The Barnes & Barnes Discography:
a work in progress

version 1.76/July 22, 2007

This discography is divided into two sections. The first section deals with recordings which feature Art and/or Artie Barnes, whether as performers, songwriters, producers, or any combination thereof. The second section deals with recordings which features their alter egos, Bill Mumy and Robert Haimer, in the same capacity.

Additions, corrections, and general comments would be greatly appreciated. Send them to

The most recent version of this discography can be found at

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Barnes & Barnes: The Main Discography

All songs are written, produced, performed, and recorded -- usually in Lumania -- by Art & Artie Barnes, except where indicated.

Barnes & Barnes

Damaskas and Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

late 1979
Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Aug. 1980
Barnes & Barnes

Mar. 1981
Wild Man Fischer

Apr. 1981
Wild Man Fischer
Nov. 1981
Barnes & Barnes

late 1981
Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Barnes & Barnes

Nov. 1982
Barnes & Barnes

Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Various artists

Hot Food to Go!

Feb. 1984
Wild Man Fischer

Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Oct. 1985
Various artists

Oct. 1985
Various artists

Barnes & Barnes

Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Various artists

Barnes & Barnes

Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

Crispin Hellion Glover

Various artists

May 1991
Various artists

Various artists

Oct. 1991
Barnes & Barnes

Various artists

June 1995
Various artists

Aug. 1995
Various artists

Dec. 1995
Various artists

Aug. 1996
Barnes & Barnes

late 1996
Various artists

Oct. 1997
Barnes & Barnes

Dec. 1997
Various artists

Various artists

Dec. 1998
Various artists

Aug. 1999
Wild Man Fischer

May 2000
Barnes & Barnes

Feb. 2001
Various artists

Sep. 2002
Various artists

Jul. 2005
Barnes & Barnes

Jul. 2005
Barnes & Barnes

Jul. 2005
Barnes & Barnes

Dec. 2005
Various artists

Oct. 2006
Barnes & Barnes

Unreleased Recordings by Barnes & Barnes

A few of these recordings have been heard on The Dr. Demento Show but have never been released on record. (Note that several Artie Barnes solo tracks previously listed here are now available on Robert Haimer's demo CDs, listed in the other section of this discography.)

The Robert Haimer & Bill Mumy Discography

This section deals with recorded appearances by Robert Haimer and/or Bill Mumy which do not feature the Barnes & Barnes aliases. This section does not even pretend to be complete.

July 1970
John Stewart

April 1972
John Stewart

late 1973 or early 1974
Various artists

early 1974
Cliff DeYoung

David Cassidy

Rosemary Clooney

Shaun Cassidy

Shaun Cassidy

Bill Mumy

Debi Neal

July 1982

July 1982
Marlene with Seawind

June 1983

Jay Gruska

Sep. 1984

Nov. 1984

Seduction of the Innocent

June 1991

Sep. 1993
Robert Haimer and Bill Mumy (under a variety of aliases)

late 1993
Various artists

Feb. 1994
Rosemary Clooney

May 1994

The Jenerators

Christensen / Schultz

Nov. 1994
Sarah Taylor & Bill Mumy

Feb. 1996

May 1996
Various artists

July 1996

1996 or later
Cherie Currie and friends...

Apr. 1997
Bill Mumy

Feb. 1998
Various artists

Apr. 1998
Various artists

summer 1998
Bill Mumy

Oct. 1998
The Jenerators

Dec. 1998
The Be Five

Aug. 1999
Bill Mumy

July 2000

late summer/early fall 2000
Bill Mumy

Nov. 2000
Various artists

May 2001
Bill Mumy

Feb. 2003
Various artists

Apr. 2003
Bill Mumy

Oct. 2003

Dec. 2003

May 2004
Robert Haimer

May 2004
Robert Haimer

Jul. 2004
Robert Haimer

Jul. 2004
Robert Haimer

Jul. 2004
Robert Haimer

Aug. 2004
Robert Haimer

Aug. 2004
Robert Haimer

Sep. 2004
Robert Haimer

Sep. 2004
Robert Haimer

Sep. 2004
Robert Haimer

Apr. 2005
Robert Haimer

Apr. 2005
Robert Haimer

Apr. 2005
The Jenerators

Apr. 2005
Bill Mumy

Sep. 2005
Bill Mumy

Sep. 2005
Bill Mumy

Sep. 2005
Bill Mumy

Apr. 2006
Gerry Beckley

Jul. 2006
Bill Mumy

Jul. 2007
Bill Mumy

Unreleased & Semi-Released Recordings by Robert Haimer and/or Bill Mumy

The following songs have been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office but are apparently unreleased. It is possible that they have never even been properly recorded. (Note that Robert Haimer's "Hey Brown Eyes" no longer appears in this section because it is available on his 1977 CD.)

The Disney Channel's 1991 Adventures in Wonderland TV series featured an enormous number of songs written or co-written by Robert Haimer OR Bill Mumy. (They didn't write any songs together for this project.) I have never seen the series, but it is my impression that all of the songs in the show were performed by people other than Haimer and Mumy. To the best of my knowledge, none of the songs have been released on record. I am aware of 73 songs written for the show by either Haimer or Mumy. What follows is an alphabetical listing of these songs, with the number in parentheses indicating the episode number of the show in which the song appeared (when known).

  1. All You Need Is Stuff [Ryan S. Moore/Mumy] (127)
  2. Back Where You Began [Mumy]
  3. Belated Bunny [Mumy] (112)
  4. Beware the Walrus [Mumy] (166)
  5. Born to Act [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (189)
  6. A Bunny Who Needs Money [Mumy] (142)
  7. Can't Chew, Can You? [Mumy] (118)
  8. Comic Book Boogie-Woogie [Mumy] (174)
  9. Cookin' Up Riddles [Mumy] (189)
  10. Cooking With Candy [Mumy] (111)
  11. Couch Potatoes Are We [Mumy] (169)
  12. Dare to Be Goofy [Mumy] (141)
  13. The Department of Missing Royalty [Mumy] (184)
  14. Every Word in the Dictionary [Mumy] (134)
  15. Everybody Be Somebody [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (167)
  16. Eye, Eye, Ma'ma [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (161)
  17. Fare-Thee-Well Spell Remover [Mumy] (165)
  18. Give a Dog a Break [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (190)
  19. Going, Going, Gone! [Mumy] (183)
  20. Goodbye, Old Paint [Mumy] (105)
  21. Graduation Day [Mumy] (172)
  22. Have No Fear [Mumy] (179)
  23. Have No Fear, Tweedles Are Here [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (146)
  24. I Did It for Dear Old Granny [Mumy] (136)
  25. If I Could Turn Back the Time [Mumy] (179)
  26. It Grows on You [Mumy] (170)
  27. It Just Tears Me Up [Mumy] (176)
  28. It's a Funny Thing [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (121)
  29. It's a Guy Thing [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty]
  30. It's Considered Inconsiderate [Mumy] (124)
  31. It's Foolproof! [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (160)
  32. It's Fun to Be Scared [Mumy]
  33. It's Got to Be in Here Somewhere [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (117)
  34. A King for Real [Mumy] (139)
  35. The Last Word [Mumy] (168)
  36. Lend a Helping Hand [Mumy] (182)
  37. Man's Best Friend [Mumy] (190)
  38. May the Best Hatter Win [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (158)
  39. Mystery Mail [Mumy] (175)
  40. No Hard Feelings [Mumy] (109)
  41. Our Queen's All Heart [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (157)
  42. Picnic on a Bun [Mumy] (133)
  43. Picture Perfect [Mumy] (168)
  44. Pop Goes the Pretzel [Mumy]
  45. The Purple Potato Pancake Polka [Mumy] (191)
  46. Royal Delivery [Mumy]
  47. Royal Rivals [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (185)
  48. The Royal Treatment [Mumy] (120)
  49. Scrub a Dub Dub [Mumy]
  50. A Serious Situation [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (141)
  51. Shhh! Surprise! [Mumy] (129)
  52. Stacking the Deck [Ryan S. Moore/Mumy] (131)
  53. The Stone Age Rock [Mumy] (171)
  54. The Taffy Tango [Mumy] (157)
  55. Take Me to Your Tweedles [Mumy] (137)
  56. A Taxing Situation [Dave Gage/Mumy/Linda Moss] (192)
  57. Thanks, But No Thanks [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty] (180)
  58. That's My Boy [Mumy] (161)
  59. Those Wonderland Christmas Traditions [Mumy] (164)
  60. Time Out (For Time Travel) [Mark Mothersbaugh/Mumy] (178)
  61. To Eat or Not to Eat [Haimer/Laura Renee Raty]
  62. Try a Little Variety [Mumy] (180)
  63. Try, Try, Try a Triathlon [Mumy] (158)
  64. A Very Able Bunny [Mumy] (123)
  65. We'll Believe It, When We See It [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (178)
  66. White Elephants Into Gold [Mumy] (127)
  67. With a Song in My Hat [Mumy] (196)
  68. The Wonderful Rag [Mumy] (125)
  69. Wonderland Workout [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (136)
  70. Words of Wisdom [Mumy] (168)
  71. "X" Marks the Spot! [Mumy/Laura Renee Raty] (193)
  72. You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover [Mark Mothersbaugh/Mumy] (185)
  73. You've Gotta Shake a Few Hands [Mumy] (130)

PLEASE send additions, corrections, and comments regarding this discography to

Special thanks and cheese go to Chris Mezzolesta, Jeff Morris, Annie Sattler, Cavan Fang, Ellen K. Hynes, Andy Hamlin, Russ Josephson, Mark Heiss, Joey Migeed, Jason Polland, Peter David, Bill Mumy, and Robert Haimer for their much-appreciated contributions to this discography.


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