentrate on.

Draw a line down the center of a blank page of ruled paper. Write down a statement, that you aren't comfortable with, but should be e.g.. "I am the most important person". Then on the next line write the first thing that comes into your mind. Keep repeating the procedure; re-write the statement and a new reply each time. Do not attempt to analyze the answers until you have filled the page up, else the subsequent responses will be affected by your incorrect beliefs. If you don't get an reply in 10 seconds, skip the reply and start the next statement. For example;

I am the most important person
no you're not (obviously this is your target incorrect belief speaking)
I am the most important person
I am the most important person
birthday cake
I am the most important person
I am the most important person
I am the most important person

Then using dream interpretation principles, analyze the replies in the context of the neighboring ones. You will recall some of the people/events that occurred, then think about how you feel about these people/events and why. The above example could be interpreted; you were hurt by your uncle on one of your birthdays, and you bled as a result. This is of course just an idea, which you would need to further investigate.

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9. Correcting Belief Systems: Helping Others

Don't override the patient's free will, discuss the benefits of discovering their True-Self first.

You need the following qualities;

  1. To have compassion for your fellow humans.
  2. Be strong willed, determined and objective.
  3. Be a skilled thinker (avoid alcoholic excesses etc.).
  4. Be open minded, so that you pick up intuitive signals (you need this to get ideas for questions).
  5. Ideally be free of incorrect beliefs yourself (else, unless you can be very objective, it will be difficult to help others resolve incorrect beliefs that are similar to yours).

You will need to know or discover the correct beliefs regarding various aspects of human behavior. To simplify this task for you, I am adding the correct beliefs I discover to various documents on this Internet site (see the home-page). It will simplify your healing task if you read all documents on the site and understand the correct beliefs (Talk to God or your imaginary therapist for clarification, if you don't agree with them).

You can choose from the two most probing methods to correct the patient's belief system;

  1. Direct Investigation; useful for open minded and people with positive outlook. The easiest method, but the patient may not give information due to strong resistance to change and dominating negativity. If the patient has used affirmations (self hypnosis) in the past, they may consciously deny having any flaws in their belief system.
  2. Indirect Investigation; for problem cases. Bypasses patient awareness and avoids their mind’s interference, but requires a lot more time and interpretation by the Belief Corrector.

If you or your patient can't visualize see Blocked Memories to correct the problem (a long term project).

Helping Others: Direct Investigation

Use the Discovering your True-Self method, but take note of the following;

If a person has a heavy weight incorrect beliefs (e.g. giving Schizophrenia), before attempting to work on their belief system, distance yourself from them (ideally in another room) and talk to God about the case as a precautionary measure (they can make spooky things happen).

For children, people who can't visualize, feel they are going insane or are Schizophrenic, you will have to do the visualizations yourself, and discuss the results with the patient. This does pose two problems;

  1. The therapist will not give you sensitive information, that you might use to hurt the patient (being able to sense your weaknesses).
  2. The patient's mind cannot be controlled, and may affect your communications;

To remove the problem you may on occasions need to communicate with the therapist when the patient is occupied thinking about something else, or is a distance away (greater than 18 feet (6 metres)). In the later case you may need to write down your responses/conclusions before the patient returns, as their mind can block your thoughts being remembered. After a few treatments, the patient may be able to do it by themselves, providing they are sufficiently motivated and determined.

Helping Others: Indirect Investigation

The aim of this method is to bypass the ego and reasoning part of the patient's brain. This disables their mind's ability to block the flow of information. It is useful when someone is convinced they have no incorrect beliefs, when it’s obvious they do (e.g. smoke, over eat, shy etc.). However, it is a lot more time consuming than Direct Investigation.

These methods I have proven to work, with instant changes to the person's health when the incorrect belief is totally discredited. Using direct investigation (Discovering your True-Self), It typically takes 1 hour to resolve each incorrect belief. The stronger ones being the hardest to control during therapy.

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