A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

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Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

320-331 Social Sciences

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301 Anthropology, (Cultural anthropology), (Social anthropology), (Physical anthropology), (Archaeology), (Linguistics), (Ethnology), (Ethnography), (Indigenous peoples)
302.2 Signs and symbols, Communication
302.23 Mass media, (Mass communication), (Media), (TV), (Magazines), (Radio), (Newspapers)
302.3 Bullying, Bullying - Prevention, Bullies
303.3 Public opinion polls, Quality of life, Social values, Values, (Best employers)
303.6 Terrorism, Terrorists - Biography
304.6 Population, Birthrate, Mortality, Vital statistics, Human fertility, (Death rate), (Mortuary statistics), (Demography), (Birth rate), (Marriage statistics)
305.23 Children, Children and adults, Child development, (Child rearing), (Child abuse), (Child welfare), (Teenagers), (Teenage pregnancy)
305.26 Aging, Retirement, (Senior citizens), (Seniors), (Aged), Elderly, Gerontology, Old age, (Older adults)
305.4 Women, Women - Identity, (Women - History), (Women - Social Conditions)
305.5 Poverty
305.892 Arabs
305.896 Blacks, African Americans, (Afro-Americans), (Blacks - United States), (Black History Month), Blacks - Canada, Blacks - Great Britain
306.81 Marriage
306.85 Family
307.76 City life, Cities and towns, Urban sociology, (Town life), (Urban life)
310 Statistics
314.1 Great Britain - Census, United Kingdom - Census, Great Britain - Statistics, United Kindgom - Statistics, (Scotland - Census), (Northern Ireland - Census)
317.1 Canada - Census, Canada - Statistics
317.3 United States - Census, United States - Statistics
319.4 Australia - Census, Australia - Statistics
320.1 Political science, Political ethics
322.4 Ku Klux Klan, (K.K.K.)
323 Human rights, Civil rights, United States - Civil rights, Blacks - Civil rights, African Americans - Civil rights, (Basic rights)
323.3 Women's rights, Women's movement, Feminism, (Women - Civil rights), (Women - Emancipation), (Women - Equal rights), (Women - Suffrage)
323.44 Freedom of action, Freedom of information, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Intellectual freedom, Books - Censorship, (Banned books), (Social justice), (Equality)
323.6 Citizenship, Citizenship - Australia, Citizenship - Canada, Citizenship - United Kingdom, Citizenship - United States, (Passports)
324.271 Political parties - Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties)
324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party (U.S.), Third Parties (United States politics)
325 Immigrants, Immigration and emigration
326 Underground railroad, Slavery, (Slave trade), Abolitionists, (Abolition of slavery)
327.1 Peace, Peace movement, Arms control, Arms race, (Disarmament)
330.1 Lost and found possessions, (Lost pets), (Lost articles), (Found items)
331 Labor market, (United States - Bureau of Labor Statistics)
331.25 Pensions, Retirement income, Military pensions, Old age pensions, (Social security), (Naval pensions), (War pensions), (Old age insurance), (Compensation), (Survivor's benefits), (Disability benefits), (Children's benefits), (Retirement pension)
331.3 Age and employment, Children - Employment, (Child labor)
331.5 Apprentices, (Employees - Training), (Occupational training), (Labor)
331.7 Occupations, (Jobs), (Careers), (Job search), (Employment), (Trades), Vocational guidance
332.024 Personal finance, Estate planning, Saving and thrift, (Financial planning, Personal), (Finance, Personal), (Budgets, Personal)
332.1 Banks and banking, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
332.10971 Banks and banking - Canada
332.10973 Banks and banking - United States
332.4 Money, Coinage, Mints, Paper money, Gold, Inflation (Finance), (Currency), (Standard of value), (Legal tender), Exchange, Foreign exchange, (Exchange rates)
332.63 Stocks, (Stock market), (Stock quotes), Bonds, Mutual funds, Securities, (Investments), (Foreign investments)
332.64 Stock exchange, (Securities exchange)
332.7 Credit cards, Debt, Loans, Mortgages, Consumer credit
332.8 Interest (Economics), Interest rates, (Prime rates)
333.33 Real estate business, Houses - Buying and selling, (Home buying), (Home purchase), (Real property), (Realty), (Apartments), (Rentals)
336.2 Taxation, (Income tax), (IRS), (CRA), (CCRA), (Revenue Canada), (Tax returns), (Taxes)
336.3 Public debts, (Government debts), (National debts)
338 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, (Home-based business), (Small business), Businesspeople, (Business people), (Self-employed), (Freelancers)
338.1 Farm produce - Marketing, (Farmers markets), (Agricultural products), (Farm crops)
338.4 Consumer goods, (Consumer products), (Merchandise)
338.5 Consumer price indexes, (Cost of living indexes)
338.7 Business enterprises, Corporations (Business organizations), (Businesses), (Firms), (Companies)
338.9 Subsidies, Economic policy, (Grants), (Federal aid), (Business and government), (Economic planning)
340 Law, (Jurisprudence), (Laws), (Statutes), (Case law), (Legal forms), Law - Directories
Governments: (See countries, e.g.: 971 Canada, 973 USA)
341.3 Embassies and consulates, Diplomacy, Diplomatic and consular service, International relations
345 Trials (Homicide), Criminal law, Trials (Murder), (Manslaughter), (Crime), (Offenses against the person), (War crime trials), (Courts martial and courts of inquiry), (Poisons and poisoning)
345.052 Wiretapping - Law and legislation
346.0434 Landlord and Tenant
346.05 Estate planning, Inheritance and transfer tax, (Tax planning), (Personal finance)
346.4 Copyright, Fair use (Copyright), (Intellectual property), (Literary property), (International copyright), (Cyberlaw), Trademarks, (Logos), (Company symbols), (Corporate symbols), (Trade marks)
347.053 Class actions
349.71 Law - Canada
349.73 Law - United States
352.230941 Prime ministers - Great Britain
352.230971 Prime ministers - Canada
352.230973 Presidents - United States
353.8 School boards, (Boards of education) - See 371.2 Schools - Administration
355 Military readiness
358.38 Biological warfare, (Bacterial warfare), (Germ warfare)
361.3 Volunteer work, (Volunteers), (Volunteering)
361.6 Social policy, (Government policy), (National planning), (Social planning)
361.7068 Fund raising, (Fundraising)
361.8 Charities, (Charity organization), (Charitable institutions)
362.1 Hospitals, Hospitals - United States
362.2 Mentally ill, (Insane), (Insanity), (Sanity), (Mentally deranged)
362.29 Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, (Addiction to alcohol), (Drug addiction)
362.4 Handicapped, (Disabled), Deaf, Deafness, Hearing impaired, Physically handicapped
362.7 Child support, Child abuse, Child sexual abuse, Child welfare, Abandoned children, (Deadbeat dads), (Deadbeat moms), (Deadbeat parents)
362.8297 Missing children
363.1 Accidents - Prevention, Safety education, (Safety measures), (Water safety)
363.12 Aircraft accidents, (Aeronautics - Accidents), (Air crashes), (Airplane accidents), (Aviation accidents), (Plane crashes)
363.1251 Drunk driving, (Driving while intoxicated), (Driving under the influence of alcohol)
363.17 Poisons and poisoning, Hazardous substances, (Toxic substances)
363.2 Police, Law enforcement
363.25 Fingerprints, Fingerprints - Identification, Criminal investigation, Criminals - Identification, Forensic sciences
363.28 Secret Service
363.33 Gun control, (Firearms - Law and legislation), (Right to bear arms)
363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)
363.7 Environment, Environmental protection, Noise pollution, (Pollution - Prevention), (Pollution control), (Conservation movement), (Green movement), (Ecological movement)
363.72 Hazardous wastes, (Toxic wastes)
363.738 Acid rain
363.739 Pollution, Air pollution - Measurement, (Atmosphere - Pollution), Water pollution, (Soil pollution)
364 Crime
364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)
364.16 Fraud, False personation, Credit card crimes, Swindlers and swindling, (Identity theft), (Con artists), (Con game)
364.6 Capital punishment, (Death penalty), (Executions), (Hanging)
368 Insurance
Scouts and scouting, (Boy Scouts), (Girl Scouts), (Girl Guides)
370 Education
370.19 Foreign study, Foreign students, (College students), (Overseas study), (Study abroad)
371 Schools (K-12), (K12), (Education), (Homework)
371.04 Home schooling, (Home-based education), (Home education), (Home instruction), (Home teaching by parents), (Homeschooling)
371.102 Teaching, (Art of teaching), (Methods of teaching)
371.12 (Teacher qualifications), (Professional qualifications of teachers), (Certification of teachers)
371.2 Schools - Administration, (School management and organization), (Acceptable use policy - AUP)
371.26 Educational tests and measurements, Examinations, Intelligence tests, Psychological tests, Ability - Testing, (Tests), (Achievement tests), (Objective tests), (Educational measurements), (Intelligence testing), (Mental tests), (IQ tests), (I.Q. tests)
371.3 Teaching - Aids and devices, Teaching machines, Programmed instruction, Computer assisted instruction, (Instructional materials), (Teaching materials), (Lesson plans)
See also WebQuests - Web-based lesson plans (Internet activities for educational purposes)
371.3028 Homework, Study skills, (Art of learning), (Method of study), (Study strategies)
371.39 Tutors and tutoring, (Tutorial), (Tutorials), (Learning), (Education at home), (Home instruction), (Courses of study)
371.42 Vocational guidance, (Vocational education), (Career education)
371.7 Safety education, School violence, (Student violence), (School vandalism), (Violence in schools), (Accidents - Prevention)
372 Elementary schools
372.1 Babysitting
373 High schools
374 Discussion groups, Voice chat
374.0973 Literacy - United States - Statistics, Adult education - United States, Educational surveys - United States
377.2 Character, Moral education, (Character education)
378 Colleges and universities
378.13 Alumni and alumnae - Directories
378.3 Scholarships, Student aid, Student loan funds, (Bursaries), (Fellowships), (Scholarship funds), (Student financial assistance)
379.158 School standards and accreditation, (Educational standards)
380.1 Markets, and 381 Telemarketing (See 658.8 Auctions, Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores)
380.106 Chamber of commerce, (Boards of trade)
381.13 Franchises (Retail trade)
382 International economic relations, International trade, (International organization), (Internatioal cooperation), (World economics), (Economic planning), (Social policy)
383 Postal service, Postal code, Zip code, Postage stamps, (Mail service), (Post office), Postcards
384 Electronic mail systems (E-mail or email addresses), Telephone (Telephone directories), Video telephone, Chat dictionaries, Data transmission systems, Telecommunication, (Wireless)
384.54 Radio stations, Radio broadcasting, Radio programs, Amateur radio stations, (Ham radio stations), (High-frequency radio), (Citizens band radio)
384.55 Television, Television broadcasting, Public television, Television and youth, Television and children, (Educational television)
387.155 Lighthouses
387.5 Merchant marine, (Sailors), (Seamen)
387.7 Airlines
388.4 City traffic, Traffic engineering, Local transit, (Street traffic), (Urban traffic), (Highway transportation)
391 Costume, Fashion, Clothing and dress
391.413 Shoes, (Footwear), (Boots)
391.6 Perfumes, Tattooing
392.1 Female circumcision
392.5 Weddings, Marriage customs and rites, (Bridal customs), (Honeymoon)
394.2 Birthdays
394.25 Carnival
394.26 Holidays, Festivals, (Christian holidays), (Religious holidays), (Chinese New Year), (Valentine's Day), (Easter), (Halloween), (Veterans' Day), (Thanksgiving Day)
394.268 Christmas, Christmas customs, Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, (Santa Claus), (St. Nicholas), (St. Nick), (Xmas)
395 Etiquette
398 Folklore, (Folk lore), (Folk tales), (Traditions)
398.2 Fables, Fairy tales, Legends, Urban legends (Hoaxes)
398.22 Arthurian romances, Grail, (King Arthur), (Holy Grail), (Arthur, King - Romances), (Knights of the Round Table)
398.24 Mythical animals, Animals - Folklore, Dragons, (Monsters)
398.8 Nursery rhymes

320.1 Political science, Political ethics

The 48 Laws of Power
by Robert Greene
The Prince
(Bantam Classics)
(Mass Market Paperback)
by Niccolo Machiavelli

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers, from dougstewart.org. See also 48 Laws of Power from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Niccolò Machiavelli and The Prince from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Political Science. Resources from Central Library, Vanderbilt University.

Political Science & Government. Selected list of resources in Political Science from University of Arizona Library. See also Politics and Political science from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

322.4 Ku Klux Klan, (K.K.K.)

Extremism in America: Ku Klux Klan - History. Six college students founded the Ku Klux Klan between December 1865 and the summer of 1866 in the town of Pulaski, Tennessee. Includes portrait of former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, elected Grand Wizard, or supreme leader, of all the Klan.

Handbook of Texas Online: Ku Klux Klan. The history of the Ku Klux Klan in Texas by Christopher Long. The Handbook of Texas Online is a joint project of The General Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas State Historical Association.

Immigration Restrictions and the Ku Klux Klan. Clash of Cultures in the 1910s and 1920s. Anti-Immigration and the KKK from Ohio State University Department of History.

Ku Klux Klan. Encyclopedia Article from Encarta.

Ku Klux Klan by Jessica McElrath, About.com. With the enactment of Congressional legislation and enforcement of the law by the federal government, the Klan was extinguished in 1871-1872 ... In the late 1940s, the Klan again resurfaced ... the Klan still exists today ... has ties to other white supremacist organizations such as the Aryan Nations and the Skinheads.

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. KKK is the name of several past and present secret domestic militant organizations in the United States ... best known for advocating white supremacy and acting as terrorists while hidden behind conical hats, masks and white robes. Today, researchers estimate there may be more than 150 Klan chapters with 5,000-8,000 members nationwide. The U.S. government classifies them as hate groups.

Ku Klux Klan from Spartacus Educational, UK. Learning U.S. History on the Internet.

Ku Klux Klan Filmography from University of North Carolina.

Ku Klux Klan - KKK - FBI Files. 676 pages of files copied from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., and archived on CD-ROM covering the Ku Klux Klan. Files contain approximately 350 narrative pages. Only one page shown. CD for sale. (Note: Formerly available from FBI - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - Ku Klux Klan. The FBI investigated the Ku Klux Klan during 1964 and 1965 for possible violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other criminal activities. 588 pages in 5 parts in PDF previously accessible online).

Ku Klux Klan, U.S. History from AllRefer.com. Contents: The First Ku Klux Klan, The Second Ku Klux Klan, and The Klan after World War II.

323 Human rights, Civil rights, United States - Civil rights, Blacks - Civil rights, African Americans - Civil rights, (Basic rights)

The Civil Rights Era. Part I - Desegregation, Civil Rights in the Arena and on the Stage (Brown Decision, Daisy Bates and The Little Rock Nine, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Jazz and the Civil Rights Movement, and more). Part II - Sit-ins, Freedom Rides, and Demonstrations (Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit-in, 1963 March on Washington, 1965 Voting Rights Act, and more).

Civil Rights Movement Veterans. Contents: Information About the Civil Rights Movement - FAQ about the Movement, Commentaries, Our Stories, Timeline - Rock Hill & Charlotte Sit-ins (1960), Freedom Rides (1960), March on Washington (1963), Voting Rights (1965), Grenada Mississippi - Chronology of a Movement (1966), plus links to Southern Freedom Movement Websites.

Civil rights movements - Resources. Quality websites selected by Librarians' Internet Index (LII).

civilrights.org. The definitive source for civil rights in the United States. Topics: Policy and legislation, Civil Rights Issues, Civil Rights Calendar, This Week in Civil Rights, Civil Rights Library, Affirmative Action, Census 2000, Hate Crimes Prevention, and more.

Highlighting Human Rights in Ontario. From the collections of the Archives of Ontario. Contents: Ontario – A Haven from Persecution, Right to a Fair Trial, Freedom from Slavery, Freedom of Religion, Women's Rights, Right to Education, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Ontario Human Rights Commission, plus Links to Human Rights Anniversary Sites.

The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2003 in full text, issued by the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Beijing, March 1, 2004.

Human Rights Web. Contents include: Human Rights Emergencies, What are Human Rights? An Introduction to Human Rights, A Short History of the Human Rights Movement, Biographies of Prisoners of Conscience, Human Rights Legal and Political Documents, United Nations Documents, Human Rights Issues, Debates, and Discussions, as well as Human Rights Resources.

Lest We Forget: Images of the Black Civil Rights Movement by Robert Templeton. A Special Exhibition of a Collection of Portraits mostly in oil of leaders in the American Civil Rights movement, with brief descriptions. Include Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Creators of the NAACP: Storey, Ovington, and Du Bois, Asa Philip Randolph, Benjamin Elijah Mays, Ralph Emerson McGill, Roy Wilkins, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Jr., Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Whitney Moore Young, Jr., Ralph David Abernathy, Malcolm X, Detroit Riots, Eldrige Cleaver.

Life Covers Civil Rights. 14 covers of Life Magazine.

Martin Luther King Jr. & the Civil Rights Movement from Seattle Times. Learn about this civil-rights leader and his sweeping influence. Site includes photo gallery and biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. and audio clips: I Have a Dream, I've Been to the Mountaintop, plus study guides. See also:

Negroes With Guns: Rob Williams and Black Power from PBS, on the film: NEGROES WITH GUNS. "When civil rights crusader Rob Williams urged African Americans to draw their guns on violent racists, he became the most feared man in America. Challenging the Klan-dominated establishment and mainstream civil rights leaders, Williams struggled to earn respect, dignity and equality for all Americans." PBS site provides a movie trailer (3 min. 49 sec.), Details on the film, Rob Williams, Filmmaker bios, Filmmaker Q&A, plus links to Learn more about the Film, Rob Williams, Protest Music, and Civil Rights. See also the book:

Negroes With Guns
(African American Life Series)
by Robert Franklin Williams
Rosa Parks:
My Story
Tribute to Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks
(Rookie Biographies)

Rosa Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, with color portrait. Contents: Early life, Civil rights and legal context, The bus and protests, Later life, Last days, Lawsuits and controversy, Awards and honors. See also:

  • Rosa Parks: Her simple act of protest galvanized America's civil rights revolution by Rita Dove, from TIME 100: Heroes and Icons.
  • Rosa Parks Library and Museum from Troy University, Montgomery Campus, Montgomery, AL. Contents include:

    323.3 Women's rights, Women's movement, Feminism, (Women - Civil rights), (Women - Emancipation), (Women - Equal rights), (Women - Suffrage)

    Bringing Equality Home from UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women. Site provides detailed documentation on Implementing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

    Husband of the Year Awards. Funny photos from the Web.

    Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement 1848 - 1998. Contents: History of the Movement in the United States, Detailed Timeline, Today's Issues and Activists (National Women’s Rights Organizations and Internet Resources), and Women's History Organizations and Museums.

    Women's Human Rights Resources from Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto. Site provides links to high quality information on international women's human rights.

    Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) for Rights, Development, and Peace. Resources: Women's status in Afghanistan, Brazil, Cameroon, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Palestine, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe. Bibliographies of literature related to international women's issues, Facts & Figures, Legislation, Organizations, and Profiles of women leaders.

    Women's Rights from ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union. Special feature: Timeline of Major Supreme Court Decisions on Women's Rights. Site also covers the following Women's Rights Issues: Criminal Justice, Discrimination, Violence Against Women, Education, Employment, Poverty/Welfare, and Pregnancy/Parenting.

    323.44 Freedom of action, Freedom of information, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Intellectual freedom, Books - Censorship, (Banned books), (Social justice), (Equality)

    Banned Books and Censorship. Links to sites providing information and resources on censorship of books, legal aspects or censorship, as well as who bans the books and why.

    Explore Banned Books. Google Book Search: Celebrate Your Freedom to Read. According to American Library Association, 42 of 100 books recognized by the Radcliffe Publishing Course as the best novels of the 20th century have been challenged or banned. Browse these 42 classics here.

    First Amendment Center. The First Amendment to the United States Consitution. Topics: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Religious Liberty, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Petition, and State of the First Amendment Reports 1997 on.

    Library Bill of Rights and Its Interpretations from the American Library Asssociation (ALA). Includes Links to ALA Documents on Intellectual Freedom.

    323.6 Citizenship, Citizenship - Australia, Citizenship - Canada, Citizenship - United Kingdom, Citizenship - United States, (Passports)

    Australian Citizenship. Why is Australian citizenship important? How to apply and application forms, Information and Application forms for other citizenship services, FAQ on all aspects of citizenship, Information for Australian citizens overseas, Law and Statistics on citizenship. Includes Fact Sheets, Resources for Schools, and more.

    Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids: Citizenship. Site provides definitions of the 3 types of residents of the United States: aliens, nationals, or citizens. You can also learn more about Becoming a U.S. Citizen, Rights of Citizens: The Bill of Rights, and Responsibilities of Citizens.

    Canadian Citizenship from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Contents: Citizenship Services: Overview, What Canadian Citizenship Means, How to Become a Canadian Citizen, A Look at Canada (40 pages of basic information about Canada that a new Canadian citizen should know. Questions in citizenship test are based on information provided here), Fact Sheets: Citizenship, Rights and Responsibilities, What is a "multicultural heritage?" Dual Citizenship, How to Prove You Are a Canadian Citizen, Were you Born Outside Canada to a Canadian Parent? and more.

    Canadian Citizenship Practice Test from Richmond Public Library, B.C.

    Canadian Citizenship Test.

    Canadian Citizenship Test: Questions. A Look at Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

    Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Contents: Skilled Workers - Learn how your skills and education may help you come to Canada, Business Immigration - If you have experience running or investing in businesses, you may qualify to come to Canada, Find important information about the new Permanent Resident Card and get an application. Dual Citizenship. Persons born outside of Canada to a Canadian parent may have a claim to Canadian citizenship.

    Get a Passport Now from Travel Industry Association & Travel Business Roundtable. New passport requirements for all travelers entering the United States from Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda may soon be enforced. Check this site for enforcement dates, which may vary for Air Travel, Sea (Cruise) Travel, and Land Border Travel.

    American Flag For U.S. Citizens: How to get a passport now, Where to get a passport now, How to get a passport quickly.

    Canadian Flag Canada - Passport Application Forms for Canadians living in Canada or in the United States, for Canadians living abroad, and for Non-Canadians living in Canada. Passport Canada - Canadians - Passport Renewal Application Form.

    Mexican Flag For Mexican Citizens: How to get a passport now, Where to get a passport now.

    United States Citizenship Resources from San Francisco Public Library. Multilingual guides, Exam practice questions and Community resources for the new US Citizenship Exam.

    Uinted States Citizenship and Immigration Resources.

    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Learn about visiting the United States temporarily as a visitor (tourist, student, or worker) or permanently.

    U.S. Citizenship Test - The VoteBook Citizenship Test is based on the actual test administered by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Answer given after each question asked.

    324.271 Political parties - Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties)

    Canada Votes 2008 - News from CBC.ca.

    Elections Canada. Elections Canada - Registered Political Parties:

    Elections in Canada from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. List of Political Parties in Canada. List of Canadian federal electoral districts.

    Freedom Party of Canada.

    Parliament of Canada. Here you can find your Member of Parliament (M.P.) using your postal code, as well as locate other Parliament employees.

    Political Parties and Elections in Canada (Provinces and Territories) - Canadian Social Research Links.

    Rhinoceros Party of Canada.

    324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party (U.S.), Third Parties (United States politics)

    The Democratic Party. Contents include: Chairman, Leaders, Organization, History, In Your State, 2004 Party Platform, Charter and Bylaws.

    Green Party of the United States. Elections, Articles, Press Releases, plus Links to State Green Parties.

    Libertarian Party: The Party of Principle. LP News & Events, Issues & Positions, Organization, Services & Sales, Campaigns, and Get Involved.

    Political Parties in the United States. Links to Constitution Party (Formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party), Democratic Party, Green Party, Libertarian Party, Natural Law Party, Reform Party, Republican Party, Socialist Party, and Politics1.

    Republican National Committee. G.O.P. (Grand Old Party - Republican Party).

    325 Immigrants, Immigration and emigration

    Canada Immigrant Job Issues. How widespread is discrimination against visible minorities in Canada's job market?

    Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Contents: Skilled Workers - Learn how your skills and education may help you come to Canada, Business Immigration - If you have experience running or investing in businesses, you may qualify to come to Canada, Find important information about the new Permanent Resident Card and get an application.

    Immigration and Nationality Directorate - United Kingdom. Contents: Staying in the United Kingdom, Applying for British Nationality, Work Permits, Employers' Information, Tourism / Carriers' Information, Law and Policy, and Asylum in the UK - United Kingdom has a tradition of providing a safe haven for genuine refugees.

    Immigration and Work Permits Worldwide. Contents: UK Immigration (includes a Points Calculator), Canada Skilled Immigration, USA Green Card Lottery (Check your eligibility), Australia Skilled Immigration (Australia Skilled Migration, Points Calculator), and Immigration Assessments. Besides UK, US, Australia, and Canada, site also includes links for Immigration to New Zealand, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, South Africa, Spain, Austria, Luxembourg, and Japan.

    Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930. A web-based collection of selected historical materials from Harvard's libraries, archives, and museums that documents voluntary immigration to the U.S. mainly in the 19th century. Includes 1,800 books and pamphlets, 6,000 photographs, 200 maps, and 13,000 pages from manuscript and archival collections.

    TRAC Immigration from Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). Comprehensive, independent and nonpartisan information about U.S. federal immigration enforcement. Includes Reports and Bulletins, Facts and Figures, Government Studies, and an Immigration Glossary - Plain English definitions of immigration terms and acronyms.

    UK Immigratioin and Visa Services. Include: UK Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) - Points Calculator, UK Work Permits, UK Visa Applications.

    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS). United States Immigration. Contents include: Services & Benefits, Immigration Forms, Laws & Regulations, Education & Resources, Press Room (Fact Sheets, Questions & Answers).

    326 Slavery, Underground railroad, (Slave trade), Abolitionists, (Abolition of slavery)

    Aboard the Underground Railroad: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary.

    African American Voices. Links from Digital History. Ordered by chronology and topic. Topics include: Introduction to Slavery, Enslavement, The Middle Passage, Arrival in the New World, Conditions of Life, Childhood, Family, Religion, Punishment, Resistance, Flight, and Emancipation.

    African History: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Origins of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Slavery and the Slave Trade, Slavery Images, and The Role of Islam in African Slavery from About.com.

    Amistad Incident from Awesome Stories, Famous Trials.

    Atlantic slave trade and Slave Trade Act 1807 (UK) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Timeline - The Atlantic Slave Trade.

    The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record. A thousand images, mostly from the time of slavery, selected by Jerome S. Handler (Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Black American Studies, Southern Illinois University) and Michael L. Tuite, Jr. (Head of Digital Media Lab and Assistant Director, Robertson Media Center, University of Virginia Library).

    Britain's Slave Trade.

    Harriet Tubman. See also:

    History of DC Emancipation. Historical Overview of Emancipation in the District of Columbia: from 1862 to early 1900s. April 16, 1862 marks the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia with the Compensated Emancipation Act. Timeline: Abolition in the District of Columbia: 1815-1862.

    "I will be heard!" - Abolitionism in America. Primary source materials from Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. Contents: Introduction, Origins of Abolitionism, A Slave's Life, In Their Own Words: Slave Narratives, Biographies of Prominent Abolitionists, Spreading the Word (including posters for abolitionist rallies and meetings), Black Resistance, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Abolitionist Strategies, The Emancipation Proclamation, Thirteenth Amendment, and Credits.

    Lincoln Papers: Emancipation Proclamation. Introduction, Time Line (On January 1, 1863, Lincoln signed the Final Draft of the Emancipation Proclamation), Gallery.

    The Slave Trade - British History 1700-1930 from The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia, UK. Slave Accounts, The Slave System, Slave Life, Events & Issues, Women's Anti-Slavery Society, Anti-Slavery Groups, Legislation, USA Campaigners Against Slavery.

    Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (UK) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (UK) from Anti-Slavery Society.

    The Story of Africa: Slavery from BBC World Service. Contents include: Roots of Slavery, African Slave Owners, East African Slave Trade, Atlantic Slave Trade, The Journey, Africa's Losses, African Resistance, End of Slavery, Resettlement of Freed Slaves, Forces for Change, Remarkable Facts, Timeline, Useful Links.

    "That Laboratory of Abolitionism, Libel, and Treason": Syracuse and the Underground Railroad. Special collection from Syracuse University Library, including Rescue of Harriet Powell, Fugitive Slave Law and Its Impact.

    The Underground Railroad c. 1780-1862 from PBS.org. Africans in America - Judgment Day. Resource Bank provides primary resources on slavery, people and events, e.g. Harriet Tubman c.1820 - 1913, historical documents, e.g. Levi Coffin's Underground Railroad station, 1826, Flogging a Slave Fastened to the Ground, 1850, and modern voices, e.g. James Horton on the Legacy of Slavery, and more.

    The Underground Railroad from National Geographic.com. Multimedia presentation. Contents include: The Journey, Routes to Freedom, Time Line, For Kids, Classroom Ideas, Faces of Freedom, Resources & Links, and Send a Postcard.

    The Underground Railroad - Table of Contents. Site is no longer maintained, however, excellent resources are retained: What was the Underground Railroad? Abolitionist Movement, Fugitive Slave Bill of 1850 - includes old poster graphics, Personal Narratives of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and others, Map of Escape Routes of the Underground Railroad, 1860, and more.

    Understanding Slavery from DiscoverySchool.com.

    U.S. History - Slavery in America - Directory of Online Resources. Includes: Slave Narratives, Online Publications, Studies, Online Exhibits - from AcademicInfo.net.

    United States National Slavery Museum. Contents include: About Slavery - Did You Know Slavery is not unique to North America but was a part of ancient societies dating back to Christendom and beyond? ... Contributions of Slaves and Free Blacks in America, Little Known Facts about Slaves and Slavery, Historic Quotes for Thought on Slavery.

    327.1 Peace, Peace movement, Arms control, Arms race, (Disarmament), (Antiwar movements), (Peaceful coexistence)

    The American Peace Movements by David Adams. Contents include: Anti-Imperialist League 1898-1902, People's Council 1917-1919, American League Against War and Fascism and Emergency Peace Campaign 1933-1939, Progressive Citizens of America 1946-1948, "Mobes" against the Vietnam War 1966-1970, Nuclear Freeze Movement and People-to-People Diplomacy 1980-1990, Global Movement for a Culture of Peace 2000-?, Root Causes of War, and Future of the Peace Movement.

    Building World Peace - The role of religions and human rights.

    Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace. "The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything." Contents include: Introduction to Peace Studies, How You Can Make a Difference, Is Peace Achievable? What is the Formula for Peace? The 10 Minute 'Solution', How to Achieve World Peace, The Peace Leader, and more.

    The Fund for Peace: Promoting Sustainable Security. President's Welcome begins with a quote from Isaac Asimov: "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." Violence is erupting predominantly within societies in which the state ... is disintegrating. One way to create a safer world is by increasing the competence of the states at risk. Some free articles under Reality Check, including Building Peace in the 21st Century - in PDF, 4 pages by General Daniel Opande.

    How Can We Stop Wars? From Socialist Worker Online.

    If there is to be peace in the world. By Lao-Tse, Chinese philosopher, 6th century BCE.

    National Peace Foundation. An international non-governmental organization (INGO) dedicated to building foundations for peace around the world.

    Peace and Nonviolence. Links to Issues and Causes from Yahoo! directory.

    Society: Issues: Peace. Links from dmos Open Directory Project.

    United For Peace and Justice (UFPJ) - A coalition of over 1300 local and national groups throughout the United States, joined together to protest the Iraq War.

    World peace from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    World Peace Clock Time. Doing something about world peace, one person at a time... If every person in the world made and lived by the following promise, war would not exist.

    World Peace Foundation seeks to advance the cause of peace through study, analysis and the advocacy of wise action.

    World Peace Society of Australia.Approach to peace is through non-violence and non-fear.

    330.1 Lost and found possessions, (Lost pets), (Lost articles), (Found items)

    The Internet Lost and Found. The Lost and Found Portal. Free directory listings for Lost and Found animals and items worldwide. To access Lost and Found sites outside of the United States, click on the Country of your choice to begin searching or posting lost and found pets or belongings.

    331 Labor market, (United States - Bureau of Labor Statistics)

    U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labor statistics on Inflation & Consumer Spending, Wages, Earnings, & Benefits, Productivity, Safety & Health, International, Occupations, Demographics, Employment & Unemployment, At a Glance Tables, Industries, Business Costs, and other topics. Includes a special section on Career Information for Students and a Teacher's Guide.

    331.25 Pensions, Retirement income, Military pensions, Old age pensions, (Social security), (Naval pensions), (War pensions), (Old age insurance), (Compensation), (Survivor's benefits), (Disability benefits), (Children's benefits), (Retirement pension)

    BenefitsCheckUp - a free confidential service that identifies federal and state assistance programs for older Americans.

    Center for Retirement Research, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. Center's goal is to promote research on retirement issues: Social Security, Private Pensions, Savings and Consumption, Work and Retirement, Health, International Issues.

    Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan. Get acquainted with the Canadian retirement income system, Old Age Security Payment Rates, Canada Pension Plan Payment Rates, Payment Dates, International Benefits, Forms, Statistics, Legislation, and Related Sites.

    Social Security Online. The Official Web Site of the U.S. Social Security Administration. Information on disability and employment support for people with disabilities, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, Forms, and Direct Deposit of Benefits.

    331.3 Age and employment, Children - Employment, (Child labor)

    About Child Labour from ECLT (Eliminate Child Labour in Tobacco) Foundation. Causes of Child Labour, Consequences for Children, Children at the Tobacco Estates.

    About Child Labour from IPEC (International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour). Include: Child labour in agriculture, Use of children in armed conflict, Child domestic labour, Gender roles and child labour, Trafficking in children, Global March against Child Labour, and more. Child Labour Statistics from SIMPOC (Statistical Information & Monitoring Programme on Child Labour).

    Child Labor from The Victorian Web. Many children worked 16 hour days under atrocious conditions, as their elders did.

    Child Labour. Child Protection from UNICEF. An estimated 246 million children are engaged in child labour. Of those, almost three-quarters (171 million) work in hazardous situations.

    Child Labour 1750-1850 from Encyclopaedia of British History. Scroll down to the next screen to see beginning of child labor articles: Life in the Factory, Factory Reformers, Supporters of Child Labour, Factory Workers, Factory Acts, Statistics (Weight of Child Workers, Height of Child Workers, Deaths in Leeds: 1780-1830, Mills in Lancashire, Wages and Ages in Cotton Mills).

    Child Labor: Frequently Asked Questions. Images of Child Labor from Child Labor and the Global Village: Photography for Social Change. Include: What causes child labor today? What are some of the solutions to child labor today?

    Child Labor Laws and Enforcement - in PDF, 11 pages from Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.

    The History Place: Child Labor in America 1908-1912. Original photos and photo captions by Lewis W. Hine.

    331.5 Apprentices, (Employees - Training), (Occupational training), (Labor)

    apprenticesearch.com. Search for opportunities and information about the skilled trades for apprentices in Ontario.

    United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, Pipefitting, Sprinkler Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada. Over 300,000 members strong and growing. Site covers News, Training, Political Action, Important Issues, Organizing, Safety & Health, UA Kids, and more.

    Youth Apprenticeship: Lessons from the U.S. Experience. Read about the Four School-to-Work Models in the U.S. and analysis of the general interest in youth apprenticeship.

    331.7 Occupations, (Jobs), (Careers), (Job search), (Employment), (Trades), Vocational guidance

    50-Plus Interviewing. Monster Career Advice. Careers at 50+, Interview, Resume, Salary, Job Hunting Tips and Advice.

    Aquent. Quick search for jobs or talent by city.

    Bigrigjobs - Big Rig Driver Jobs. Locate truck driving jobs and owner operator jobs with trucking companies. Contents include: Truck Driver Job Application, Company Drivers, Owner Operators, Truck Driving Jobs, Trucking Companies, Job Postings, Driver Training, Driver FAQ, Driver Recruiters, Post A Driving Job, Trucking Forum, Trucking Blog, Trucking Associations, Trucking News, Truck Stops, Truck Scales, and more.

    CanadianCareers.com. Career and employment information for Canadians.

    Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work. Job postings and advice for skilled job seekers with disabilities. Job opportunities across Canada, including some in the U.S.

    CareerBuilder.com. CareerBuilder helps connect jobseekers and employers. Search job openings, post a resume.

    Careerjet is a job search engine. It maps the huge selection of job offerings available on the internet in one extensive database by referencing job pages originating from company web sites, recruitment agency web sites, and large specialist recruitment sites. You can query this database for job offerings, and you are always redirected to the original job listing.

    CareerOneStop. Over 1 million jobs and 572,000 resumes posted. America's publicly-funded resource for jobseekers and businesses. Find jobs from entry level to technical to professional to CEO. Locate public workforce services in your area.

    Craigslist Homepage. Using Craig's List to Find a Job. Craigslist.org: Local Classifieds and Forums in Cities in U.S. and Around the World. Community, Personal, Housing, Jobs, For Sale, Services, Discussion Forums, and more. Craigslist Info. How to Use Craigslist.

    E-Verify. An Internet based system operated by United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). E-Verify is free and voluntary, available for determining employment eligibility of new hires and validity of their Social Security Numbers.

    dice.com. High tech jobs online.

    HRLive Layoff Reports - A weekly report on recent layoffs in the United States, from JWT Employment Communications. Search the Layoff Report Database for specific entries based on the search criteria you select.

    Entertainment Jobs in Film Production and Television Production. FilmStaff.com is where people go for Entertainment Jobs. Film production and television production listings are updated daily, as well as jobs on commercials, music videos, theatre, and interactive projects.

    FabJob.com. Discover expert advice on how to break in and succeed at a fabulous job. Read a free sample of each guide on-line to find out how to become an/a Actor, Archaeologist, Cartoonist, etc.

    Free Stuff from The Transition Group (TTG). Advice and tips on job search and career management. Topics include: Traits of Effective Leaders, 12 Srategies for Career Success, 9 Sure-Fire Way to Get a Promotion, 20 Ways to Survive a Merger/Downsizing/Reorganization, 8 Keys to Employability, How to Get a Raise, How to Love the Job You Hate, and others.

    Job-Hunt. The Online Job Search Guide. Over 6,000 employers by state. Job search advice: Finding Jobs Online, Starting Your Online Job Search, Creating an Internet Resume, Protecting Your Privacy, Choosing a Job Site, Using Web Job Sites, Safe E-Mail and Blogging.

    Job hunting online gets trickier. U.S. Federal regulations kicked in on Feb. 6, 2006 are making Internet job hunting more complicated. Article by Anne Fisher, FORTUNE senior writer.

    Job Search Basics, On the Job Basics, Networking including 13 Networking Mistakes, Employment Law Q&A, and other helpful job search and successful employment ideas from Monster.ca Career Centre.

    jobssearch.org. All the best Job Search resources on the Net.

    Jobseekers Advice. Offers free and independent career advice for job seekers.


    Monster Contract & Temporary. Contract and temporary job search.

    Monster.com U.S.A. and Monster.ca Canada. Search jobs, post resumes. Over 1.7 million visitors per month.

    Monster Job Search. Site provides marketplace updates, career resources, methods for information exchange in real time free of charge for both Job Seekers and Employers. Register for free.

    MonsterTrak.com. Great site for college grads. Find a job. Register and post your resume.

    Net-Temps. Search jobs by Area in U.S. and Canada, and by Keyword. An employment portal for the temporary, contract, and permanent placements market.

    NursEmp. Healthcare and nursing job site for all specialties for North America. Provides an extensive directory of healthcare recruiting firms and automatic email job updates.

    Oil Industry Jobs - Obtaining Jobs in the Oil and Gas Industry. Features details on how to get into the offshore oil rig industry and tips for entry level candidates.

    Online Job Search Web Sites: Tips to Safeguard Your Privacy by Pam Dixon. See also Job Seekers' Guide to Resumes: Twelve Resume Posting Truths:
    Truth #1: If you're going to post a resume online, post your resume "privately."
    Truth #2: Not everyone who has access to a resume database should.
    Truth #3: Not every job offer you see is for a real job -- some jobs are just scams.
    Truth #4: The more general the email “job” offer, the less valid it usually is.
    Truth #5: Even the most careful, conscientious sites cannot control your resume after someone has downloaded it.
    Truth #6: Unless you are applying to the Federal or State government, never put a Social Security Number on your resume.
    Truth #7: Using a disposable email address and a P.O. Box can save you from many headaches later on.
    Truth #8: Things to omit from your resumes if you post it online...your references, for sure. Your school name, possibly. Plus Special note for high school students and parents.
    Truth #9: Some resume databases are better than others.
    Truth #10: Delete does not always mean delete.
    Truth #11: Keeping good records is crucial for online job searching
    Truth #12: Prevention is better than the cure.

    Ten Tips for Surviving and Thriving in the Workplace by Michele Marrinan, from Monster.ca. See also: Writing a Resume for a Career Change by Kim Isaacs. Resume Dos and Don'ts. Cover Letters and More.

    Vocational Information Center. Career and Technical Education Resources. Many useful links, U.S. based. Site Map.

    WomensJobList.com (Search and Post Jobs) and WomensResumeList.com (Search and Post Resumes). Job board and resume database dedicated to career advancement for women.

    Workopolis.com. Canada's biggest job site.

    Workplace Fairness: It's Everyone's Job. A non-profit organization that helps to preserve and promote employee rights. Site provides information about job rights and employment issues in the United States. It is for workers, employers, advocates, policymakers, journalists, and anyone else who wants to understand, protect, and strengthen workers' rights.

    Yahoo! HotJobs. United States - Thousands of jobs. Find the right one. leaf Yahoo! Canada HotJobs.

    Youth Opportunities Ontario. Student summer jobs and self employment, Internship program, and more.

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