This is part of a a collection of summaries on the fourteenth century.
Size of Ships | |||
Warship | 100 to 300 tons | missile platform cog, with fighting castles. | T |
Troop Transport (STUFT?) | Usually 30 to 50 tons, sometimes 200 tons. | Carried 100 to 200 men and 80 to 100 horses across the channel. | T |
Typical ship | 60 to 100 tuns, 30 crew. | Tun is a bit more than a ton. | D |
Off-coast ship | Up to 500 tons cargo. | Cutting edge technology. | T |
Rates of Travel | |||
Venice-Bruges postal system | 100 miles per day. | 700 miles, 7 days. Stage horses. | T |
Messenger on foot | 20 to 25 miles per day. | Only travelling by day. | T |
Messenger on horseback | 40 to 50 miles per day. | Only travelling by day. | T |
Messenger on horseback | 15 miles per hour. | Emergency rate, not sustained. | T |
Pack train | 15 to 20 miles per day | T | |
Army | 8 miles per day | Tuchman seems surprised they weren't faster ("as slow as"). | T |
Travel Times | |||
Navarre to Flanders | 20 to 22 days. | One axis France. | T |
Brittany to Lyons | 16 days. | Other axis France. | T |
Paris to Naples | 5 weeks. | T | |
Chambéry to Turin | 5 to 7 days. | Over a pass. | T |
Best case channel crossing | 1 day. | Variable and risky (weather). | T |
Canterbury to Rome | 30 days. | Variable and risky (weather, especially channel). | T |
London to Lyons | 18 days. | Wine trade, variable and risky (channel weather). | T |
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