Additional Commodity Cards
and Calamities
for Civilization and Advanced Civilization
This page provides access to an alpha-test version of some additional commodity cards and calamities
Advanced Civilization.
If you don't own Advanced Civilization (or, at the very minimum, its inferior ancestor Civilization) then these files are unlikely to be of any use.
Additional Advanced Civilization material
can be found from
my board games page
my home page.
The cards are split up into several files:
An Advanced Civilization game with a large number of players differs significantly from one with a small number of players with respect to the acquisition of trade cards. This is principally because calamity cards run out, leading to an advantage for players higher up the
Archaeological Succession Track.
Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just because a game is different doesn't mean it is worse, and the players will hopefully be aware of the issue when they choose countries. But if this does bother you (as it bothered many in our group) or if you are playing with
an unusually large number of players,
then the extra cards may be required.
Please send feedback to the author,
David Bofinger.
Other material can be found on my home page,
some related to other board games.
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