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Submission Guidelines

Previous Poets of the Month

Please Read the Submission Guidelines

You may submit any poem that you would like to have posted to my site, I do take into consideration the content of your poem.  If I see fit not to post your poem to the site I will E-mail you with a response as to the reasons of doing so.

If I do accept you poem for submission I will E-mail you to let you know when it has been posted, I will put a page up for you to let you see the page itself before I add a link to the the poems page, if you have any concerns or questions, or if you would like something changed let me know.  After I put the page up and send you the E-mail you will have 2 days to respond.  If I do not hear from you at the end of the 2 days I will add the link to the Poems main link page.

If you would like you may submit more than 1 poem, but there is a limit of 3 poems per person, any more than this would constrain the time that I have.

Also if at any time you would like to change one or all of the poems you have posted, just send and E-mail telling me which ones you want changed, followed by the poem you want to replace it with.

Or if you would just like your page taken down, just notify me by mail. It will be removed within 30 days of your e-mail notice to me.

Rain Macleod

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Rain Macleod
ICQ# 41115323

DreamGate: Open Poetry - Poetry Board