I haven't said much lately... but who gives a fuck? Certainly not me. Because I don't feel like working it in below, you can click here for the Interview with God, although you might go to Hell for it. If you're looking for something better to read than the bile I spew out, take your happy-assed self to the links page of Useless Jargon. You'll find a list of sites whose style I pervert into the twisted, misanthropic darkness you see before you. Doug's links page is pretty much inclusive of the (non-porn) stuff I look at... with the notable exception of Kraig T. Larkin's home page, It's not dead.

Once more, I'll elucidate you directionless masses with a top ten list.


10- The Nashville Network.
9- Y2K overreactions.
8- Rev. Jerry Falwell
7- Curling is considered a sport.
6- Pro-life snipers.
5- Poodles as pets.
4- Drive-through is often spelt Drive-thru.
3- The continuing popularity of N' Sync.
2- Those people that beat the shit out of a pit bull puppy.
1- The fact that economics is considered a science.

Don't even get me started on some of this stuff. Although, I suppose you already have...

Here are a few things I'm working on, or already have up. I actually changed a few planned projects, because I'm kinda mercurial that way. Anything I've finished will appear as a link, the rest will just be some sort of teaser to get you interested in my future writings (or to get you to make a donation. Make cheques payable to...). Projects still in the early developmental stage include all manners of propoganda for the CHSF, whenever I can pull it all together. I've taken my poems down permanently, because they suck. I'm looking to put some better literature up whenever I can write it.

-Its 50 Questions that have plagued mankind! As an added bonus, I answer them! It don't get much better than that, at least not while I still have my clothes on...

-The "adult" video! Check here to apply as one of my stars/starlettes, and check out the, uh, plot. Such as it is.

-No one's born a racist... or a sexist... or any sort of bigot, for that matter. We've all heard that hatred has to be taught. But where is it taught? Why, at the University of Hate, of course! Check out the partially completed course list for potential close-minded undergrads, available from most reputable guidance counsellors, and all the disreputable ones.

-It's an essay! About human evolution! Anyone who doesn't want to read Why Darwin was an Idiot is descended from an ape.

-It's a TV series! Check out my ideas for the first five episodes of a new series I'm developping. It's about the Pope in his secret role as a crimefighter. (Note: Co-creator is Kraig T. Larkin)

-"How feminism fucked up everything" is finally up! I'm not sure when Silas will write another essay, as he had unfortunately fallen into a catatonic state after "accidentally" overexciting himself with a Sears catalogue. Poor bastard, he just sits there in bed, staring into space, mumbling "market mechanisms... market mechanisms..." kinda like he was before, actually.

This many people couldn't think of anything better to do. Sad...
Last updated Feb. 5th, 11:39pm. I need to get laid in the worst possible way.


If you are easily offended, don't stick around this page. I prefer a challenge.

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