are Muslim volunteers and we love our religion Islam very much. We want to show the
world that islam is the religion of truth.
Our mission is to project a strong Islamic
voice through the net, refute the sites that wrongly insult Islam, the Koran and our Prophet.
We want to provide comprehensive
answers to those who say that wrongfully accuse Islam. We will rpesent logical and scientifically proven theories.
Muslims are not asleep. We are ready to defend our religion and WE will succeed if we stay
together and cooporate as one team defending Islam.
Example :
We feel proud of what the Muslims done:
http://members.aol.com/suralikeit/ - REMOVED: Fake Verses of the Koran
http://members.tripod.com/~question24 - REMOVED: Fake Verses of the Koran
Why We do this?? :
About the anti-islamic Sites!Some say that we should stop this hassle, others say that we
must not give any attention to such bubbles, and her are some answers : * WHO
would defend Islam religion if the Muslims didn't?If we ignore every one attacks our
religion and keep saying that this is a garbage, let him eat himself, Allah will punish
him, and all this words that might reflect some weakness in the others eyes. ( look at our
world, the status of Muslim And Arab countries thinking with the same strategy).
I want every one saying so to read the ayat from surat Al-Tawba from 12 to 16 and then
tell me what his/her reaction will be after reading these ayat.
for their oaths are nothing to them: that
thus they may be restrained(12)
Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and
took the aggressive by being the first (to assault) you? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah
Whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe(13.)
Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to
victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,(14)
And still the indignation of their hearts. For Allah will turn (in mercy) to whom He will;
and Allah is All-Knowing, All Wise.(15)
Or think ye that ye shall be abandoned, as though Allah did not know those among you who
strive with might and main, and take none for friends and protectors except Allah, His
Messenger, and the (community of) Believers? But Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that
ye do.(16)
We don't mean to fight with weapons, due to
reasons i think all know it. But to fight with words, with action, to be as a one man
defending his own sole, his religion, a movement trying to prove the lies -Taktheeb- of
all the anti-islamic movements, word by word, Alhogga belhogga.
Also in the meaning of hadeeth of the Prophet, Rasool Allah ( Salla Allah
Aleih Wa Sallam) said:"Who sees a bad thing -Monkaran-, he should try to change it
(fix it) by his hand, and if he couldn't, then try by his tongue, and if he couldn't, then
try by his heart, considering that this is the weakest point of faith -Iman-".
See what the jews do with any one who tries to say anything about
their behaviors, not even religion, take for example Roger Garudy, when he said facts -not
garbage or lies- about jews at this site http://www.codoh.com/zionweb/zionmythgar.html
, they tried to destroy him and make him go to jail. Why they did not leave him say
what he wants and consider him a bubble, why they defended their behaviors and false
beliefs and religion.
And you want Muslims after that not to give attention and defend their true religion
?????Why we say all that????I know that these faked suras at AOL , or any other site that
Attac Islam ; make no difference for the MOST OF US, and our faith -IMAN-
is not going change a bit.
HOWEVER, because there are muslims with names only, and muslims who don't
even know how to read Arabic, they cannot know the difference between the real islam and
faked islam, which these devils are trying to show. This resulting in MORE AND
MORE MUSLIMS getting very weak in their beliefs -Aqiedah-, also they may become
useless and may be leave ISLAM. You see what these sites result in?, and some of you want
to leave them do what they want andAllah will punish them?.
PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE? Just a question.
.Join To All the Muslims
( Who want to defend their relegion and ready to take action ) Are
Welcomed To Join the IIL - Especially who are Proffesional in Hadithe and Koran
explanation ``tafseer`` (( We are also looking for Muslims who have sound knowledge in
hadith, 'Ulum al-Qur'an, 'Ilm al-Balagah etc. to help us to create a thorough website
inshallah. So, far we have doen reasonably well with whatever resources we have, but we
need more people who are willing to help us in many ways to educate Muslims as well as
How To Join :-
If u find a site that attac Islam -
Submit - It to us and if you want to add your defend ( Comprehensive one
) to answer this site .
--``If u spend 15 minutes a day on the net ans searching about Islam review ; anti islam ;
islam ; u can get a result .
--If u have a Web Page , add our Logo to your page
width="128" height="66"
(We will add you to the member`s page )- If you
are Preofisional in This area ``Defending about Islam `Submit your Topic that u want to
publish it |