to Potsherds.
Potsherds is a section devoted to looking at the bible. This is
not a bible study,
se. This is more a look at the bible, in small pieces,
and understanding
how these things apply to us, or sometimes, noticing
that there are grains
of truth in these paragraphs, and sometimes, it will be
just to drive home
the fact that not only is there a God, but he's pretty smart
too ! :)
This will be updated once a week. I hope you'll enjoy them.
Please feel free
to leave me any comments or suggestions you may have
on Potsherds. I
welcome them all.
-- Deacon Dave --
1.) Last weeks "Potsherd"
2.) This weeks "Potsherd"
Then God said '' Let there be light'' and there was light. And God saw
light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God
light day and the darkness he called night. So the evening and the morning
the first day..." (Genesis 1:3-5 N.K.J.V)
first act on Earth was to create light. There was no land yet, only water
covering the whole Earth. All the land that ever was and ever will be was
hidden beneath the vast oceans. God called these things from their
secret place in the darkness into his domain. The light.
Our first
act as human beings, even before we've taken our first breath of air, is
to encounter the light. Our eyes are shut at first because it's so
bright and it hurts us to look at it. But slowly, so slowly, we open
our eyes and see how wonderful this light is, and what promise and what
joy awaits us there, and we see that the light is good
believers, we must always strive for that light. God's light.
are the light of the world. A City that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand,
and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before
men , that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
( Matt 5:14-16 N.K.J.V)
Then GOD said ''Let the waters under the heavens be gathered
Slowly, so slowly, GOD was forming his master creation, Earth.
Had you
The Earth is the Lord's and all it's fullness, the world and all those
who dwell therein.
together in one place, and let the dry land appear''; and it was so.
And GOD called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of
the waters He called the seas. And GOD saw that it was good..."
(Genesis 1:9-10 N.K.J.V)
been able to see it then, it would have appeared
to be lifeless and without any
promise. You may have even said ''Lord,
th is is to be your creation ? All I see
is a mass of rock and water. Nothing could live
here . Not in the ocean, nor in
the air, nor on the land. Nothing can even grow
here. What could you possibly
do with this ?''
Had you stayed, you would have seen this lifeless ball of rock and water
transformed. The arid, partched soil would have
given birth to grasses and plants,
trees and flowers. The lifeless oceans would
have become full of life from the
smallest plankton to the largest whales and squid.
The forest and deserts, now newly
formed would fill with all manner of life.
This lifeless ball of rock and water would be transformed into a big blue
world, a
world of life and wonder.
So it is with us. We whom GOD chooses are sometimes in the world's
lifeless and barren.
''Surley'', they say '' Nothing good will ever come from you. ''
And yet, GOD turns those same people from scorn to suprise. For he
works with us
in ways visible and invsible so that in time, we
too, become full with life, much like the
world was when GOD created it, and is still today.
Let us always remember this, lest we become the scoffers !
For he has founded it upon the seas, and establised it upon the waters..."
(Psalm 24:1-2 NKJV)